Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Hi April,
Ok, I am going to respond in a bullet point fashion because you sound like such a nice person and i feel like FMIL is bullying you and it is pissing me off - since I am ing out of my mind, I am afraid that if I answer you in a paragraph form, I may freak out on your FMIL and FI's family .
This is your and FI's weddiing - you are on the same page that you want it in Mexico - not an option to have it ANYWHERE else. YOU are paying for this wedding - if you don't have the wedding YOU and FI want, you will never, ever forgive yourself. your FMIL needs to get over her-self - this isn't about her and if she can't 'accomodate' her own son's wedding, she has much bigger problems than travel dates. I suggest putting an end to the madness and letting FMIL know that you and FI understand that this is not the exact situation she would like but this is when /where your wedding will be. Further, let her know that she is welcome to host and pay for an AHR for her friends and family that cannot make it if that is something important to her (don't you pay for that too!!) Finally, if you allow FMIL and FI's family to control you now at the beginning of your marriage, it will never stop and continue to get worse. Good Luck and !
Alyssa I was just PMSing and it still ticks me of to read how insensitive the fmil is behaving. I totally agree with Alyssa....she read my mind and put into words.
I'm sorry to hear about your father.