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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I'm thinking about adding a handfasting ritual to our ceremony, because it follows Francis' religious beliefs. Has anyone done this before? ~~
  2. She's too close of a relative to uninvite. LoL. ~~
  3. I don't want to say who it is, because the internet is just way to small, but one of my very closely related relatives is planning on wearing her wedding dress to my wedding. Her dress is white with tiny blue flowers on it, without a train but a puffy bottom and spegitti straps. I can't tell her not to wear it because she is a little, for lack of a better word, "sensitive" and would blow it out of proportion and would probably wear it anyway just because I asked her not to. She would end up spreading lies about me telling her not to come to the wedding, because she has already done that with me in the past on several different occasions. I know why she is doing it, and I don't want to sound self-centered, but she is doing it because she knows how it would make me feel and how much it would hurt me, she pulls stuff like this whenever it is someone else's day and she is not the focus of attention. Another bummer is that all of my guests from my side of the family have seen her in the dress, because they were at her wedding, so that means that they would know it's her wedding dress. I'm not mad, I'm more hurt. She has done so much "mean" things to me in the past and this is just the icing on the cake. I talked to me Mom about it and she said that the person may not wear it, she might be just saying that she will to make me upset and to cause drama, and if she does end up wearing it, at least Francis' side won't know that it's her wedding dress. ~~
  4. Titanium rings can be resized, it's just they are very difficult to do it. I would look around to find a specialized goldsmith in your city who can do it. It depends on the quality and grade of the titanium. It might, however, be cheaper to buy a new ring and have the old one melted down into a pendant or something for your hubby. ~~
  5. For our reception, we are using round tables that seat either 5 to 6 people. Here's the issue: Francis' parents, who are divorced, do not have the "best" relationship. However, his Mom still wants to sit at the same table as his Dad, and his Dad said that it wouldn't be a problem. The issue is, whenever they are in the same room together, they cause a lot of drama and make things uncomfortable for everyone else. I want to stick them on opposite ends of the reception area, but because they both have expressed interest in sitting together, I feel like I should honour their wishes. So I will. The way that I'm thinking of planning the table is by sitting them [clockwise] Mom, daughter, their other daughter, Dad, Dad's married friend, then his friend's wife who is friend's with the Mom. Confusing? LoL. Do you think that this will work? Then, they aren't sitting beside each other, more like they are sitting across from one another. I can't go: Mom, sister, Dad, sister, friend, friend, because the Dad and one of the sisters don't get along either. Oh brother. ~~
  6. We were in a similiar situation as this one. My fiance is 31 and has been on his own since he was 17 [went to University in Edmonton]. I am 25 and didn't contribute much except for my excellent taste in style. Anyway, we didn't really want anything from our guests, but we were always being asked. Plus, we aren't having an AHR, except for some small backyard bbq's to just celebrate. We orginally just asked for money to help pay for the wedding because I'm in university so I'm not paying for any of it, my fiance is paying for it all, and my parents chipped in about $2500.00. Finally, my Mom sat me down and told me that there has to be something that we want because there are family members that will not give cash, they will give a toaster or some fugly china or something. So, we decided to go and register at The Bay, Home Outfitters, Sears, and BowRing. Mainly, we just asked for some more towels, and kitchen stuff- like Denby place settings. I'm really glad that we did because people are buying stuff off of our registry. Plus, the kick ass thing about registries is that you recieve a 10% off closing price for like a year after the wedding. So, let's say that The Bay is having a good sale and one of our gifts are on sale at 30% off, we would get an additional 10% off that- making it 40%. We both love to shop, so it just worked out perfectly for us. We ended up registering for more things just so that we could get it all at sale price after the wedding. ~~
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride My middle name is Elizabeth too!! I don't mind it actually...although, my aunt who I am named for is a real b!tch!! My first middle name is Elizabeth as well, my second one is Joyce. I'm named after my Grandmothers. ~~
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by melwru I am definitely changing my last name. My maiden surname is RIDICULOUSLY Polish with a silent W at the beginning!. No one can spell it or ever pronounce it. FI's last name is only 4 letters long! Its an easy decision for me. After 32 years of listening to people butcher my last name, I'm happy to let it go I'm from Regina too!!!! ~~
  9. I decided that I am going to change my last name too. Just like Heather, it's going to be very hard to do that though. I am, too, very close with my family and I have no brothers to carry on our last name. However, I do take comfort in knowing that I have three boy cousins with our last name so they will pass it on to their children. Plus, I absolutely adore my last name. My name is Heather Jones. It is very plain, but forever I have always been called "Heather Jones" not Heather, so it's like part of my first name. Or, people call me Jones or Jonesy. Some people I know will keep calling my Heather Jones despite the name change but that's okay. I'm not going to hyphante my last names together, they will just be way too long, plus I have two middle names to begin with, so I don't want 5 names. My new last name is very Ukrainian, but sounds Mexican in the way that it is pronounced. But whatever, Francis said it was up to me, but I knew that he really wanted me to take his name, and it makes him smile and be happy, so that's the most important thing. I am looking forward to it, it's like a new chapter. ~~
