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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Sharonie I ordered a Maggie Sottero dress too. I called Lee Philips Bridal which offered the lowest price for the dress ($692 vs. $1000+ before tax in Texas). I then took that price to Christy O Bridal shop and they beat the price by 6%. Christy O is an authorized bridal shop and it is actually in NJ. I am not sure which bridal shop you're going to but you should check them out since it is local to you. And I thought in NJ you don't have to pay taxes? I didn't pay when I ordered from Christy O just $20 for shipping. Did you order your dress over the phone with Chrissy O (just bc I saw you were in Texas)? Thx for the info, I'm going to make a few calls tomorrow & see what I come up with.
  2. Congratulations and
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hi Jess: We are clearly on the same planning calendar. I've just pulled mine back up again. I've only got info on one side - except for the RSVP postcard which will have our address on the back. Mostly it's because I don't want people to miss anything if they don't look at the backs. Yeah, I just started messing around with these invite last night...The template I have prints info on both sides. I dont even know what info to put since I put so much info in the passport STDs...I dont want to be redundant, u know?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I put info on both sides. Invite words on front/ website info on back/ Accomodation and DW and TA Info on front/Registry info on back(a no no if your guest are coming - mine arent... just being nice and considereate and mailing them out anyways) Map on front/RSVP Info on back Thx...The template I have looks like the info will print on both sides so I wanst sure.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 They do actually look like a good ebay seller. There are several websites that sell wedding gowns at lower prices than salons and I think they are similar to those. But they have really good feedback and it does say they are authentic gowns from the manufacturer. It's always good to read through everything when you're buying on ebay because sometimes there are things written in the fine print that you didn't know about. Good luck with the salon! Thx for the info, I appreciate it
  6. Hi ladies...I was wondering whoever made or is planning to make the boarding pass invites, are you planning to put information on both sides of one ticket? Or just on one side? TIA
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 hmm, I order on ebay a lot, and I researched wedding dresses a lot on ebay as well. If you do go with ebay make sure that this is actually a maggie sottero dress and not a knock off, also make sure its not made in china. I know you mentioned you've never bought off of ebay before so those are two things I can think of off the top of my head to look for. Your best bet, like the other girls mentioned, might be to call around and also google to get some prices and see if they'll price match. If not, maybe you'll find another salon that carries it at a lower price. If you post the ebay listing here, I'll take a look at it for you, to see if there's any red flags about it. I don't know if you've already made a decision or not. Thx for the info...I think I'm going to stick with the bridal salon but here is the link if you still want to take a peek at it...I'm curious anyway about this whole "ebay business"... MAGGIE SOTTERO TAYLA New Wedding Gown 2-16 - eBay (item 280200186616 end time Mar-12-08 19:39:26 PDT)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Your dress is beautiful! I would find out exactly what alterations are included. Is it just the hem & bustle, or other things as well. I bought a maggie and ended up paying 235 for alterations. I am really short and I couldn't order petite because I had limited time to get it and petite was going to take longer, and she needed to adjust a couple of areas, put cups in, etc... Because I had the corset back even if I lost some weight before after I was measured, it didn't really change how it fit very much. Is the dress on ebay the size you would order? One good thing about the bottom of your dress is that you don't have any beading, so that will make it a lot easier for hemming. Yes it gives me the option to order the size I want based on my measurements.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva You can also call around to other Salons.. I found one salon to be very high compared to another in a different (but still local) city. Also, I was warned about the "free alterations" make sure their policy is in writing and google your salon to make sure girls haven't had problems. Thats a very good point, I will ask them to put that in writing for the free alterations (what if they dont do anything in writing? hmm, I'm going to call them tomorrow and find out).
  10. Thanks ladies, I love it also...the bottom is chiffon so its very airy and not heavy. I'm not a risk taker either which is why I was weary about ordering through eBay (Ive never ordered through eBay!!). SO I think I'm going to play it safe and go through the bridal salon
  11. Alright here is my dress, I'm at work and I'm sneaking around trying to get the picture...LOL
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw i saved $400 simply by asking to have the price matched... just FYI it never hurts to ask, the worst they can say is no! Thx Maura...I'm going to try that and see.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Did my own personal weigh in this morning, lost 4lbs in week one!! Not bad since I have been sick and am one of those people who have a pitty party and eat badly when I dont feel well. On to week two!! Lets rock and roll!! Congratulations!! Keep up the good work.
  14. Ok ladies...I found the dress I absolutely love (Maggie Sottero) but its $850 (not incl. tax), although $850 is not terribly bad I was really, really hoping to pay less...The place where I found my dress offers me a free bustle and free alterations (since all my girls bought their dresses from them as well). However, I was doing a lil research and found my dress on eBay for $545...brand-new and it seems like reputable seller (from reading the reviews, etc)....The dilemna is that I am petite (so the dress will need to be hemmed) PLUS I am in the process of losing weight so I know that I will need alterations somewhere down the road, which I know can be costly!! So does it even make sense to order it cheaper through eBay and then not be able to find an affordable seamstress or should I just go through the bridal store Ive been dealing with, pay more money but take advantage of the free bustle and alterations?? Help!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari So...did you go to the gym? Yari, you are sweet and dependable...I definitely know who to come to if I need someone to check up on me exercising or eating right
  16. Rebecca they look fantastic and you cut them all in one day!?!?! Wow, great job. I love the ribbon with the magnet! Congrats on getting them done and finalizing your hotel & date
  17. They really look great. Where you get the mugs, if you dont mind me asking?
  18. Ive heard of Carols Daughter hair products, I would like to try it for my daughter's hair actually but havent yet....but its nice to hear that they also have lotions, etc.....I am SO going to Sephora this wknd and picking something up!! Thx for sharing
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA I had a friend get married on a mountaintop in shorts and hiking boots with just 4 people there. The "reception" was the hike down. That was their idea of a perfect wedding. I didn't want that. I wanted more of a traditional reception. There is nothing wrong with either option. Your wedding is just that...yours. You know your guests. My guests expected a reception so I provided one. I wanted it to be private. That is how we got our wedding. If your guests and desires are different, only you know that. I think you said it best, only you know your guests and their desires and what they expect. If you communicate to your guests before hand (or state it on the invite) that there will be just an informal dinner or semi-private and no traditional reception (music, party, etc) then they know what they will be attending. My guests expect a reception, thats just tradition for us and I'm fine with that--its what I want as well. And if it wasnt what I wanted, I would make sure my guests know that so no one is blindsighted. Best of luck in making your decision
  20. I cant wait to see the finished product Rebecca, I know they are going look fantastic
  21. You will find so much info on here, you will be amazed.
  22. The colors look great together and the flower really adds such a pretty touch! They rock
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Jess, you are too sweet. I'm sure I'll be fine. FI has actually offered to help! Hooray for sweet guys! But we do have to get together sometime! awww. He is sweet. FI offered to help also but I nicely said "thanks but no thanks"...LOL. I guess thats the control freak in me BTW, I love your little "bridezilla" siggy!! Too freakin funny. And yes, I agree we should get together sometime.
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