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Everything posted by luckygirl

  1. I asked my gyn if I needed backup when I stopped taking the pill because I thought I needed to give my body a chance to release all of the hormones from years of pill use. But she said, no. She also said that it would probably take longer for me to get pregos than last time since I will be 36 when I plan on the next one. Last time I stopped taking the pill only because I wasn't able to get to the pharmacy and didn't think that I could get pregnant since I had been on the pill for over 7 years. My daughter is now 7...and healthy!
  2. From my experience with my exMIL....it will only gets worse. I'm so happy I don't have to deal with her anymore except the rare occassion we're all together for my daughter. My FI's mother is awesome and soooo not like her. You can't please all people. Yes she will be a part of your life, but who needs to put up with negativity all the time
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Dina Don't anyone stress over safety in Punta Cana. It is no safer or more dangerous than any other island out there. If this is true (which I hope it's not and my own gut is telling me is very overexaggerated), then she must take some responsibility. Why would anyone travel with such expensive jewelry? If you go snorkeling what are your options 1) leave it in the room 2) take it with you. In either case, that's a big risk I wouldn't want to take. Theft in hotels happens everywhere. Heck during my last trip the TSA at Philly airport stole my battery charger and a new pack of batteries from my suitcase. But, that's the joy of traveling I guess ;0) Laptops are stolen from corporate/business travelers all the time. So it's not just poor or remote islands. Don't let this one review ruin your trip or scare you. It happens EVERYWHERE. Mexico, Jamaica, St Thomas, Aruba, Hawaii, cruise ships. Every place has its own horror review (some legit, some not). Just use common sense when you travel and you'll be ok no matter where you go. And if any of you have a ring worth $25K & are heading out for a DW, I'll give you the number to QVC, order yourself a fake ring for the trip, and leave the real one at home :0) If this really happened I feel bad for the girl. But...I have a hard time following her story and am wondering if theres not more to it. That being said, why would I want to buy a ring from QVC to wear to my wedding I would never take my $23k ring off in DR and if I did it would be in my mouth until I put it back on after washing my hands...period. I agree, these things can happen anywhere in the U.S. I feel scared walking around Baltimore and D.C. with my ring and diamond necklace, studs and LV bag, but what the heck are you going to do? But fake everything? DR is a little sketch with the customer service that I'm used to in the States. But it is a third world country. All you have to do is look at your surroundings on the drive to the resort from the airport. All that to say..no way to a QVC ring on my wedding day.
  4. My most favorite cheap restaurant in the world is Metropole (sp?) across the street from the Ritz Carlton on Ave. Isla Verde. Cheap and delicious!!! It's a wonderful fusion of puerto rican/cuban. I am seriously thinking of trying to have my wedding in PR just so I could take our guest there for the reception dinner. The ESJ towers had my most fav. breakfast... a banana daquari with a 151 rum floater (you do get fruit right??). Also, Il Perugino was a yummy Italian restaurant.
  5. Thank you! It does look amazing. I'm only curious about how the surrounding area and the sands are. I've only been to Punta Cana once and I think I stayed at the Iberostar Bavarro I hated my vaca bc #1 it was with my ex-husband who annoyed me (we have pics from being on the beach, but I'm not in them...some topless girls were...hence...ex!) & #2 I was 3 months pregnant and beyond annoyed with slow service. I can totally deal with slow service when I've had a few drinks...but being preg. that was out def. out of the question. Everyone else I've ever talked to about DR loves it though, so I might give it another shot
  6. I was trying to find the other thread with Eden H, but I wasn't able to enter a search. But I wanted to show some pics to everyone that were taken by someone from tripadvisor's forum yesterday at the resort. It looks amazing! Just adds more confusion to my growing list of resorts... EdenH Punta Cana Jan 9th Pics pictures from friends & fun photos on webshots
  7. luckygirl


    Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Welcome! If you have any questions feel free to ask away ( it'll also help with that NOOB status!!) Jamaica, Cancun, Cabo & Puerto Vallarta have really good nightlife. St. Lucia has some great day trips! If your guests won't be there a full week you won't need a location that is so chock full of activities as you'll also want time to visit! If you need any help feel free to pm me! Ta Jennifer Thanks for the info!
  8. Congratulations!!! I don't have any information to offer on Cabo, but just wanted to congratulate you. I have found this site very helpful and time-consuming in a GOOD way!
  9. Do you need the receipt? I'm ASS -U-Meing hehe..that one would need it, but just though I would ask.
  10. luckygirl


    Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 Welcome to BDW land! The Cancun/Riviera Maya area can be very affordable and lots of fun for families, honeymooners and just about everyone. My wife Karen (Luckyk72) and I got married at Dreams Tulum and loved it. Take a look around, see what places might interest you, then ask away. Pretty much any place you choose will have a bunch of info on here. Happy planning! Jason thanks for the advice...I am so telling my FI to sign up just like you did...I think that's awesome and he could kill some time on his blackberry while waiting for all the various hearings he attends! More points!!
  11. luckygirl


    Thank you everyone for all of the info! I spent about 5 hours at work on BDW site! Thank goodness my cousin is my boss and is excited I'm getting married....I'll see how long I can milk it I just thought about posting a new thread for my venue. Even though this will be our second marriage I still want something romantic and special for both of us since we had sucky prior marriages. We are both inlove for the first time, so this is awesome! Some of the logistics are giving me a headache... We both have 7 year olds and we want them there, but need to find a nice place not too super expensive but not too cheap either that accomodates children. Then we want to send them home with relatives so we can journey on to our honeymoon at an adult only resort. But I need to copy this under a different post title! p.s. LOVE THE SMILIES!
  12. absolutely beautiful pictures. I've just spent the last 25 minutes looking at Elizabeth's website and all of the beautiful photos...
  13. I was wondering what happened to the post on Grand Sunset Princess? I wanted to see more pictures. I am sooooo confused about all of the choices and having a hard time figuring out my destination. I'm preaching to the choir though! Help.... BTW...This website has been a lifesaver for me. I have learned so much valuable info. So big shout out to the person who put it together!
  14. luckygirl


    Now I'm a NOOB?!?
  15. luckygirl


    Thank you everyone for your replies! I just don't like that I'm a lurker! How do I change my status?
  16. luckygirl


    I was just engaged New Year's Eve at 11:30 p.m. I am so excited to be engaged and planning my wedding. I'm also anxiously searching for an island to host my wedding. Our plan is to have a wedding in 2009 in either Jan., Feb., Mar. or May. I am looking in the Caribbean and Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico side. I am having a hard time deciding where We are going to have some family members and our both of our children from prior marriages there and would like to have the wedding and honeymoon at the same location. But we also would like to find a place with a great nightlife for when we are hosting the pre-wedding day events..HELP!
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