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Everything posted by jarauz

  1. Hello All, I can't believe how many Maggie Sottero drides there are? I'm also wearing Maggie Sottero.... Tabrett Lynette - by Maggie Sottero Jess
  2. OMG!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! I know how you must have felt waiting those 2 days for results. I was miserable. Good Luck. Now go out and get wasted!!!!! lol lol lol Jessica RN
  3. Hello Jess, I'm also a Paradisus bride. I was just there in January to see the resort and start the planning. Let me start off by saying the wedding planners are the best ever. If you have any questions please let me know, I'm happy to share with you any helpful information plus I have pics from when I was there in January. You can contact Teresa, she is one of the planners, she's the best ever...Tell her Jessica gave you her contact info..... teresa.calcos@romancebyparadisus.net Happy Planning Jessica Arauz
  4. Hello ladies, I jusr got back from Punta Cana, stayed at the Paradisus Punta Cana where our wedding will be help. It was absolutely amazing. I was lucky to meet Severine. I called her to inform her we were there and the net day we met at the lobby, where I gave her my deposit. She was very lovely and great answering my questions and very accomodating. I'm very excited to be working with her. Jessica.
  5. paradisus_bride, I'm so excited for you. I have been very nervous about the whole budget myself. That is why I will be traveling down to the resort (Paradisus Punta Cana) in January 8-11. we just got out flight tickets in the mail. We're very excited. It's extra money but at least I can go down plan everything and see the invoice in my own hands...lol...lol....I don't want to be surprised. I was at the Paradisus Palma Real in Aug07, and let me tell you it was beautiful. I had no complaints at all. The staff was awsome. I enjoyed every minute of it. I wish I would of had my wedding there but since most of my friends where all ready there for my friends wedding, I decided to choose PPC. Angie, did you get to plan/choose all your decorations and flowers while you where there. Did you see any centerpieces? How where they?? Was it expensive?? Jess
  6. Danielle beautiful pics. You look so beautiful. Love your dress. I was happy to see your pics by photo souvenirs bcuz i am also useing them.
  7. Beautiful pictures. You guys look wonderful. Welcome back.
  8. This is my dear friends grand-daughter. Let'​s come toget​her and as bestdestinationwedding forum frien​ds help one anoth​er out. There​'​s a littl​e 9 month​ old angel​ that needs​ are help.​ Dyani​,​ has Plagi​oceph​aly which​ is a malfo​rmati​on of the head marke​d by an obliq​ue slant​ to the main axis of the skull​.​ She'​s needs​ a Dynam​ic Ortho​tic Crani​oplas​ty and she needs​ help with funds​ for the proce​dure.​.​.​let'​s help out.​.​.​.​.​god bless​ you all.​.​.​.​ Pleas​e dial the numbe​r below​ or email​ me at jarau​z6@​gmail​.​com if you would​ like to make a donat​ion.​ For more infor​matio​n about plagiocephaly pleas​e log onto:​ http:​/​/​www.​ plagi​oceph​aly.​ info/​faqs/​what_​is_​plagi​oceph​aly.​ htm
  9. Congratulations!!!! And welcome back!!!! your hair looked beautiful I loved it....
  10. I was at th Paradisus Palma Real for a wedding in August 2007, and the food was great. I had no complaints at all. Everything was wonderful.
  11. Tami, I'm so jealous......it's beautiful... I wish I could be so creative as you....I absolutely love it......what program did you use
  12. Oh my god, I feel so unprepared....I love those personlaized M&M's...where did you have them done?
  13. Tami, I have beautiful pics of Pradisus Palma Real from a wedding I went to in August 2007. Send me ur email and I will send them to you.
  14. Thanks Foxytv, Yea I Really Didnt Like How It Wasn't Private. I Liked Your Private Beach Reception. I Think We're Going With That Idea Plus The Dance Floor. We Are Willing To Pay Extra For The Dance Floor Only Becuz We Will Have A Spanish Band That My Cousin Is Getting For Us From Dominican Republic. We're Spanish And We Love Us Some Good Merengue Music...lol....lol......lol Jess
  15. amyblant, found something helpful for you, you probably have it already. I forgot I had it. Miguelina from the resort sent it to me.... Happy Planning Picasa Web Albums - Romance Team Jessica
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