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Everything posted by heather007

  1. I'm always up for other diamonds too!!!! That's so cool that both of our fiance's have the same type of rings. Men are so easy to please!!!! ~~ Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl I know... my FI's ex-wife did that. She got him to remake it several times to add diamonds to it. He was so relieved when I liked what I picked and feel that I will always be happy with it! Mind you, what he may not realize is that I am always open to receiving diamonds of other kinds, like other rings, earrings, necklaces, etc. Wow! Thanks for sharing! Those are gorgeous. I love your e-ring. It may be $$$, but it's unassuming and very streamlined. I like how the centre diamond sits low, but is visible on the sides. And I really like your FI's ring - my FI's ring also has that brushed satin look.
  2. I saw these at Michael's for sale. They are sort of expensive, but I'm sure that once it gets closer to Christmas time, they will go on sale. ~~
  3. These are so cute. I'm planning on doing it [even though our wedding is in February]. We want to give them [empty] to our guests so that they can fill them up themselves. We plan on throwing them into the OOT bags with a cute little saying about filling them up with sand, shells, or whatever they want, for their own keepsakes. ~~
  4. Here is my pictures. My e-ring centre stone is 1.1k with 5 diamonds on each side, equalling another karat. We got the centre diamond on sale, then designed the ring around the diamond. My wedding band is almost a karat, with 16 princess cut diamonds. We got it made to match the e-ring. Francis' ring was custom made as well from another gold's smith shoppe in town. It's white gold that has been brushed in the middle. ~~
  5. I totally agree with you. I have a friend who was so angry when she got engaged because she didn't get a "big enough rock" from her future hubby. She plans on upgrading it when they have more money. I couldn't imagine "upgrading" your ring. One of Francis' co-worker's wife has already gotten her ring upgraded twice, now she is hoping that she can do it once more to reach the type of ring that she actually wants. On the other hand, I can see getting rings altered to met requirements. My mom is getting her ring re-made, because they got married in the 1970s and it's one of those really tall solitarie ones. Well, she is a nurse and has never worn her e-ring at work, therefore, when she goes out, she forgets to put it on too. So, she is getting the diamond set into the ring so that it doesn't stick out. Kevsgirl- here is the link to my rings: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...137#post574307 ~~
  6. I fell madly in love with my wedding dress that I found on Ebay back during the summer time, and I bought it for a total of $69.00 [it has tags still attached for $750.00] and I thought that it was truly what I wanted. I absolutely love it, the only issue I have with it is that it isn't as white as what I wanted. However, I was "just looking" and I found the dress that was my style choice number two for sale. Well, I'm in the process of buying that dress. Ugh, I really didn't want to become a bride who has more than one dress, because I suck at decissions, but I figure that, this way, I can do two different styles of trash the dress. I haven't recieved my second dress yet, but I can't wait to see it. I plan on buying a 90" veil and a pretty feather/flower hair piece. Am I crazy now? How am I going to decide which one to wear? Does anyone else have more than one dress? Here is the picture of the dress I own: Here is the dress I just bought [it comes with straps too and I'm thinking of changing out the sash for a coloured one, maybe]: ~~
  7. LoL, poor girl. You can tell him though that Francis' ring cost us $2000, and it was custome made. Plus, if you really want him to think $1500 isn't a lot of money, you can tell him the cost of my set: my e-ring cost us $12,000 [1.1k solitaire in the middle with 10 diamonds on the sides] and my wedding band is sitting at around $5000 [16 diamonds]. I had no idea that they cost that much- Francis bought them without me [he had my input on what I wanted] and when we went to go take out extra house insurance on them, I nearly lost my marbles when I found out their cost. ~~
  8. Oh my goodness. I'm so glad that you mentioned that. I totally forgot all about the cocktail hour. Opps. ~~
  9. Ladies, After losing lots of sleep over freaking out about where I was going to find pahminas, for not a crazy amount of money, I decided to search through all the local shops here in town. We went to Ardene's and we found pashminas, of course, not real ones. But are they ever beautiful. They come in an assortment of colours. They are made out of Viscose and cost $11.99 for the first one, than 50% off for the second. I added some picture to show you what they look like. ~~
  10. That is such a cute idea!!!! We are going to tie our placecards on finger starfish. ~~
  11. Here is a list of things that I'm looking for: 10- Sandalwood fans in the little glass topped individual boxes. 20- Pashminas, assorted colours White paper lanterns White Parasols Starfish- horny and finger ones. Thanks ladies!!!! email me at [email protected] ~~
  12. Tami, OT is no longer carrying the parasols. I went online yesterday to buy mine [need about 20 or so] and they don't even have them listed anymore. I'm so sad. ~~
  13. Thanks so much for posting this. I really want to have the legal wedding here before we go to, just for peace of mind. I really also like how you didn't kiss, that's a good idea. ~~
  14. Ladies, Sorry about the wait- I haven't been online in weeks. I don't have any flowers left anymore. [i got rid of them all in a garage sale]. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. Anyway, thanks to the lady who thought that I should open my own business- I'm thinking of it, but only after my own wedding is done- I'm just to crazy busy!!!! Heather ~~
  15. Boo to Keesha getting the boot. I wanted her to win because she seemed to be the most normal one in the house. But, as Francis and I were talking about it last night Dan and Memphis have been playing together since week 4 and they have been playing super well. They do deserve to win it because of that. ~~
  16. We decided to go with Ocean Scents- I'm so excited!!!! ~~
  17. OMG- chicky!!!! You had me totally feeling horrible there for like 5 seconds.... ~~
  18. No problem. Where is your wedding going to be? ~~
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 WWWaaaaayyyyyyy too long! The trailers look so amazing! I can't wait I love Claire turning bad- and what's with the whole "I've always loved you." Isn't Peter her Uncle? Honey- your monogram [which is very pretty] has one too many zero's in the 2009. ~~
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Thanks all of you! I am still really new to the workforce. FI said the same thing - that I should never have talked to her alone without someone else present. If she ever tries to talk to me again, I'll insist that my manager is there. So my problem is that my manager isn't in right now. Should i email her directly? I'm worried that the email could get into someone's hands that I don't want to see it... I don't know. I'm such a wimpe Sorry Honey that you are going through this. Here's what you should do. 1) Don't CC Mary your email to the boss. Email your boss and in that email ask if you can arrange a meeting to discuss what is happening. 2) I see you are from Ottawa, so the Human Rights Code of Ontario covers this type of harassment at work. You should not have to put up with it and action should be taken against Mary. Workplaces have zero tolerance for this- it's called Work Place Bullying or Work Place Harassment If, however, your boss does nothing, then bring up your complaint with an Occupational Health and Safety tribunal. The Code states that "equal rights and opportunities, and freedom from discrimination." This is not happening here. Plus, the OSH changed the anti-bully law on October 2007 to cover bullying at work- here is a link to give you some steps on actions. It's was created before the new law was in effect. OSH Answers: Bullying in the Workplace I do highly recommend not speaking to Mary without anyone else in management present. Any emails that you recieve from her, keep. When co-workers attempt to talk to you about her, don't go there. Keep a detailed record of what has happened, when, and how it made you feel. Furthermore, next time you see your family doctor, inform them what is going on, just incase your blood pressure has risen with the stress. ~~
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by luckygirl That's hilarious. Priceless would have been the groom whacking the head off. AH HAHAHA- I think I just pee'd myself. ~~
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