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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I would be so pissed if I was her. Then I would have had a panic attack. ~~
  2. Read this, this is horrible and sad. This is such a fear of mine. Does anyone live in Northern Ontario that may have a spare dress? WEDDINGBELLS Message Board Community: OMG...my dress doesn't fit!! ~~
  3. I think the VIP means that you get an upgraded bed, room if available, better drinks, and a later check-out time. I could be wrong though. ~~
  4. Ladies, My Mom called and my Dad is awake after his surgery. He is doing fine. He has been moved to the ICU and will stay there for observation. I guess he is awake, and, because of the drugs, is saying some pretty waky stuff. He's mainly concerned with missing the last CFL home game tomorrow, so he must be feeling a little bit better. Francis and I will be going to see him later this afternoon. We will probably be spending all weekend with my parents, so that my Mom can help my Dad, and give them company. It's just so scary because once we get older, so do our parents. This year has been so hard on our family: my Mom had a run with possible cancer [luckily it wasn't] plus she was hospitalized for something, I don't know what, it was like a stroke but wasn't. Then, with me, I had my last miscarriage in Febraury, my Grandpa died, and now my Dad is sick. Lastly, Francis' Grandpa died. It's been tough. But, thank you everyone so much for being here for me. You have no idea how much it means to me. Thanks so much. ~~
  5. my nurse sister called. They are stopping his heart to put it back in rythme. Oh my goodness. ~~
  6. Ladies, thank you so much for praying for my Dad. Here's an update: I went to go and visit him last night in the hospital. My Mom said that he has an irregular heart beat and they have him on medication to bring it to normal. They think what happened yesterday morning was that his heartbeat dipped down into the low 30s and that is what caused his body to react. My Dad said that he couldn't breath, he got all sweaty, and he felt very faint, but he didn't have any pain or tingly arms. Then [and they didn't bother to tell me this yesterday] they called an abulance to come and get him. He seems to being doing better, he wants to go home, especially since there aren't any beds available in the cardiac ward so they have him in a private room in the ER. The Doctor said that he probably has had something like this his whole life, but, because he is getting older, it probably started acting up. The Doctor said that it was a great thing that he didn't ignore it, that he came in, because it could have been much much worse. Bigger update: My sister just called me when I was writing this. My Dad is going into a procedure where the "zap" the heart in an attempt to get the rythme back to normal. I think it's called cardiac stenosis surgery? My sister [this was the non-nurse sister] didn't know the exact name. So, now we wait. Is this safe? I was feeling okay, but now, the worrying has started again. ~~
  7. My Mom took my Dad to the hospital this morning. He was complaining of chest pains, shortness of breath, and my Mom [who is a nurse] said that his heartbeat was threaded. He has been there all day now and they are running tests on him. They don't think it's a heart attack, or a stroke, but aren't to certain what it is. My sister [who is also a nurse] just called me to tell me that he has been admitted. I'm so scared right now and I just can't stop crying. ~~
  8. Yeah, Claudia emailed me like right after I made that post. LoL. I just picked my menu!!!! Has she sent you pictures of the flowers yet? If so, can you post them or email them to me? I don't want to bother her about that if someone else is. Plus, have you asked her about centerpieces? I know that we can choose between fruit or flowers, but I would really like to see/know what they look like. ~~
  9. The colour looks pretty close to me, but mind you, seeing it in person is much different. I want to tell you to try not to worry about it, but believe you me, I worry about things like this too with our wedding. Have you tried talking to the supervisor? Are they refusing to redo them? ~~
  10. I really like the photo of you and your fiance when you are standing by the tree, looking up, you are wearing the white sweater and he is wearing the blue dressy shirt. I really like that one!!!! ~~
  11. Welcome, you have totally came to the right place. ~~
  12. Hi- I'm a Barcelo Colonial bride-to-be. From what I have beard, the Palace is utterly amazing. Everyone who I have talked to about it, absolutely loves it. ~~
  13. heather007


    You have definately come to the right place. Any questions at all, just ask. ~~
  14. I can't say I know a lot about those resorts, but I'm sure that you will get an answer soon enough. ~~
  15. heather007


    Hi Kim. I'm sorry, I ca be no help, I'm a Mexico bride-to-be, but I'm sure that there will be many people here that will be able to help you out. ~~
  16. Thanks ladies, I absolutely love them. It took me a long time to do them, because I didn't work from a template. Plus, because I'm not a scrapbooker, I needed to learn all about cutting, embossing, what type of paper to use, etc. However, once I learnt that, it only took about a month to actually do it all. I absolutely loved doing it. Like seriously, I never thought that I would have enjoyed something like that so much. ~~
  17. I agree, it totally depends on what you truly [deep down] want. For me, the photos means a lot to me, because we have been together for like three years and only have like 4 photos together. I have lost a crap-load of weight, so the TTD is something to celebrate us, the weight loss, everything. I agree also with Katie, because it's not like you can go back to that moment. $1200 isn't too bad, but I would look at what it would cost to fly someone down there with you, and you just pay for their all-inclusive trip; it might only be $1000 more or so, and that way, you would have them for three or four days, maybe the whole week, as apposed to only 2 hours. They might give you a deal on the photos afterwards, and/or, if you can find another bride getting married around the same time/place, then maybe she will share the cost with you. We are flying our photog down with us [barcelo Mayan Riviera/ photog's cost is $3000+] so it's not cheap, but it was something that we had to make that decision on. It took us months, but ulimately, it was the right decision. ~~
  18. The rest of the pictures: Oh, and mind the furry tails that are in some of the pictures, my boys like to be involved in everything!!!! ~~
  19. Finally, our invitations are finished. We used our three wedding colours: turquoise, green, and burgandy. We also used two different background themes: squares and floral, but both are in our colours. Sorry some of the pictures are so big. We embossed the starfish on the accommodations and the maps. The starfish I ordered off of ebay from China. We absolutely love them. They were a heck of a lot of work, but well worth it. Now, we can start on our welcome books. ~~
  20. I'm going to post them anyway, I know they won't go into the contest, but they are just too cute to sit in my computer with no one looking at them. This is Francis on a tour bus in Finland at 8:00a.m. This is Francis later that night. This is our baby Toed [Toad], he sleeps like this all the time. This is McGillvy sharing the spot with Toed. My future MIL's house and her cat trying to eat my cereal. ~~
  21. Oh drat, I totally missed out. I had awesome picture of my fiance. Hahahaha, maybe I'll just print them out and stick 'em on the fridge. ~~
  22. The Maple Leafs actually win a game!!!! ~~
  23. Yeah, Claudia hasn't responded to me in over a week. ~~
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