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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I never saw the last couple episodes of the show. You mean to tell me that she went with the snowborder guy? Whoo.... I would have totally choosen Jason. Go team Jason!!!! ~~
  2. What a horrible thing to do!!!! I would definately report them to the BBB. The nerve of some people!!!! ~~
  3. No, when we first started the DW talks I didn't, but once I got into more of the planning I started to want one. People asking for one was just more evidence [for me atleast] that it was the right move. I don't know what his deal is. Money is not really a factor when it comes to this because we already have more then enough money saved. It's almost like he can't make any final decision when it comes to the wedding. I don't know if it is just stress or what, but it's stressing me out like crazy. I feel guilty for even complaining about it on here. ~~
  4. We were wondering the same thing. Our wedding is February 12 and we are thinking that our RSVP's should be mid-November or beginning of December. ~~
  5. LoL. They look kind of like my STD's and I'm so horribly embarrassed by those [and I made them myself]. On the other hand, people will know that they didn't come from you, and some might even think that they are kind of fun. But remember that it is a shower invite, so you aren't even suppose to be aware of what they look like. The evil side of me says to spill something on them, but my good side says just let it go and make fun of them on here. ~~
  6. The agrument that has been going on for almost 4 months now is still continuing. My fiance does not want an AHR and I do. I will admit that prior to our Save The Dates going out, I didn't want one. However, now that it's getting closer to the actual wedding date, more people are phoning us and asking when our AHR is. When I tell them we aren't planning on having one, they are very shocked. This is totally stressing me out. I wanted to have a final dicission by Friday, because we are going camping to the middle of nowhere [the family cabin] and I won't be anywhere near an internet connection or phone line. I planned on having all my invitations printed and assembling them up there. I really wanted to incorporate the AHR invites into my formal invites. Whenever I bring it up with my fiance, he just ignores it and says that we will talk about it later. He claims that he thinks he won't be here because of his job, which has some truth in it, but I just don't understand why he can't talk to his boss and find out when he will be here and not. Whenever I bring that up, he flips out and walks away. I guess I need to just vent. Any suggestions would help. ~~
  7. I agree, even though they are faux- that doesn't bother me one bit. MaryS- are you going to order from them? ~~
  8. OMG is it ever beautiful. I would be totally interested if I was a size 7. It will sell very quickly, someone could even wear it for their wedding dress. ~~
  9. Girls, Very quickly I made a few of these just to see how easy they were, and they are a snap to create!!!! Martha suggests using 8 TP for the big ones, however, I used 10 and I think that I would add more, my biggest one isn't as puffy as what I had hoped. The smaller ones worked well at 10. I love the napkin holders and I think that as a special treat, I'll add some ribbon to the them and maybe a little starfish or two. It took about 10 minutes to do one so I'm hoping that by recruiting my sisters and Mom in Mexico, together, we will be able to get them done at rapid speed. Lindsay- I haven't talked to you in ages. How's it going? I like yours for your AHR, I think it's cute that your "fluffers" didn't fluff enough. LoL. It's still very very beautiful. ~~
  10. I really like these pom-poms from Martha Stewart. I think that they would look really nice hanging at the reception along with the white lanterns. What do you think? Martha has instructions on how to make them, but I know that I have also seen them at Walmart. Another thing, I also really like the napkin holders too. Maybe a good way to tie them together? What do you think? Pom-Poms and Luminarias and more inspiring wedding dresses, bouquets, cakes, favors, and advice on marthastewart.com ~~
  11. I just noticed that you are an Oilers fan- go Oilers!!!! Can't wait till hockey season starts!!!! ~~
  12. A cocktail sounds like an excellent idea. My parents are contributing a few dollars for the wedding- so I do feel like they have a say in what happens. Mainly, their major concern was making the guests feel obligated with spending a lot of their vacation with us. Now I will want to add this detail to my invitations- does anyone have an example of how this could be written up? ~~
