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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Warning: An Ode to Betsy Dearest Betsy, we love love you, too And when FSIL makes you feel blue We'll step to defend your wedding day The only thing we hope and pray Is that you keep posting after your wine Your ode to BDW is just so fine! (Okay, that was really lame... I should have had a drink first.) Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. heehee, that was cute
  2. Welcome to the forum my fellow Dreams Punta Cana bride...hope you get your date and congrats!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus holy schnikiess... WOW> 7 K . who was producing it? spielberg? hehehe lmao...thats what I said!! I almost fell out my chair when she told me the price...she didnt hire a photographer just so she can have this video! nuts
  4. Cool, thx Lucy...I was looking into getting those personalized playing cards
  5. Thx I have to thank Becks for letting me use the template. Wow, 11/15 was my original wedding date...I had to change it when I changed resorts. Bummer!
  6. I was hoping you'd be able to see them. Maybe I can email them to you, the pics are not great bc of glare
  7. Welcome Rebecca to the FCC. And no, I dont think guacomole can be swapped for the salsa
  8. Yeah this is cool!!! I have to totally do it and we can help each other out. Hopefully others will join in on our "virtual" meetings
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Ok, sounds good. I think we should post under this thread...thoughts? Ok I'm back...looks like I can attend meetings Thurs. nights. How long are meetings usually, like 30mins? Yeah we can post under this thread OR we can start a new thread each week on the same day with a title like "This weeks weigh-in" or something like that. ??
  10. I was just about to ask if theres a common thread where we can "weigh-in" every week and see how we did....Let me go online real quick and see if they have a wednesday meeting I can go to after work. brb
  11. Thx Kashmira for all the tips...you are right, setting small goals for the near future is prob more effective that setting one for 8 mths down the road...I told myself I was going to start WW last week and I didnt but I will begin this week for sure...I have to sign up so I can get the books, etc...and maybe the meetings will keep me motivated as well
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I have decided video just isn't in my budget. So I'm going to make a picture video like this one http://image.orientaltrading.com/otcimg/64_45.jpg I love this video. I have watched it so many times. They have mostly pictures with a mix of video. Hopefully the footage taken with my camcorder will be good enough to merge in with some pictures. The link you posted showed some keyring thingies
  13. LOL...all that ruffage can sometimes me hard on the gi tract
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Well I think that it is great that you know what your priorities are! That is sometimes the hardest part! We paid only like $600 for ours so I feel like you can get something for a much more reasonable price. Especially since it isn't your biggest concern - you may be willing to have less time or even a little less quality in exchange for a lower price. That will help you keep the $$ for the photographs which are more important for you. So you're half way there! Thanks! $600 sounds much better to me
  15. WOW I need to make that salad and its only 1 pt!! Thanks for sharing
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP girl you get a MOO MOO. I was the same way until children. 6 pack perky bossoms tina turner legs and the 35 + gravity + fhildren = MOOOOOOO. I want that again. I just need to get active i think. Mooooo! I hear you. Its hard but we have to TRY and get motivated...Oct & Nov is right around the corner.
  17. Hi, my name is Jessica and I'm a Fat Cow. I keep going on diets and then I fall off the wagon two weeks later, thats where I'm at now...so this wknd I will start eating better and working out. I used to be thin when Fi & I met then after I had our daughter, all hell broke loose.
  18. Photography is more important to me than a video but I still want a video...I had a friend who paid seven grand for hers and yes it was nice but jeeze, thats almost my whole budget!! LOL...I am planning to hire a videograper but I dont want to spend a small fortune on it. But its nice bc back home I can show it to the family & friends who didnt get to make the trip.
  19. Thanks ladies a bunch...I think #3 is the winner. I need to get these done and sent out this wknd
  20. Ok, so here's what I came up with, pls let me know what you think (its on white paper bc that metallic cardstock is too expensive to be testing out, lol)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari OMG, I haven't been doing that well. I seriously need to get motivated. What is wrong with me?? Thats how I feel Yari...its like "whats wrong with me that not even a wedding dress is motivating me!!"...agghhh
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