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Everything posted by JessicaPV

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  2. Well, I know how you feel! I just had a baby and before he was born my FI and I were always together. We worked together we lived to togther. I dont believe he even went to the store without me. After I had my baby (because I had a C-section) I had to stay home. I could not go to work and spend all day talking. Well it hurt so much, I dont think there was one day that went by that I did not cry. On top of that we started fighting a lot about the wrong things. Well, my son is 6 months now and things are starting to look up. It has been a rough 6 months but I am seeing a beautiful light ahead in the future. I think it is fair for you to feel upset and maybe the two of you can think about ways to really enjoy the time you do have together. If you read this sometime soon: I have a very sad story that I am not sure any bride would want to hear. If you would like to hear about it let me know and I will write another reply. It does not help you being upset but I think what it will do is hopefully open up your eyes to be able to better express you worries to your FI. Good luck with everything. Please hang in there though, if you want it bad enough things, for some reason, always have a way of getting better.
  3. I have always called my Sister ¨sister¨ I always thought it was weird that other brothers and sisters called each other by their real names. As I got older, of course it suck. The only thing was the other adults around us kind of looked at us funny. I guess some things are left for when you are a kid, but I just cant seem to give it up!
  4. Your photos are so beautiful! Teaser shots! Man I bet you cant wait to see all of them. Congrats! I love PV
  5. That is a beautiful name and congrats to the parents! My baby is 6 months today and I just realized that I do not get them back, enjoy every sec.
  6. I love dark red flowers. I know when I get married evrything is going to be red. If you cant find them maybe do something multi-color of dark flowers. Muti-color is always beautiful in your wedding pics. They match everyone! Good luck finding the perfect one for you!
  7. I say play them all! I love music and dancing. If I really have to choose it would B
  8. Ok, not sure if you would like to visit somewhere different but have you ever took a look at Guadalajara? Its a great place for so many different things and there are close towns that are really romantic. I have been living here for 6 months and I still have not had the chance to see everything. Just a thought. If you want to know more about the city let me know. Good luck!
  9. JessicaPV


    Thats great that the forum has been a help to you and you seem to be on track with everything. Welcome!
  10. Congrats and Welcome to the forum!
  11. JessicaPV


    Welcome! You are going to love it here.
  12. One of my favorite songs of all time is "Amazed" by Lonestar
  13. Welcome! PV is my favorite Destination Spot! Good Luck with everything.
  14. This is a great idea! I wish I could join in. The only thing is a have a new born a new studio two new 8&9 year old boys who live with us now and a house to take care of. Oh, did I mention cooking! OK, all done I really do hope everyone has fun and I am very much looking forward to seeing the pictures!
  15. What about stencils and some kind of spray? I doubt it would cost much if you went to a craft store. I think if you cant find a different way then pay for the writing. I think the idea behind it is really cool and if I had a sand dollar that had my name on it I would defiantly bring it home and save it.
  16. They are really pretty pictures! You truly did make a beautiful Bride. Did you have two dresses? Congrats on your Wedding.
  17. Hi, well my boyfriend and I do a lot of travel. The best place is Expedia. It is truly the cheapest, and it includes the tax when the price comes up. Just a personal note: I think it is a great idea for you to get away for a few days. I think its a chance to keep that fire going. Good luck with everything and enjoy your trip.
  18. Hey, I have a couple of things. I am not sure of how keen you are on going to those resorts but i was invited to a wedding in Cabo at: Marbella Suites. It was super cool because the resort was small enough to rent the whole thing for their party guests only. So, everywhere you were you saw friends and family. Plus, it was really pretty. The only thing i have to say was its down fault was the stairs. There are a lot but even though i was tired after the first day it felt good that i was somewhat getting a work out for free. Its just something to think about. I am sorry that Dreams is booked, but you are right what if it is to popular. Oh and for this resort you can bring what ever photographer you want. Good luck with everything.
  19. Welcome I have been to Cabo and you will very much enjoy yourself.
  20. I just wanted to let everyone know that my new baby boy Dominic Armani Garcia Bustos has been in our world for almost 2 months. Although this is not my first it has truly amazed me how fast they grow up. I have not had time to be here in the forum but should be up and running again next week some time. I will show you pictures then. Thanks for all the support while I was in pre-labor for those who caught my thread. All of you are truly amazing.
  21. Sounds good. Cant wait. I hope everything is going well with the Wedding. It is so soon. Have a great time!
  22. ok, I didnt know that. I am glad you told me.
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