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB The company the girls used last time was not good. Lots of colors were out of stock and they got the run around from the owner and seemed to hold their money hostage. He also is no longer accepting orders without a tax-ID. I bought mine through an e-bay vendor with great success. The seller's name is PurseLover168. I contacted them thru e-bay but did the transaction separately. I'll see if I can find the e-mail and add it. The selection is here: Little S&A Garden and a sample listing: Lot 4 Paisley Pashmina Cashmere Blend Scarf/Wrap/Shawl - eBay (item 180172517975 end time Aug-17-08 20:00:14 PDT) The pashminas were very nice and ended up being just under $5 each, including shipping. I'm sure if you got a large order together like the other girls did, you could get them for less. I looked at this shops pashminas and they are very beautiful. However, it's over $8.00 to order from him. Was it because you did not buy them from Ebay [seperate transaction] that you got them at a cheaper price? ~~
  14. Thanks for the awesome link. However, I went to their site and they are asking $8.49 per pashmiras. Ekk!!!! That's pricy. ~~
  15. I know that when I first joined this group in January, there were a bunch of girls who were doing a Pashminas order. Well, at the time [kicking myself now] I didn't place an order because it was just too soon in my planning. Now I know that I probably need about 20 or so. So, I was wondering if there was a new Pashminas order going around, or if that was just a one time thing? Thanks a bunch!!!! ~~
  16. Jen, It goes by so fast. Before you know it, you will be at the 6 month mark saying to youself, "Holy crap- I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in!!!!" ~~
  17. Both my rehearsal dinner and my welcomed dinner have been veto'd out by Mom and sisters. They say that those dinner, plus the wedding, equal to three nights where guests would have to spend with us as opposed to doing whatever they want. I'm fine with that, but I planned on handing out the OOT bags at the welcome dinner. So, here is my next plan, which I have gotten the stamp of approval from the family: what about a welcome cocktail or breakfest, or something along those lines. How would I plan that? Who would I contact? I plan on including the information for it in our invitations. Thanks. ~~
  18. Wow, awesome math skills. I'm at a loss when it comes to figuring out how many things to buy. I just used 40 as my magic number. LoL. ~~
  19. One of the other girls did the marrachias and they were a big hit. Her guests would shake them for a kiss instead of tapping the side of their glasses. We are also going to be looking them down there too!!!! ~~
  20. Hello ladies, I haven't been to this thread for awhile, I got so busy with school that the wedding has been on hold for a bit. Here's what going on. After much debate, we have decided to go for the Tender Moon package. I really wanted a reception on the beach or one of the grills, but my fiance did not really want to spend the extra money, plus he thinks it will be too cold- we have my two 80 year old Grandmothers coming. This is what we have planned, I just need to finalize it with Gabriella. Ceremony at 3:00p.m. [this has been finalized already] We go for photos from 4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. Cocktail hour with Mariachi Band from 5:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. Supper in banquet hall [Tender Moon] package for 3 hours Then off to the disco to party it up in our wedding attire. It has taken us 3 months to decide this!!!! Does anyone know what decorations are provided, especially for the banquet hall? Thanks!!!! ~~
  21. In my random searching of Ebay, I found a guy who is selling a heck of a lot of Travel mugs. His company bought them for a client company, then that client backed out of a deal- so he's left with 10,000 plus mugs. They are 14 oz. stainless steel mugs with the plastic inside and a black plastic rim around the top. Very nice looking. He's selling 24 for $35.00 and he's located in New Jersey. I think that works out to $1.66 per mug? Now he did say they once had a label on them, but then he got the labels removed, so there isn't any trace left of the old labels. I think that they are the same ones from discount mugs, which cost more. This is the link to the same mugs from discountmugs.com: Customized Mug - Promotional Stainless Steel Insulated Travel Mugs(ST5 from DiscountMugs Here is pictures of the ebay mugs. 24 Stainless Steel Travel Coffee Mugs/Cups 14 oz. - eBay (item 330259950044 end time Aug-14-08 04:20:27 PDT) Hope this helps some ladies. ~~
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