Quote: Originally Posted by TA Dina Don't anyone stress over safety in Punta Cana. It is no safer or more dangerous than any other island out there.
If this is true (which I hope it's not and my own gut is telling me is very overexaggerated), then she must take some responsibility. Why would anyone travel with such expensive jewelry? If you go snorkeling what are your options 1) leave it in the room 2) take it with you. In either case, that's a big risk I wouldn't want to take.
Theft in hotels happens everywhere. Heck during my last trip the TSA at Philly airport stole my battery charger and a new pack of batteries from my suitcase. But, that's the joy of traveling I guess ;0) Laptops are stolen from corporate/business travelers all the time. So it's not just poor or remote islands.
Don't let this one review ruin your trip or scare you. It happens EVERYWHERE. Mexico, Jamaica, St Thomas, Aruba, Hawaii, cruise ships. Every place has its own horror review (some legit, some not). Just use common sense when you travel and you'll be ok no matter where you go.
And if any of you have a ring worth $25K & are heading out for a DW, I'll give you the number to QVC, order yourself a fake ring for the trip, and leave the real one at home :0) If this really happened I feel bad for the girl. But...I have a hard time following her story and am wondering if theres not more to it. That being said, why would I want to buy a ring from QVC to wear to my wedding I would never take my $23k ring off in DR and if I did it would be in my mouth until I put it back on after washing my hands...period. I agree, these things can happen anywhere in the U.S. I feel scared walking around Baltimore and D.C. with my ring and diamond necklace, studs and LV bag, but what the heck are you going to do? But fake everything? DR is a little sketch with the customer service that I'm used to in the States. But it is a third world country. All you have to do is look at your surroundings on the drive to the resort from the airport. All that to say..no way to a QVC ring on my wedding day.