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Everything posted by Opice34

  1. Jessica - thanks for posting the pics!!! We are going back down there in June for the menu tasting and to pick the flowers and everything...I'm excited!
  2. Danielle - tell FI I'm making my FI wear a suit! Mwahhahhaha... And tell your goofy SIZE FOUR - gasp! - sister that people that tiny look great in EVERYTHING!!!! Sheesh! Who's the designer for the bridesmaid dresses? I like those! I'm doing the Biggest Loser thing, too! We've got some time to recover before Wednesday's weigh in! Just stick with it!
  3. Yes - I found it in another city for 20% cheaper!! It was still a little more than what I wanted to spend, but the 20% helped me justify it!! I really do just love it! Thanks! How is all of your stuff coming along? You recently got your dress too, didn't you?
  4. Oh - and my favorite part is probably the bustle! I think it's so cute! Here's the dress shop lady showing what the bustle will look like.
  5. Here you go! I'm just giddy about it. I didn't know I had this much *girliness* in me. Front: Back: Detail:
  6. SoontobeMrsE - That's FANTASTIC that your boss is letting you leave early to work out!!! That's great! I got my dress yesterday!!! WOO!!! Big check mark!
  7. Oh my goodness this has been craziest week at work! I hardly slept at all and hardly ate either! And not by choice - just because I've been running around like an idiot! I stopped at a gas station on Friday and bought a snackpack of Pringles and a (*real* - gasp!) Coke and that's all I had in my mouth ALL DAY!! Granted, that low of a calorie intake has made me happy with the number on the scale, but that is not healthy! On the upside, I've been drinking a ton of water, so that's good. And I also did my Pilates Jump class Saturday morning and it is honestly the best workout I have ever, ever, had. I used to be an athlete, and I have never come out of a workout as exhausted as I do from the Pilates Jump classes. They mix Pilates with Cardio and it doesn't even look like you're doing anything, but I swear every single muscle in my body is so sore! It's crazy!! I could hardly walk to the car! This week I'm working remotely which means I'm here with FI and everything will be better. He's an excellent and healthy cook, and he's trying to lose too, so I think this week will be much healthier for me! Oh - sorry I'm late to post about this, but about taking pictures on the scales...I travel for work and won't be able to weigh in on the same scale every week, so I'm just going to make sure my first and last weigh in are on the same scale...but the one I did my initial weigh in on....I don't know how to describe this...but you step on the scale on the floor, but the scale reader is raised so it's right in front of your face. I think it's for older people who can't bend over to see the number. And I'm not sure if anyone posted this as a tip, but get enough sleep! When you don't have enough sleep, you're body starts craving all sorts of bad things (like sugar!). If you have a healthy sleep pattern, you'll have much more control of your cravings. Easier said than done, I know! OH - and I agree with Glenda (I think that's who said it ) about ramping up the cardio first. Personally, my psyche needs to see the numbers going down until I'm happy with my size and feel good in my clothes. Then I'm okay with the number going up after I'm fitting in clothes the right way. So, I ramp up on cardio and pilates and then add in weights later too. But I have never heard a trainer recommend this; in fact, they usually say the opposite. But if I add weights in too early, my quadriceps start growing and all of my pants are tight in the thighs and it freaks me out and I quit. Plan for today is 45min of cardio on the elliptical at the gym! No weights for me yet! Good luck to everyone this weekend! It sounds like everyone is doing great! Stick with it! Hugs!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Hi! I'm ready to go too! Thanks again, Ann! Could someone PM me Ann's email address? I PMed her my weight, but I don't have a photobucket account or anything and I'd like to go ahead and email her my picture! She might be logged off for the night already and I don't want to miss the deadline! THANKS!!! Nevermind!!! I got it to work through Picasa, so my pic has been PMed to Ann! I'm all set!
  9. Hi! I'm ready to go too! Thanks again, Ann! Could someone PM me Ann's email address? I PMed her my weight, but I don't have a photobucket account or anything and I'd like to go ahead and email her my picture! She might be logged off for the night already and I don't want to miss the deadline! THANKS!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake Thank you ladies, this really helps me get an idea. the photographer I want to use is $4200 for 5 hours and you get the digital negatives. I love their style I just have a hard time spending that kind of money when I really don't want to spend more than 15,000 total. We are already spending $4,000 on a band because the music is important to my FI. My mother just informed me that she wants to give us money but I feel bad taking it but it would help. My FI is basically paying for it all. I guess we have a lot to figure out. I just don't want things getting crazy! How'd you find a band?? I've been so nervous about finding a band in Cancun! Did you get a chance to listen to them before you booked? I'm afraid to book one without hearing them first...
