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Everything posted by Opice34

  1. You can use it for whatever you like! No cost to change the name on the ticket. The only thing I forgot to mention was that it is valid through February 2009. Let me know if you're interested!
  2. Hey guys! I originally bought my brother a ticket to Cancun on VivaAerobus that we will no longer need. I wan unable to get a full refund, but they did give me a voucher that can be transferred to anyone's name and can be used to fly to any location. The voucher is worth $289.56 and I would sell it for $150. Let me know if you're interested! Thanks!
  3. Jen - we are honeymooning in Playa del Carmen, so we will still be in the area, but we won't be at the Hilton! We are coming home on the 22nd. I really think you'll love Fernanda. She has been so wonderful to work with so far....I just love her. Kim - congrats again!
  4. Kim! I'm so glad everything turned out so wonderfully! What wonderful friends to go find a make-up artist for you at the last minute!! Did you have your hair done at the Hilton? My wedding is in TWO WEEKS and we are using DJ Mannia as well! And we're also using Elizabeth Medina! (Hi Elizabeth!) We are so excited! Ndoshi - our vegetarian dish is Spinach & Mushroom Ravioli. I haven't tasted it, but it sounds yummy! We tasted everything else and it was all fantastic. Kim - I'm so glad to hear everything went well and congratulations!!
  5. Hi November brides!! Just wanted to say hello and I hope all of the planning is shaping up well!!! I can't believe it's already here!!
  6. Oh my gosh, you are adorable. My little Texas heart just about jumped out of my chest! The dress is GORGEOUS, perfect, and I LOVE the boots!
  7. Hi guys - just wanted to say hello. I have so much trouble keeping up with this thread! I hope you are all doing well!! I can't believe November will be here so soon!
  8. Welcome LadyN! Jessica - love your dress! Yes, it is right around the corner and I have so much to do! Quick question - I'm working out the bill right now and I remember during my site visit that they said our guests would receive 2 free bottles of water in their room per day. Does anyone else remember that? Now they are telling me that the water is part of the mini-bar and our guests will be charged. The water was one of the reasons we chose the Hilton because it just seemed like a nice perk for our guests! Did anyone else think they would get free water? Also - I was also under the impression that the cost for Petra (the minister) was included, and now they are telling me that there is an extra cost for her. Did anyone experience this? Jessica, did you think there was an additional charge for Petra? So frustrating!
  9. My dress is in!!!! OMG!!! And I am eating CHEETOS right now!!! What is my problem?!?!!?!! How is time flying by so quickly?!?! I expected to be super-skinny by the time my dress got here!! How are all of you guys holding up?? I'm off to catch up on this thread...
  10. My dress is in!!! Holy crap!!! I am not skinny enough for us to be at this point yet!! AHHHHH!!!!! Okay - I got my dress at Mockingbird Bridal. Has anyone had alterations done there? Do you recommend them? If not - do you recommend any alterations places in Dallas? I'm still new to the area and don't know where to start! TIA!!
  11. Oh gosh, I just moved here, so I'm still finding my way around, but I just wanted to send you {{{hugs}}}. Everything is fixable! Citysearch has been my life saver and I'm sure you'll find someone who can help!!! Let us know how it works out!
  12. tvt - i have been looking at clutches because i was planning on getting my girl's each a different one. I'll keep my eye out for an aqua one. David's Bridal actually has these cute ruffle clutches that come in every color...it might be worth a shot! Oh, and I remember you asking if I was going to post a pic of my ring...I will when we get them! We are supposed to pic them up in a couple of weeks...
  13. This is a good question. I've also heard that there are different brands of make-up that look better in pictures? Does anyone know anything about this? Did anyone use a different make-up line for the BD or Wedding Day? I assume the MUA at Nordstrom would know. Are you going to a particular make-up counter? Good luck! I hope you have a blast!
  14. Gosh, I can't keep up with ya'lls posts! Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Since we got the invites out and we're awaiting RSVP responses, I'm taking a wedding hiatus for a couple of weeks! But I have kicked me workout in high gear. Swam a ton today and can hardly move my arms. I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR WEDDINGS ARE SO SOON!!! How did that happen?! Next on my list is the welcome letter for the OOT bags, too! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  15. Yes, it is big. I'm getting a little frightened. Not an AI - paying per head! Eek! Hence the reason I'm working so much. No help at work yet, but one of my co-workers has decided to return from maternity leave early, so that will be a huge help. Honestly, I don't think she should do it, but it really will help. Things are crazy! Are you guys exercising? I had grand plans of being in super shape, but as the day draws near, I'm just hoping to be in better shape than I am now. I need to get on a serious workout plan...have you guys started?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson Wow! That is awesome. We had 16 book right away besides us, so 20 going so far, and then there are all those who still say they are coming but can't seem to get their trips booked! I am basically thinking that they aren't coming, which is ok, and if they do book then that will just be a bonus. How many did you invite? 208 We're expecting about 100. We'll see! Yikes!
  17. Tara - Love, love, love your earrings! I must head to Dillard's soon! Erica - Love the flowers from your legal day! Especially the one in your hair! We got invites out last week and 61 people have already booked. Holy crap! We picked out wedding bands on Monday, too. Other than that, I'm just trying to survive at work. I hope all of you are doing well!
  18. Oh, I can't come! We are having a wedding shower that night in Houston. I will have to catch you girls next time!
  19. We did RSVP, Accommodations, and Welcome Dinner info... I just got mine and tried to post pics, but failed.
  20. Sure - I was going to wait until my planning thread, but I'll go ahead and post them now. I actually scanned a copy for a friend who is biking through Asia. I emailed it to her, so I'll just post those pics here...
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