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Everything posted by heather007

  1. Wowers, $100.00 cancelation fee? That's crazy. I found that after we made our bookings, everything else regarding our wedding was done through our WC. Our TA actually recommended that. At first I thought that it was strange, but when dealing with the wedding, the WC is the best person to go through. We only talk to our TA now in regards to the actually travelling part. ~~
  2. Thomalm- thanks for the list of sellers!!!! ~~
  3. Well, I don't really know what to do now. I just made a post and I lost 83 points with one post, but none [this time] from my bank. Moral of the story: pay really close attention to when you are buying something because you might just be accidently buying something else. ~~
  4. We were looking at the Santa Fe before we decided to go with the gala dinner. This is what we were going to pick: Bontana Santa Fe Mixed Grill And a dessert. We found it very hard to understand the santa fe menu. We didn't know if we only picked one from each course or what. Best bet, email your WC and ask her to elabrate a bit more. We didn't want to go with the other menus because we felt that they were very limited and the Santa Fe offered the best options for all of our guests. ~~
  5. Wow, you girls are so lucky to live close to a place where you can buy pashminas for really cheap. I ended up going to Ardene's here to buy mock ones. I couldn't justify the cost of them on Ebay and after hearing the horror stories from the girls who ordered them from here. Good luck in Chinatown!!!! ~~
  6. How is things going with your TA? Anything change? ~~
  7. Oh, how was the surf and turf? We are having that as well. Thanks honey- you reminded me that I need to write up our menu today. Opps- there is so much stuff that I'm forgetting to do. ~~
  8. You live in Ft McMurray, we are moving there [possibly] in a few years with Francis' job. ~~
  9. Um, that is so strange. Oh and it didn't take only take 50 out of my bank, it took an additional 4000 points. ~~
  10. I was in the vbPlaza menu to buy myself a ribbon but I accidently bought the postcount plus 50 instead [it's right above the ribbons and it costs the same and I was on the phone]. Now, whenever I post anything, I gain one tiny point, but it takes 50 points out of my bank. Or something like that. How can I get rid of this? I'm gaining like zero points, losing points, and never got my ribbon. ~~
  11. I'm looking right now at the sea breeze menu- what are you finding confusing? ~~
  12. Yesterday, my fiance's car wouldn't start and he had it plugged in. My car, that hadn't ran in three days and was sitting on the street, started fine. He was not impressed!!!! ~~
  13. Haha, with great resistance. The biggest problem I'm having is because I have lost so much weight, my winter jacket is too big now, so it's not that warm anymore. I'm too cheap though to go out and buy a new one, I want to wait to get one on sale for the end of the season. I like the cold though. But this is really cold. ~~
  14. I knew you would want to see pictures. Here is my first choice, Francis and I both like the silver, because the add a bit of spunk. Here is the other pair [look fimiliar?] LoL. However, they have a two inch wedge, so I think it would make me way too tall. Plus, I can't imagine walking around drunk in them, I don't have the best balance to begin with. ~~
  15. Mexico is looking better and better with the current weather outside. I live in Regina Saskatchewan Canada and it's -32 degrees Celsius right now, -45 degrees Celsius with the windchill. It is so flipping cold outside. ~~
  16. Thanks everyone for so much advice on shoes and where to buy them from. I checked out the Ebay site where Amanda bought her's from and I found a pair that I love on there. They are so pretty. I'm thinking that I will order them, they are just a simple pair of flip flops with rhinestones on them. I don't want anything to fancy or with heels, I'll fall all over the place and I'm already 5'9, so I will be way too tall. ~~
  17. We are arriving on Sunday and our wedding is on Thursday. Originally, we were going to get married legally there, but then we decided to get married legally here first, so that we wouldn't have to wait for our certificate, to do all the paper work here, etc. We have some friends that waited close to seven months before their paper work came. Plus, the idea of a foreign doctor taking my blood, creeps me out a lot. LoL. So, it only cost around $20.00 and it takes like fifteen minutes. We aren't doing anything too formal, just going to sign the paper work. On a total off-topic topic. Can anyone else believe how close Christmas is? ~~
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by IndianBride Is anyone having a private welcome dinner at Barcelo before their wedding? We aren't having a private welcome dinner, but we are having a welcome cocktail on the Monday at 3:00p.m. in the Puebla [Colonial Beach Lobby Bar]. We were thinking about a dinner, but that got veto'd out by our families because they did not think it was a good idea to make our guests take time out of their holiday for a supper. This way, the welcome cocktail is our meet and great for our guests and we are handing out our OOT bags then too. ~~
  19. That's so awesome that OT will do that. They just need to start doing it for Canadian customers now. LoL. ~~
  20. Oh dear, I am not too certain. We are getting legally married here first, it's a secret though- only my parents will know, so I'm not to certain about the documentation. Best bet, email your WC and ask her. Then, post her reply on here!!!! Yeah, well here is the bathing suit story. I have been on weight watchers for almost a year and have lost 30 plus pounds on it. Before that I had lost 20, so in total I have gone from a 224 to current weight of 177, I'm 5'8 almost 5'9. I want to get down to 164 for the wedding, and, on weight watchers, that is my target weight too. So, as a visual goal, 30 pounds ago, I went out to Walmart and bought a heck of a lot of bikinis to motivate me. Then, whenever I felt discourage and wanting to snack, I would go and pull them out, remembering what I was losing the weight for. Now, that I'm closer to my goal and I have a little bit of saggy skin [gross] I am buying more reasonable looking suits/tankinis/bikinis and might only take a few of the original bikinis with me. That's my story. ~~
  21. Yeah, I'm in the process of making myself barefoot sandals for the ceremony and beach reception. What I'm looking for though is some sandals to wear during the disco, or walking around the resort in my wedding dress, you know? I don't really want to be walking around in my barefoot sandals around the resort. Oach!!!! ~~
  22. Very nice colours. I love your hair. Girls- I don't know about you, but I'm getting super excited!!!! I went out today and bought some more bathing suits. LoL. I think I'm sitting at over 20 pairs now [i think someone has a shopping problem]!!!! ~~
  23. Hi, I'm interested in your one left that you have. I sent you a pm. I didn't even think about pictures, and this hat will look amazing for the TTD. Thanks!!!! ~~
  24. Claudia told us that they have them in white, navy blue, and red. However, I'm not certain if they have any other colour. Plus, you are getting married at the Palace? So they might be a bit different. We are bringing down our own chair sashes in turquoise and putting sugar starfish on them. ~~
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