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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I'm so stoked to see Heros in a few weeks. I saw a preview for it last night and it looks awesome!!!! ~~
  2. Wowers, those are expensive- but worth it. Mmmm.... chocolate body wrap.... ~~
  3. Sorry to hear about that- are you going to send them back? ~~
  4. My Welcome Cocktail slip in my pocket fold invitations has empty space on them, even with the embossed starfish and possibly some ribbon. It needs to be a certain size so that it works with the rest of the pages. Anyway, I was attempting to brain storm and I came up with the possible idea of having the wording first in Spanish followed by the English version. I'm not to certain on it, but it's an idea. This is what it would read: Spanish- Ensámblenos por favor para una “Resuelva y salude†el coctel agradable donde cada uno puede familiarizarse con English- Please join us for a “Meet and Greet†Welcome Cocktail where everyone can get to know each other Thoughts? ~~
  5. I totally agree- paypal is the only way to go. ~~
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa OMG, seriously with the April thing! She is completely delusional. I yelled at the TV last night when she sait that ish about Keesha. DUDE- you f'ed a guy in front of the world~! I think she's one of those girls that lies, lies, lies & believes her own lies. I was sad about Renny too...and she totally annoyed me in the begining, but I came to adore her. And, if Keesha has a fat ass...damn, I am in some serious trouble! I'm in some serious trouble too!!!! I wanted to throw my beer at the TV when she was talking her trash and then did her whole stupid cocked-head smile/blink thing. Like, serious- how old is she? Forteen? ~~
  7. I don't really want to complain but- I got an email from my WC that she will no longer be working with us and has handed me over to another WC. That is fine, I'm sure something came up, but, this is the 4th time it has happened!!!! The first lady quit, then the second one claimed that she never got our manifest/confirmation of bookings from our travel agent so she just started to ignore my emails. When I finally called there and found out that they never got the tour manifest I got my travel agent to send her another one. During that phone call with her, she put me on hold, and another WC picked up the call and she then became my WC. Now, I got an email from this one and she gave me to another WC- in the middle of me attempting to get a menu to finalize my wedding package. Like seriously, this is becoming ridiculous. All I want to do is bloody pick my wedding package!!!! ~~
  8. Like the other girls said, they are very unique. I personally really like them so I am certain that your guests will too!!!! ~~
  9. Yeah, I totally agree with that- society has been sexercized too much. ~~
  10. I don't see it either, does that mean I don't have any rep points? ~~
  11. When I was in grade 12 we had an intern, Mr.Black, and he was so hot. Well, he was like only 21 and he showed up at one of our parties and hooked up with a girl there from my class. It became a rumor around the school but they both ended up denying it, so he stayed for the rest of his internship. ~~
  12. Oh, and who else thought that the teacher is really hot? ~~
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Yeah, the whole "going down" part at the start was a little much. I thought it was OK. I am still confused as to who is who and all the connections, lol (but this thread helped clarify some of it!). DH will likely never watch it with me, but who knows, he never liked Army Wives, but said he stayed up to watch it Sunday when I went to bed early. :-) All the sex and stuff didn't bother me too much, just because I remember what I was like when I was 15. LoL. Mind you, I laughed my ass off at the "Not so Sweet 16" when they are all boozing up- aren't they like 15 and 16 year olds? Isn't the legal age in the states 21 or something? That really bothers me, but whatever- where I'm from it's 18 and I guess I was wild when I was little too. My FI was more into the show then I was- I didn't even want to watch it. I found the orginal over-the-top and I was afraid that this was going to be like another Gossip Girl- which that show just does not make any sense what's so ever. However, once Aunt Becky showed up, it was a calming relief and I was rather enjoying how much the show was geared towards us adults. And the Grandma- she is the best, loved her in Arrested Developement. Someone asked about whether Annie's actress is smiley in real-life and she is. Shenae Maria Grimes is also on Degarssi: Next Generation.
  14. Ladies, Tania, our new WC [we have had three now from Barcelo so hopefully the third time is the charm] sent us the 2009 wedding packages because Tender Moon no longer exists. We don't know which one we plan on going with- but we are leaning towards the Ocean Scents. We don't want to spend a lot of money, just because my fiance went crazy and bought all new appliances for our house and I have two years of unversity to pay for. However, after examining all of the packages in detail, we are pretty certain that we will go with Ocean Scents, just because you get VIP status with that package. I couldn't copy and paste the information, so I have had to paste it on my google page. wedding packages (fandhweddingbio) Hope this helps some of you decide!!!! ~~
  15. LoL!!!! Opps- written in the wrong thread!!!! Maybe get Aylssa to move it or something. ~~
  16. Could you imagine? Didn't that happen on a past season? I can't really remember. Something like that will happen soon though, because it's getting towards the end and BB always seems to speed it up. Canada really needs to do a BB. It would be so fun- I sometimes was the British one and one from one of the other European countries [can't remember what one] and all of them are all so different. ~~
  17. They are like the least crazy people in the house. BB really picked them this year. Like, do you need be emotional unstable to get onto this show- because so many of these people are just so crazy!!!! ~~
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I think definitely April for sure. Not too sure on the second person she'll put up. My favorite part of last night's epi. April saying that Keesha is jealous of her because she's prettier. Yeah, April... that totally must be it. You are soooo much prettier. I only wish that I was as pretty and as nice as April. Haha!!!! Seriously though, she is so mean. I hate it how she is a total cow and backstabbing everyone then once Julie calls her into the diary room she's all sweet and innocent. Ugh, can't wait to see her go home tonight. I also can't wait to see who wins HoH. I hope Memphis or Dan. I'm team Keesha/ team Dan/ starting to turn into a team Memphis member too. I seriously think that Ollie will fall apart once April is gone. He doesn't have any game play and is just ridding on April, or as Dan puts it "hiding behind her blonde hair." I think that Reeny may have made her alliance question her loyalty this week. Michelle I don't mind- I can see why she is with the other group right now. She was originally alligned with Memphis and I think that her and Keesha are buds. I feel kind of sorry for Jerry because he's so old-school and doesn't fit in, but what he called Dan was totally uncalled for. That was just mean, he should be embarrassed by his actions. He is not someone though that I'm cheering for. ~~
  19. Why are strange men becoming Daddy's? ~~
  20. Woohoo, I'm going to go and read. Thanks Alyssa!!!! ~~
  21. I really want to get onto this chat but I'm too afraid that it might contain spoilers from the forums at the offical site or from people who watch 24/7. Normally, I surf the web and read all spoilers that I possible can about every show I watch, but my fiance told me that I have to stop doing that because I ruined the whole season of Doctor Who for both of us. So, I am no longer reading spoilers, but would love to chat about the shows. Does the thread on here about BB10 contain spoilers [can people who only watch it on tv read the posts]? Thanks!!!! ~~
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