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Everything posted by heather007

  1. Okay, then I guess I'm looking for a rubber starfish stamp next. LoL, man- do I ever suck at this. ~~
  2. Really? Wow, that doesn't sound that bad at all. It sounds rather easy to do actually. I'm excited now. ~~
  3. Really? Oh, that's not bad at all. There is another big sale this weekend at Michaels too. ~~
  4. Wondering if anyone has an embossing gun lying around that they aren't using anymore.* I would totally love to "attempt" embossing, but I'm afraid to go out and buy it full price considering that I'm such a novice at crafting. Thank you!!!! ~~
  5. What about: This is a gift, from us to you, To keep yourself cool before and after the “I do” During the ceremony if you need too Please use the fans to keep the heat subdue [or] Please use the fans so you don't block the view. Haha, I suck. ~~
  6. Ladies, In the aisle where they have all of their seasonal items, they also have paper lanterns of assorted sizes and shapes. Many different colours to choose from too. They are nice looking [don't look cheap]- they are hanging in my office. Hope this helps some brides out there!!!! ~~
  7. I just thought about that too. I'm going to have paper fans on every seat, so I'm hoping that everyone use those during the ceremony. I wonder if there is some way that I can get people to close them during the ceremony? ~~
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown The family lives in Ireland and the last time she was here she said it would be her last trip. I have moved the wedding date 5 times for them. They agreed to 4/4 (which neither of us really wanted) but now MIL is not coming as it is too far. This was my first question when I asked them about the wedding if Cabo would be OK. Crazy! You've moved your wedding date 5 times for them and now she is not coming again? Is this something that she does regularly? ~~
  9. Are you just doing them for the women, or also the men? ~~
  10. Your MIL said she won't come? Why? Congrats on the jogging. I wish I only needed to lose 10 pounds. ~~
  11. I hear you about February being right around the corner. I fell off the WW wagon, I'm still losing weight, but very very slowly, so I'm down to 183 now. I need to lose about 20-30 pounds more. My trick now? Exercise No beer!!!! (Sobbing) ~~
  12. For our resort it costs the same too, I think we just save on the blood tests, that's it. My fiance won't budge on getting married before hand, so that totally blows. No matter what I say to him, he won't change his mind. Even our photog is attempting to convince him to getting married before hand. Ugh.... ~~
  13. Andrea, I don't think that you have too much to worry about. They perform so many weddings at the Barcelo. Besides, doesn't the WC translate the officiant? On a side note, how can I convince my fiance that I want a symbolic ceremony? ~~
  14. No sorry, I have Gabreilla. I did talk to Claudia, I think once on the phone, she seemed nice. I'm sure she will be fine. I'm such a dork, I have never been to the unofficial webpage. I'm heading there now. ~~
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 We're getting married on January 7, 2009 at the Barcelo Maya Palace!!!! Where are all of you on your planning so far? We are planning for the Barcelo Maya Colonial!!!! Our weddings are like, one month apart. We have the date confirmed, but that's about as far as we got. We need to sit down still and decide which package. I really want to have the supper at the outdoor grill, so we will see. What do you have planned so far? ~~
  16. Haha, I travel with too much stuff. So, I'm getting my family members to carry some of my crap down with them. ~~
  17. Oh dear. You don't want to see me paint. I would try to do a flower and it would probably come out a horse. LMAO!!!! ~~
  18. Haha, so- when in doubt, ask the people at Micheals. We went in there to buy the cardstock, and the girl [who I actually went to grade school with but doesn't remember me because I'm not a dork anymore which is good because she tried to beat me up] helped us out and picked out some better card stock, which is black and has a patch look to it. I absolutely love it and she feel in love with our colour scheme. Which I'm impressed because we both don't have any taste when it comes to stuff like that- we let our real estate agent pick out our paint colours for our condo. ~~
  19. We have decided not to have any attendants stand up with us, I wanted to, but he didn't. Anyway, what I want to do, is give all of our female guests white parasols for the ceremony [i think it would make a cool photo] but I kind of wanted something different for our Moms and sisters. We both have two sisters, so this is what I thought. What if I gave our sisters [let's say pink] parasols and our Moms [fuschia] and then I have light blue or something. I don't know. This is sort of my idea. Any thoughts on this, to modify or scratch, are totally welcome!!!! Thanks!!!! ~~
  20. Hey, is this idea possible? My fiance and I really really want a canoe and have almost bought it several times, but it's like close to $3000, so there is no way until after the wedding. What if, and I don't even know if it is possible at Mountain Equiptment Company, but can you register for a big item like that and have people contribute to the price of it? ~~
  21. Good grief, another thing to now add to the "to do" list. How many places should I register at? I haven't even given this a thought, really. ~~
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