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Everything posted by Opice34

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek After my last post I saw my siggy. OMG 6 months 2 weeks left. I started to tear up and than panic struck. WTH where did all my time go. I feel like I have nothing done. I couldn't do much during tax season since I was working all week and all weekend so i never noticed the time flying by. I did buy a whole bunch of stuff for Welcome Bags/OOT bags and my favors, both of which could of waited to get done. But besides that all I have done is purchased my dress, send STDs, Oh Crap i think that's it! I have to make a list of what i have to do. So what do you all you Nov brides or any other brides have done at this point? I'm totally freaking!!! You are way ahead of me! We're getting married November 15th and all we've done is send the STDs. I haven't even STARTED dress shopping!!!!! We just moved, started new jobs and built a house, so we have been consumed with those life changes. I can't believe the wedding will be here so soon! Yikes!
  2. Mel - did you recently change BC pills? Maybe that was why it popped up all of a sudden? I hate BC Pills!!!! The side effects are ridiculous!!! I have sun damage too, and I just tried a glycolic facial for the first time last week. It worked well, but it hasn't been long enough for me to see if it will last...
  3. Holy cow! Why don't they just call them baby jellyfish instead of sea LICE?! That would sound much better! I'm leaving tomorrow to go to a friend's wedding at the Casa Magna Marriott. I guess I'll run by the pharmacy and see if I can pick some sort of protection up. I'll let you guys know if we run into any this weekend!
  4. How sweet!!! I'm so happy for you!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is fantastic news!!! Way to go!!!!
  6. I will have to check out that ferret thread! It's shocking, but FI and I met at the Ghost Bar in Vegas. I still can't believe it. Neither of us are "club" people, so the fact that we met there is just insane!!!
  7. Would he be okay with you handling ALL of the finances? I don't want you to have to deal with this forever.
  8. Thanks! I had 3 years of zero fun, but I did it! I even moved back in with my parents for a year. (I am very lucky to have fantastic parents.) And when I was getting my MBA, I really didn't have a dime. I remember being at a bar with friends once and all of my credit cards were maxed out and my checking account was at $0. So, I was drinking water. My friends ended up buying my drinks that night and I promised them I would repay them one day! And I have! It was a really good feeling, but I couldn't have done it without a wonderful family and friends...
  9. I just re-read my post and that sounded harsh. I think it's great that he's working a 2nd job to try to pay it off. That is excellent and shows he has a good work ethic. I'm sure he is a wonderful guy! I just feel badly that you are having to deal with someone else's debt! And I shouldn't have called his spending "careless". It sounds like you guys are on a tight budget, and in the grand scheme of things, 10k is not that much. But that interest rate is a killer! I really do hope things work out for you guys. It sounds like he's a good guy and he definitely has a good support system in you.
  10. Great advice everyone! Especially Christa! Glenda - it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. When I finished grad school, I had 30k in CC debt and 60k in school loans. Paying that off was the hardest thing I've had to do, but it taught me that I will NEVER be in debt again. (And I have quite a good nest egg built up now, too!) So, I think it's good that you're not bailing him out. He needs to feel the pain and understand how serious this is! Does he recognize how impressive it is that you have paid off so much of your debt? My concern is that if FI doesn't think debt is a bad thing, it seems that he'll just continue down this cycle. He needs some sort of mental shift, or once he pays this off he'll just accrue more debt elsewhere. Perhaps he needs to be explained the difference between compound interest working FOR you vs. compund interest working AGAINST you? What if you put together an amortization schedule showing how much money you'd have at retirement if you invested that $300 each month? Maybe if he saw how much the money would grow if it were put in savings rather than paying off interest for a credit card? The thing that eats me up about paying interest is that it's FOR NOTHING!!! It kills me! And if that doesn't bother him at all, I worry that he'll continue down this cycle. In the excel help tool, if you put in "amortization" there is a template you can use. I used this to calculate the interest paid on all of my dates and also the interest earned on all of my investments. He also needs to recognize that once you're married, it's not just HIS debt, it's your debt too. I assume you are making good money and having to sacrifice things because of his careless spending. If that's the case, he should be bothered by that. If he doesn't care about getting out of debt for himself, he at least needs to care about getting out of debt for you! I hope everything works out. It took me a long time to figure out how horrible debt is, but I'm glad I got that lesson in my early 20s. It was so rewarding to pay it off myself and it was a priceless lesson! I do think the CC company will lower the interest rate if he consistently makes payments on time, but I think the bigger issue is that he doesn't seem to be concerned about the debt. Hugs.