  10. Are you serious? I have to phone Oriental Trading to get them to file the report? How ridiculous is that? They didn't even pay for the shipping. Ugh, so much work and I'm so lazy. LoL. I'll give them a call this afternoon. On a plus side, my shipment came in yesterday. The girl at the post office even commented on how late it was. Everything is fine and in good shape, except for one thing. I ordered some little parasols for drinking cups to throw in everyone's bags, and they are cute and all, except for the big "MADE IN CHINA" written across the top of the parasol. Hopefully people will be too drunk to realize. ~~
  11. I am still smiling about it. I think that's why I love him so much, because he's just so geeky [he's an engineer] and cute. To carrying on the rant with the other big boobed gals, I totally can relate about buying bras. Whenever I go into La Senza or some place like that, the bras don't fit and I can't find a 36DD, so they attempt to stick me in a 36I or something retarded like that. I'm like, what? I used to work for Pennington's, so I took a bra fitting course and I know my measurements. The best place to find bras that I have found- is Zellers. They have a tiny little rack that is for "full figure" ladies and they go up to a size 40DDD. Unforunately, they come in bizarre teenage colours, like purple, hot pink, fuschia, which is fine, but attempt wearing one of those under anything other than black and you look goofy. I'm going to run off today and see if I can find a few more bras, my last two just popped out the underwire so now I'm down to only two. I remember when I was in highschool and a size C cup and I had like 20 pairs of bras. ~~
  12. The other day Francis and I were driving to get groceries and I told him that I still needed to go to a lingerie shop to buy something to wear under my wedding dress. I went on to tell him that I needed something supportive, because my boobs are way to big to go without and I want to wear something that sucks everything in. He was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking very hard, and then said, "Well, just do what you do when you play ball. Wear your bra and put your sports bra over it." He was very proud of himself for thinking that would be a perfect solution for under my wedding dress. I busted out laughing because all I could picture was me wearing my strapless wedding dress with my purple coloured bra and a black sports bra over top of that. LoL. ~~
  13. I think that I might call Oriental Trading tomorrow if it hasn't arrived by the time that I return home from university in the afternoon. It pisses the frack out of me. ~~
  14. Amanda- you get married in 17 days!!!! How are you doing? Nervous? Excited? Is everything done? ~~
  15. Does anyone have any extra sandalwood fans in the glass boxes or not in the boxes that they are looking to get rid of? I think that I might have accidentally thrown some out while I was cleaning up my office because I'm missing around 10 or so. Sellers on Ebay are asking an arm and a leg for them. Thanks!!!! ~~
  16. Good ideas. I'm thinking that the bubbles and the tears of joys packs will go on the chairs and the fans will go in a bucket or something- mainly because I don't have enough fans for all the guests- I only bought 32 and there are 35 confirmed, plus, my Dad and all the guys that I have talked to said that they wouldn't use a fan. The pashminas I thought all afternoon about and I think that I will stick them in a bucket too, right beside the seating chart. That way, people can pick out whichever colour they want. Well, that's the plan right now anyway, it may change tomorrow. LoL. ~~
  17. Very pretty. I'm sure, by viewing the pictures, that they would be in relatively good quality- but pictures are hard to judge by. Just try to find out what type of backing they use and string. I finally designed a look that I liked. However, after putting it on, I realized that I made it too big for my foot. ~~
  18. I have fans, bubbles, tears of joy packages for the ceremony. For the reception: pashminas, and hopefully cigars for the guys [but those we'll get in Mexico] and I don't really want to have to walk around and hand them out to everyone. So, my question is, did anyone set up a little table or something for everyone and stick them all in buckets or whatever? I'm thinking of doing this, and them having a nice saying in a frame for people to read to understand just what to do. If anyone else did this- what did you write and do you have a picture? Thanks!!!! ~~
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by klopez i was going to do the same...spent about an hour and a half in michael's deciding on beads and getting all the other stuff....got home and said "forget it" and returned everything the next day! GO ME!!!!! HAHA You rock!!!! I thought about doing that too, thinking, what the heck am I getting myself into? But, I'm using them as my "something blue". As well, I'm not about to pay someone to make me one. ~~
  20. My fellow Canadian brides know what I'm talking about here. I ordered my OT items on December 15th and they still haven't arrived yet. To top it off, I paid an extra $20.00 to get it rushed shipping, so that it would have been here on the 23rd of December. Well, what the heck- where is my crap? I checked the tracking number and it says that it's in Ontario, and I live in Saskatchewan, and it has been there since the 31st. Like, what is going on? I phoned our local Canada Post office and they told me that they have no idea and "it should arrive soon". I know that it isn't a big deal, but I'm waiting for my mini starfish from them so that I can start gluing them to everything. Plus, when you pay amost $70.00 for shipping, one should expect it to arrive when it says it will!!!! Ugh. Okay better now. Just needed to get that off my chest. ~~
  21. Looks great!!!! I'm currently working on mine too, except I keep changing my mind on what I like!!!! ~~
  22. This totally kicks ass. Thank you so much. I know what I will be doing tomorrow. ~~
  23. So I just paid for my shoes. I ended up buying two pairs, because I couldn't decide which one I liked more. Plus, I'm a sucker for combined shipping, so I always think that I get a huge deal when I'm only saving like $3.00 by spending an additional $20.00. LoL. I went with the sliver ones and another pair which has beading on them. I figure that which ever one I don't wear for the wedding, I'm certain that I will wear around the resort. So, thankfully, with these two pairs, I will be offically done buying shoes. Woohoo!!!! ~~
  24. I'm currently working on my postcards- once they are done- I'll post them!!!! ~~
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