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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by steph0928 I am getting married at Dreams Punta Cana on the 29th of November. My finance and I have selected the Ultimate Package for the wedding. We are a little unsure with what we should choose for the meal selection Does anyone have any ideas or past experience. We both love seafood and chicken, but I have heard the food there is completely different? Also we haven't decided on a wedding reception location? The terrace looks really beautiful. All opinions are greatly appreciated. We are just in the process of picking up table decor for the reception as well. I have looked are previous photos from the 2 Dreams Punta Cana reviews, and hate to say, but the tables look too bare. Does anyone know the cost on floral centerpieces for the tables? Can additional candles be provided? Look forward to response. Steph[/b] I believe the floral centerpieces are $90 each, from what I recall on the list they sent me of add-ons. I dont know if they can provide addt'l candles but I know I will be bringing my own candles for decor. hope that helps.
  2. LadyCheese


    and happy planning!
  3. Leai, this was such a thorough review, its great....thanks for all the feedback. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
  4. welcome back...I really cannot wait to see your pics...I booked Photosouvenir for my wedding and I can't wait til its my turn. Glad to hear the resort really catered to you guys and made it an awesome event for everyone.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG This is crazy. I can't believe that you guys are starting to leave already! My heart is starting to race a bit now. OMG!!! I better getting back on track and get my wedding stuff done now, since I was a bit busy the past few weeks to really worry about getting them done. Thats how I feel!! LOL...there are a few of them who are getting married like next week!! before you know its our turn also!! yikes
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amberdgraham I found the one that I put in my invitation packets at Punta Cana - Dominican Republic They also have a lot of travel info etc on the website that you could put into Word documents or something. If you can't download off their website anymore I'm happy to send the version I have to (I edited out some of the ads and stuff to just leave in the articles.) It's a pdf file around 30 pages! I also have a DR Fact Sheet that has info about traveling in, etc etc that I'm happy to share. [email protected] thanks so much...I'd love that DR Fact sheet...I'll send you an email!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Stina168 I really love them! I'm doing something really similar, but I haven't started making them yet. Just curious-how did you get the ribbon to stick to your squares with your logo on them? I really want to do a wrap like that. Great job! Hey...I used Zots (medium glue dots) to keep the ribbon together. then i put a few more Zots behind the monogram square and stuck it on the ribbon part.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica YAY... it looks awesome and to 27 more days!!! yes 27 more days and you only have 13!!! wow!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Beautiful! Your smile in the pic shows that you really love the dress. And congrats on losing the 10lbs! Oh, did ya find the birdcage veil yet? Love the new avatar & siggy Abbie!!! yes girl...I ordered this one: It came in and it looks great!! I just have to play around with it a little bit to shape it the way I want it to fit on my head...I didnt get the feather fascinator bc I would like to use a fresh flower for the wedding.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Bellham I have a package I put together covering info on the wedding, the area, the resort, travel info, and the all-inclusive experience all together. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of it at home but I'll send it out to you tomorrow! Less than a month away - you must be so excited! cool, thanks. I'm putting basic resort info and wedding iterinary but I dont know what else to put as far as the country info, etc. I'll have to put on my thinking cap. and yes, i'm very excited!! cant wait
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon 51 booked?! Exciting stuff yeah, theres actually 56 I just havent updated my siggy...its crazy, I didnt expect that many people!! someone has to have a DR based brochure, LOL.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I'm not nervous, I just want to get to Mexico already. I agree, I'm ready to get to Punta Cana myself...Its not a bad nervousness, its just Im anxious to do all this already...plus I have tons of stuff to do still! LOL
  13. OH YARI!! I love your slideshow...everyone looks great and it you can tell everyone had an amazing time!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie jess they look great! love em (ps i used Cards & Pockets too! they were so nice!) Thanks Abbie...your invitation was actually the one that inspired me to do a pocketfold!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Jessica you did an awesome job!!! Thanks Yari..and congrats on your wedding, they pics are amazing!
  16. Is anyone else getting nervous?? We have only weeks before our big days!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie wow girl! you look gorgeous, i LOVE how the dress part is so flowy, its going to look awesome! and the privacy panel in the back can probably be moved over, like if they unstitch it and shift it a little. heck, i completely tore might right out after our home wedding, and went without for the cabo wedding and it was SO much more comfy to not have it in there! Thanks Abbie!!! I didnt even think of taking off the privacy panel, thats not a bad idea actually...(i'll keep that in mind when I go for my last fiiting)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan wow I can't believe you made them yourself! Where did you get your ideas from? And how early did you send them out> all the ideas are from right here on BDW and the other ladies who did similar invitations...I just customized it with my colors and wording, little tidbits here and there.
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