  11. I went through a horrible break-up in college and one of my co-workers (I worked at a restaurant) decided to set me up with one of her friends. He picked me up in a small, ratty truck that was so filthy inside I could hardly breathe. We then went to an incredibly crappy Mexican restaurant for dinner where he proceeded to talk about how much money he had and took every opportunity to pull out his wallet and show me the $100 bills inside. (Which, it should be noted, not only DIDN'T impress me at all, but mainly made me wonder why someone with so much money would drive such a filthy car and take a date to cheap restaurant.) Oh, and he was about 15 years older than me. After dinner he says "well, I was planning on taking you to the park, but since it's raining, how 'bout we go to the mall and you can try on some clothes for me and I'll buy you a new outfit". WTF?! For some reason, we continue on to the mall (I was only 20!) but I tell him I will not be trying on clothes. He says "okay, there's a pet store there and I need to get some food for my ferrets anyway". Knowing that ferrets are some of the dirtiest animals to have as pets, I said "did you say you have ferretSS? Where do you keep them?" He tells me he has 6 and he refuses to keep them in a cage because he thinks it's inhumane. So, they just run around the house. After continually telling him that I don't need any new clothes and that I will not try anything on for him, we make our way to the petstore where he uses, what else, a $100 bill to buy a $10 bag of ferret food. He asked me to come over, but the vision of ferrets scurrying throughout his house was enough to send me over the edge. As if I didn't have enough reason to be skeezed out before he mentioned the ferrets! Never saw him again. Geez, I love my FI!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Well, he followed me inside. I do the fake yawn, I gotta go to work early thing, etc. trying to get rid of him. I walked out of the room and came back to find him in his underwear on my couch! The direct quote was "Since I brought you home, how about a blow job?" WTF!?! OMG!!!!!!!!
  13. Were they just "and guested" or did they all have multiple names on the invitation? I have some single girlfriends who will be "and guested" and I told them it would be fine to bring a girlfriend with them if they wanted. It's allocated in the headcount, I want them to have a good time, and I think they'd much rather have a friend with them than some person they recently started dating. But, I TOLD them this ahead of time and there won't any other names on their invite. I can't imagine them doing that without me bringing it up to them... I agree with what Kat said, too. Good luck!
  14. Gosh - some of you guys have been together for a long time! Wow! We've been together for 4 years, 3 were long distance.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH We were dating for 4 years before we got married... I just told DH that some of you have been together for 8-9 years...and he goes "so you mean I could've had like 5 more years to think about it?" ass LOL....that sounds like something my FI would say.
