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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Here is the link to the ones we ordered, to give an idea. I don't know if anyone has received them yet, but perhaps if they did they will chime in. If not, when I get mine sometime in the next few weeks, I will let you know... FashionUnic Wholesale Scarf Shawl Pashmina - Pashmina :: Silky Solid Thanks Carly
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Sorry LadyCheese, we ordered a little over a month ago... You are more then welcome to organize a new purchase though, cuz if I remember right, there were a few people that didn't make it. Unfortunatley, the company we used just updated their systems and will now only be taking wholesaler orders... Its okay...I really dont need many so I can just purchase them elsewhere...however I'm curious to know what type (material) did most girls order if they were for the bridesmaids?
  3. COOL...we have a few Jersey chicks on this thread.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by plumsugar I've been meaning to look up a spanish song for the father/daughter dance, but didnt know of any related to that dynamic!! Thanks for the suggestions ladies! How awesome! I'm one county over (Essex) Its a small world
  5. FI wants our first dance to be to "Fortunate" by Maxwell. This was the first song he ever dedicated to me, he bought me the single on cassette (way back in the day, lol)
  6. Oh I found another one, I almost cried but its a really old song: -Mi Viejo (Vicente Fernandez)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jen419 Hey, if you find any can you let me know also, I've been searching but haven't found any good ones. Thanks in advance! Hi. I found these: -De nina a mujer (Julio Iglesias) -Mi Nina Bonita (Luchos Barrios)...although I just saw a post here for that same song but a different singer...so theres a few versions out there. -Ese que me dio vida (Alejandro Sanz)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx I saw this list on another website: "De Nina a Mujer" by Julio Iglesias "Mi Nina Bonita" by Vicente Fernandez "Ese Que Me Dio Vida" by Alejandro Sanz Thanks!! I came across the Julio Iglesias one also but I'll check those others out.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett Oh ok. I'm not sure if that's close or not....? I'm still learning the area- yeah I've been there for 5 months. blahha I'm the worst. Well I emailed my friend about the song she danced too, thought maybe it was a Spanish song ( Sorry for the false hope, but it wasnt a Spanish song she danced too. You'l find something. Its ok, thank you for checking anyway. I'm searching online now and listening to some
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett Well I live in Jersey now with Joe. That is funny, you never know. its a small world!! Where do you live near? I live in Delran (Holy Cross HS is near there too) Oh I live in Passaic County. I went to Passaic COunty Tech HS.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett No sorry I don't ( I'm sure you'll find something though. That will be so cute I think. From what I remem my friend Tina dance to her father to a Spanish song, I will ask her what it was. You look so familiar, like we went to the same h.s. or something (?)..either that or you have a twin in NJ...lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari What a great idea!! I need to do some research. BTW, I've been meaning to tell you I really like your siggy pic. Too cute! aww, thank you Yari
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jessyg20 We've decided to spice things up with Salsa. So we're taking classed and are dancing to Marc Anthony-Que precio tiene el cielo. His idea! ;o) I love that idea!! FI and I are planning on taking salsa lessons also and surprise guests but it wont be for our first dance.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Wow Becks! That is one hell of a list! I haven't even started thinking that far ahead! A few weeks ago I was like, "Oh crap! We have to have a ceremony!" Now that I think all of that is worked out I can focus on music. I'm sure at some point in the evening (late, after mucho cocktails, I have a feeling "You never even call me by my name" will be heard. It's a classic that his brothers get drunk and scream along with at weddings. They also have a tendency to pull the "You've lost that lovin' feeling" a la Top Gun at bars. FI really wants Tenacious D "F*** her gently" because 1. He's an idiot and 2. our first date was to a Tenacious D / Kid Rock concert. (We had free tickets) LMAO...TOO FUNNY!!
  15. Does anyone know any nice Spanish Daughter/Father Songs?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Okay guys what did you think? Can I just reiterate that Aubrey irks me? All that talk to Donnie about how she's real...whatever. Real conceited maybe. She wasn't as crazy as I thought she would be when she confronted Donnie and the chick, but still... And that was messed up of Q to call her to the restaurant knowing she would act crazy, and messed up that he tried to blame Brian and the other guys for the drama he started. I agree...Aubrey is getting on my nerves too and she's letting that fame get to her head, they only have ONE album!! Cant wait to see next week's episode when she says something about pimp & hoes! lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 Do you know the model #? No unfortunately not...the store didnt give it to me over the phone so I'm going to stop by and get the # off the tag (lol)...she said they just got it in but its not on the website...
  18. That is a fantastic dress at a fantastic buy!!! I see a lot of girls who have purchased great dresses for cheap, where should I start looking? My dress is $850 and its a Sottero & Midgley...I would to find it cheaper somewhere!!
  19. Thanks for the site...I havent started looking for stuff for the OOT bags yet so this is a great place to start
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