Oh dear, I am not too certain. We are getting legally married here first, it's a secret though- only my parents will know, so I'm not to certain about the documentation. Best bet, email your WC and ask her. Then, post her reply on here!!!!
Yeah, well here is the bathing suit story. I have been on weight watchers for almost a year and have lost 30 plus pounds on it. Before that I had lost 20, so in total I have gone from a 224 to current weight of 177, I'm 5'8 almost 5'9. I want to get down to 164 for the wedding, and, on weight watchers, that is my target weight too. So, as a visual goal, 30 pounds ago, I went out to Walmart and bought a heck of a lot of bikinis to motivate me. Then, whenever I felt discourage and wanting to snack, I would go and pull them out, remembering what I was losing the weight for.
Now, that I'm closer to my goal and I have a little bit of saggy skin [gross] I am buying more reasonable looking suits/tankinis/bikinis and might only take a few of the original bikinis with me.
That's my story.