  16. Wow! Those are gorgeous! Very, very classy! I am really starting to think about doing this and it is so unlike me, too! I wish i lived near Toronto - that photographer was great! Very tasteful and elegant! He's going to love them!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura Opice, see the MQ buttons at the bottom of each post next to the QUOTE box? click MQ at the bottom of each post you want to quote to multiquote so you dont post 5 times in a row . Thank you! That's very helpful!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura kat i had the same problems as you with the hormonal pills, all the crazy symptoms and wacky periods. the link you posted is decent in terms of information, but there is a statistic on the page that is incorrect. it is not true that 7 out of 100 women experience expulsion after the first year or first month. its actually a lot lower than that, its around 2% according to the research pamphlets my physician gave me. most of the time the women who expel it are women who have never had children before. my first one expelled after about 6 weeks, and the same day they took the old one out, they put a new one in. ive never had a problem since. the reason why women who havent had kids are more likely to expel it is because your uterus is not used to having a foreign object in it (ie a baby). your body sometimes tries to naturally expel things that dont belong there. i had really bad cramping before the pill, while on it, and after getting off it. my doctor prescribed ponstel to take care of it about the same time I got my IUD, and it doesnt eliminate cramps completely but they are significantly less painful when i take the ponstel when im having a bad cramping day. Sorry for the multiple posts... Maura, my new (and fabulous) doctor has recommended an IUD to me, too. I'm just a little nervous about having a foreign object implanted inside me though! Does that freak you out at all?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by B&J2008 I've taken Alesse for several years now. Last year, at this time, my period starting messing up after being so predictable down to the time, so I thought that was a sign i needed to switch. I have been on 4 other BC's since last year and have recently gone back to Alesse. The dose is low, so its suppoded to make you have lighter periods, which mine always only lasted about two days. I took Seasonale, which you are only supposed to have 4 periods/year, but I was a raging bitch while on that one, as well as Yaz in which I cried all the time. I then switched to Loestrin 24 in which my period was pretty much nonexistent, which I loved, but I would have PMS symptoms all through the month, they weren't bad, but it was annoying and there is not a generic for that one, so it was expensive even with insurance. So here I am, back on Alesse. I've just been back on it a month, but so far so good! Also, with the others, I felt like my sex drive was down, and my sex drive is never down! I'm back to myself now...haha Speaking of sex drives....on Estrostrep, my sex drive was OUT OF CONTROL. I gained 35 pounds and was this big disgusting whale and all I wanted to do was have sex all the time. It was INSANE! Poor FI...I'm not sure how he even looked at me during that period!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I really can't wait to stop taking BC! I mean look at the crap it puts us through!! Blah you would think there would be a better way to not get pregnant that doesn't include yucky condoms or not doing it at all! I finally decided that if I get pregnant, I get pregnant. Then it was meant to be. I just turned 30 and I'm in a loving, committed relationship, so if we get pregnant, so be it! The timing wouldn't be ideal, but at least I'm healthier. I really was miserable on the pill.
  21. Everything works differently for different people. Just listen to your body and you'll know if it's okay for you. I've taken three different kinds in my life and I will never, ever put a BC pill in my body again. (And I was on them for endometriosis...) My experiences: #1) Seasonale - AKA "The Death Pill" - I threw up every morning for 3 months. Doc said my body just needed to "get used to it". Eff that. Switched to... #2) Estrostep - AKA "The Fat Pill" - I gained 15 pounds in 3 weeks and 35 pounds overall. I lost 10 pounds immediately when I got off, worked my tail off to lose another 5, and have been stuck ever since. I swear, it changed the entire shape of my body, my metabolism, and my ability to lose weight. I have never, ever had a weight problem until now. Then we tried... #3) Yasmin - AKA "The Blech Pill" - Overall, this was the best of the three, it just made me feel kind of "blech". I became a bit depressed, wanted to sleep all the time, no energy, and nothing really excited me at all - neither anger or happiness. FI said I lost my "spark". I spent 2 years trying to find a BC Pill that worked for me and between the puking, the fatness, and the general discontent, I've decided that I can handle the pain that endometriosis brings. I'd rather be uncomfortable once a month instead of miserable every single day. Needless to say, plenty of people have taken the pills above and have had zero issues. It really is different for everyone. JUST LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. NOT YOUR DOCTOR. I spent too much time listening to my doctor when my body was screaming at me that something was wrong. (When I called to talk to him about my rapid weight gain, he told me just to eat less and exercise more. Effer.) Good luck! But if you're on one that's working for you, I think I'd stick with it!
  22. CONGRATULATIONS!! We actually got engaged there, too! It's just lovely! We wanted to have our wedding there, but good grief it was expensive! Congrats again!
  23. Is she afraid of flying or something? Do they not travel much? Maybe she just has some anxiety about traveling or something. Hopefully she'll get over that and realize that being at her son's wedding is more important than being a little uncomfortable! I'm just wondering why she hasn't wanted to go there previously....she may just have her own fears that have nothing to do with the wedding...
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Thank you so much - you are so sweet! It's Monique Lhuillier and the name of the dress is "Scarlet." Well the dress is long gone - the bride I sold it to got married in November. i wonder if she kept the dress or sold it to a third No wonder it's expensive! I love her designs too! Really, it was just beautiful!
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