  11. Tara!! I am tired just reading that post! Holy cow I can't believe you've accomplished all of that! How were you able to arrange discount travel for your guests? Are they all flying on the same flight? All I have done is: booked the location, created the website,sent the STDs, and I potentially have my dress picked. Reading these posts is making me feel a bit overwhelmed!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Here in NY, the cocktail party is the BIGGEST part of the wedding. Most people prefer the cocktail hors d'oerves over the reception dinner. So I made sure we had a big cocktail party at our Cabo wedding (since our guests are from NY.) But we changed it up a bit and had the cocktail party before the ceremony. This way everyone could have something to eat and drink before heading to the beach for the ceremony. And then it gave them a little time to digest before the dinner. We had a pretty elaborate cocktail party (by Cabo standards) for the 33 guests that we had. We had 3 stations (Mexican, veggies/bread, and cold seafood) and 8 different passed hors d'oerves. Everyone LOVED it and ate everything. And then after the ceremony, as everyone headed up to the reception area, we had some more hor d'oerves and some gucamole and chips served to everyone while they waited for us to take pictures and then start the dinner. I didn't feel it was a waste of money. I HATE going to weddings where there isn't enough food (or bad food) and you leave still hungry. So I felt I would rather stuff our guests than not have enough food. I hope this helps. I too am a huge fan of the cocktail hour and hors d'oerves! It's a must for me! I find that people are always so excited to find what's being passed around on those little trays!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tobi Jessell this is one of my fav threads. it made me change the list i have for items to put in my oot bags, confirmed the importance of a good photographer, makes me happy with the small cake in our package, and not so freaked out about the inexpensive dress i found that i LOVE. keep them coming guys =) Tobi - you and FI make such a cute couple! The pic in your sig is adorable!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by kimdelc Hi! I am a newbie to this site and my fiance and I are getting married at the Hilton Cancun too! This was definitely a great idea! 1. When is your wedding and # of guests? - August 31, 2008; approx 130 guests 2. Ceremony location? - Miramar Terrace 3. Cocktail hour location (if you're having one)? - Mexican Patio 4. Reception location? - Miramar Ballroom 5. What vendors are you using (minister, photog, florists, dj/live band, etc) Minister - Petra Maurus Photog - not sure yet, maybe flying one in from LA Florists - not sure yet DJ - not sure yet Live Band - Los Barones Mexican Trio We are using the happy hour Friday night in the lobby bar as our "Meet and Greet" just to get all the guests to mix and mingle before the wedding. We are having some trouble finding a reasonably priced DJ right now. I'm hoping this site will help us fill in some of the unknowns! 6. Any additional fun info about your wedding, pics, etc! Hi! Is the Miramar Terrace the one that overlooks Miramar Garden? Or is there another Terrace? You can fit 130 people up there in a ceremony setting? I had no idea you could fit that many! That would be beautiful! We are planning on having our cocktail hour up there, but the terrace would be great! Is the Los Barones Mexican Trio the one that plays at the Hilton Happy Hour? We are planning on using them. I'm happy to know another Hilton bride with a large guest list! I haven't even begun to search for DJs....what kind of price quotes are you getting? We are going down there in June for another planning trip and we are planning to choose the menu, flowers, etc....then. Let's keep in touch!
  15. Hello to another Hilton bride! Welcome! I will be getting married there in November!
  16. I think I finally learned how to use the multiquote - woo! Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak I guess I'm wondering..do you really need place cards and table numbers?? We are only having about 20 guests. I was just hoping we get enough tables to accomodate the number of guests and everyone sits where they like?? Just curious if there is a reason. We are doing an at home reception also so I guess I'll be more worried about that one. I don't think you'd need them for that small of an affair. I've been to larger weddings without place cards, and it was a bit stressful trying to find a seat with people you know. But I think it would be nice for people to sit with people they haven't met and get a chance to get to know them! Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE OMG - I love those colors. Wow - they will be SO stunning together! Sounds beautiful! THANKS!!! I'm finally getting excited and I think the "vision" is coming together... Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Ummm...I wore my Spanx..wanted to be able to fit my hips thru those size 8dresses they think everyone can fit in! My sister was basically tucking my fat in the dresses while we were trying on. I just laughed with it. We had a fun time. Good Luck Yeah, unfortunately I didn't take them with my on my first trip, and it was DISASTEROUS. (More on that below.) I took them with me today, and it was MUCH BETTER. I wish they could just sew the SPANX right into my skin so I'd always have them with me. I'm glad you had fun!! