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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I went to Dollarama today too, but I didn't see the Tropical Lip Smackers, I'll have to go back tomorrow. I found all their Canada things- and they have really cool "light up" shot glasses with Canadian flags on them. We were looking at shot glasses online the other day and my fiance picked some out just like them- minus the flag. Plus, they have frisbees, something that we want to throw in. I'm still waiting for them to get in their aleo lotion and sunscreen. Your Dollarama must be more advanced then mine!!!! ~~
  2. Sweet, I also read something about "borderfree" but had no idea what that is. ~~
  3. Okay, I'll probably end up calling them. It's strange because I'm buying a lot of little things there too along with the parasols, and I thought that the $30.00 was too low. Do you know if you are going to get charged duty? ~~
  4. Thanks for the other thread link. LoL, you have comforted me knowing that I'm not the only one who is questioning my bags. What do yours look like? What all have you gotten for your bags? I know you have porbably posted this somewhere else, I'm just too lazy to go searching. ;P ~~
  5. LoL, that's okay, I'm used to it. I don't know all the states for sure, it's funny. ~~
  6. LoL, that's what I'm afraid of. I've already bought new bags, and my fiance has told me to stop changing my mind on things. It's just that he has given me such a small budget- $10.00 per bag. ~~
  7. LMAO!!!! Saskatchewan is a HUGE province above North Dakota, it's in the middle of Canada. http://www.craigmarlatt.com/canada/i...ds/map_pol.jpg Too cute!!!! ~~
  8. Good idea. Why knew that the OOT bags would be so consuming. I have been thinking of nothing but them for like two weeks. ~~
  9. Just wondering if there are any Canadians out there who have ordered from Oriental Trading and what your shipping, etc. was? I go to my check-out and my shipping is like only $30.00 on like $300.00 worth of stuff. It seems low. Anyone else with experience from ordering from them? ~~
  10. I want to throw parasols in the OOT bags for the my female guests but I'm uncertain about what to get the guys. I wanted to get them strawhats from Oriental Trading, but my fiance veto'd the idea, he thought they wouldn't get worn. So, now I'm stuck. I already have koozies and lotion for the OOT bags. ~~
  11. We have bought koozies for our OOT bags. My fiance actually picked them out, and we got them from the Dollarama. We are happy with them because he vetoed me for getting tavel mugs. ~~
  12. LoL- I think it might be Canadian thing. We managed to call our parents, who are calling all the aunts and uncles, and we called our friends, so the majority of people now know. LoL. Oh the drama of bookings. **I'm so glad that I went with group bookings. ~~
  13. I'm so glad that you found those. You inspired me to go back to Dollarama and buy different bags!!!! I got the platic material stripped ones, another girl on here had them and they looked awesome. I'll post a picture after supper. FYI- Dollarama has also gotten their beer koozies in tropical themes now too. We bought over 60 of them. LoL. ~~
  14. Francis gets so bored too, so this surprised me a lot. It's insane. Then the next day, we went shopping at Dollarama for our koozies and new OOT bags, LoL. Then, I left him for a second, next thing I know he was in the asle where the findings were and was picking out boxes upon boxes of rock findings. I couldn't believe it, he just went ahead and was like, "this is what I want to do." You should have seen the looks women were giving him. ~~
  15. We spent almost three hours in Michaels!!!! My fiance and I went to Michaels to look at findings [because we are making our own wine charms for the reception favours] and ended up looking at invitations, ribbons, and all of the scrapbooking stuff. I couldn't believe how involved my fiance is in this and to top it all off, his ideas where way better than mine, it's like Martha Stewart took over him or something. Anyway, between the agruing, confusion, laughter, and craziness- we came up with, or rather he came up with- an amazing idea for our cards. Now guess who gets to bring his idea to life though? ~~
  16. Why not trash the dress 2 years later? There is nothing wrong with that idea. I think that it would be beautiful. What station was talking about it? What were they saying? Man, I missed it.... ~~
  17. Sarah, Your wedding picture is absolutely beautiful. Did you have an evening wedding? ~~
  18. I find that so amazing that she made them, if only I was so talented. I think that I want to go to Las Caletas for a vacation here.... Are you guys planning on going back? ~~
  19. Okay, but how do I tell my guests about the moved wedding date? Thanks so much for all of the great suggestions. ~~
  20. One of our departure plans booked up so we had to move our wedding dates up. How do I tell my guests this? ~~
  21. We went to see our TA yesterday, and TA Lindsay was there too [Any Canadian brides needing a excellent TA, use Lindsay]- anyway, we decided to go ahead and do the group booking because the day that we wanted to depart, one of the city charters were already booked up!!!! Needless to say, we have now needed to advance our wedding by a week- glad that we are doing th group thing. ~~
  22. Lindsay, I love your pictures, you look so happy in them!!!! I think it is so cute and romantic that you got married on Valentine's Day!!!! [Yes, even though I wouldn't want to get married on that day, I LOVE IT when other people get married on that day- I think it is so romantic.] I love the BM dresses; that frill that is around the chest, that is so pretty- plus, that big bathtub was on your patio? Beat you enjoyed that. ~~
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