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek opice my colors well I think my colors are going to be turquoise and lime green like my siggy. I love blues and i wanted bright colors. I love blue and green together!! So pretty!!! .... I finally went dress shopping this weekend and I think I found THE dress! The only problem is it's about 3x more than I was expecting to spend. (I guess I should have asked before I put it on, eh?) But this has been such an emotional experience, I almost don't care. I went to try on dresses on Thursday, and I didn't fit into a single sample. I felt like a fat sausage. I wear a size 8 in the real world and feel like I'm very average. I left there feeling fat and disgusting and cried myself to sleep. The sales staff were trying to sell me the dress and telling me that it would look great on me if it were the right size. I just couldn't imagine buying a dress that I couldn't even try on in a decent size! These dresses were so tight I could hardly move my legs and the back was about 4 inches from zipping! It was bunching and pulling in the middle and just completely ridiculous. How could I buy that when I would have no idea what it would REALLY fit like?! Whenever I've gone with my friends, the dresses have always been huge and they've had to clip them into place! I was not expecting this and I had a major meltdown fearing that I would have to buy a dress just HOPING it looked good on me in my size. I shed a lot of tears Thursday and Friday!!! Ugh! I can't believe a store wouldn't have any "normal" sample sizes!!! That was AWFUL!!! I was so disappointed because dress shopping is supposed to be such a fun experience, and you're supposed to feel beautiful. It really knocked me down hard. But on a positive note, I really am ridiculously out of shape, so it was a good wake up call that I need to get in gear. BDW Biggest Loser 2 - here I come! Today was a much better day. Several dresses were too big, and my self-esteem greatly needed that. And I found a dress that I LOVE, but I just can't believe how expensive it is. My mom, who is usually a very conservative spender, even thinks I should get it because she says it is THE dress. I really did light up when I was in it and after how horrible my dress shopping began, I think my mom was just happy to see me happy again! (But I'm the one who's paying for it, so I'm just having trouble pulling the trigger.) Oh - and thank goodness for SPANX! They were with me on my trip today and they greatly helped, too! Anyway - I feel better about potentially having a dress! I need to order something soon as November is fast approaching. I'm amazed at how much you guys have accomplished! I guess I need to create a project plan...I have a lot of stuff in my head, but I need to write it down. Oy! This is a lot!
  17. Hi! Excellent idea for us all to be in contact! 1. When is your wedding and # of guests? - November 15, 2008; approx 100 guests 2. Ceremony location? - Miramar Garden 3. Cocktail hour location (if you're having one)? - Caribe Terrace 4. Reception location? - Miramar Ballroom 5. What vendors are you using (minister, photog, florists, dj/live band, etc) No idea yet... 6. Any additional fun info about your wedding, pics, etc! I love Fernanda too! She has been just wonderful!!!! Congrats to you guys!
  18. I am so ready for this!!! I went dress shopping for the first time last night and ALL of the sample sizes were TOO SMALL!!!!!!!!!! WTF? I remember going dress shopping with my friends and all of the dresses were so huge and they had to pin them together to even get an IDEA of what they would look like!!! How disgusting did I feel that I couldn't even fit in them!! And I'm a size 8 in the real world?! I know I've got some weight to lose, but COME ON! Anyway - I found a dress that I think I love, but it's so stinkin' tight I can't tell and I'm scared to buy a dress that I can't try on in a regular size. Ugh! Biggest Loser here I come!!!! I officially have the motivation I need! Let's go!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ccarmany23 Opice..or anyone...how much was it to rent a car in Mexico? Did you just need passport and credit card and get one at airport? I'm trying to decide whether to take the bus to site visits or to rent a car...but I am likely looking at hotels down in Tulum also so may be worth it?? I don't remember exactly how much it was, but you can get a quote online. We booked the car online through expedia. I have never taken the bus, but renting a car is much cheaper than cabbing it! We rented through Dollar and when you pick up the car they run your credit card for a BLANK AMOUNT, make you sign the receipt, and tell you that if the car comes back damaged, they will fill in the amount. Needless to say, we were a bit concerned about that, but didn't have an option. We'd try another car company next time, but from what I understand, that practice is pretty standard. Good luck!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by srbina Hi everyone! We just got back from our site visit on Saturday. Needless to say, today I was not ready to get back to the real world! Oh, I wish I was back in Cancun, on the beach, having a drink. Much better than working Anyways, we went to the following resorts: CasaMagna/JW Marriott Fiesta Americana Le Meridien Hilton We fell in love with Casamagna and booked there! We have pictures from each location, so if anyone is interested, or wants to know more about them, let me know! Ha! I was a guest at a wedding at the Casa Magna on Saturday! It was beautiful! Congratulations on finding a spot!
  21. I also just got back from Cancun yesterday and I didn't see any sea lice either!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Our guests booked ryan air out of houston & aeromexico. It was still around $400. We went through a TA that uses funjet. Last summer there were $200 flights on suncountry. Sadly, it looks like those days are over Since we started watching prices in August, they have only gone up. We booked in september & it hasn't been lower since then. Ryan air has really strict luggage rules (up to 44 lbs total) so it might not be a good airline for you to fly. It's fine for guests who won't have a lot of luggage, but if you are taking OOT bags or any decorations it would be hard. I had no idea Ryan Air flew in the States! I've flown them in Ireland, but not here! I'll have to check it out! Thanks!
  23. So do you think prices are going to keep going up I was hoping they were going to go down by November because it will be the low season then. What do you think?
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