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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. I'm doing okay...I havent OD'd on eating, I did have ice cream yesterday though...oh and a twinkie. and today i had ONE margarita, thats it!! Today I plan to do 30mins of The Firm.
  2. Happy Birthday Stephanie!! Enjoy your day!
  3. the pictures look fantastic...you guys make a great pair, your dress is gorgeous!
  4. thats hilarious!! LOL...I just had some jose cuervo in my margarita! cheers!!
  5. I just realized my marker now says "5 months"!!! agghhhhhh
  6. I forgot to mention that the manager "cc" the wedding coordinators so they should be on the same page now. Phew
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyDez If you can get something on cd they will play it for you I know from experience that the speakers are very clear and loud and they are very good at playing the cds and you would save the money. Your music also comes out very clear on the wedding video if you plan on purchasing one. Thx for the info. You had a recent wedding there, nice!!! Did you pick one of their packages for the reception, if so how did they set up the bar and was it an extra fee? Sorry for to bombard you with questions.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb Awesome! YAY! That is wonderful news. Thanks What a relief!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by antonia321 Lady Cheese- This just came to mind... I was a BM at a DW in Rome about 6 years ago and the bride got us (and herself!) all Prada travel cosmetics bags in brown with a pretty candle inside. (there is a Prada outlet just outside Rome) It wasn't exactly this but there are some different ones on Bluefly. Bluefly - Women's Designer Handbags and Accessories at Bluefly.com - #300174502 - Prada ivory nylon zip small cosmetic bag Bluefly - Women's Designer Handbags and Accessories at Bluefly.com - #300174402 - Prada ivory nylon zip cosmetic bag I have to tell you, the candle is long gone now but the bag was the greatest BM gift I ever got that I still use all the time, for traveling, to the gym, etc. Would I ever buy a Prada or any luxury brand cosmetic bag for myself? Uh - no. But it was awesome to get a high quality and useful present that I will keep forever. I tried to do the same thing for my girls (didn't want to copy as that bride was there) but as I said, my gifts were bulky! Thx for the suggestions!!! these girls love makeup so that would be a hnady item to have also.
  10. Oh these are the Coach ones I had my eye on for the girls Coach Official Site - SIGNATURE STRIPE WRISTLET
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean i love the passport cover!!! So do I...I may even have to get one for myself, its probably the only Tiffany item I can afford anyway!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I love the passport cover but $100 is a bit much. If they're name brand kinda chicks.. maybe a mini skinny from Coach? It's half the price and helpful on vacation - Coach Official Site - mini skinnys Its funny you mention the Coach mini-skinnys bc I was looking at those last night and put them on my list as a possible gift for them...plus they have them in brown with a light blue trim and those are my wedding colors!!
  13. So I sent an email to the sales manager and he replied in 5 minutes (which blew me away bc we all know how slow it is to get replies) and this was his response when I asked about Photosouvenir: "Dear Jessica & Dominique, I would like to inform and confirm that Photosouvneir is allowed to enter at Dreams Punta Cana. Best regards, Gabriel Riera Director de Ventas Dreams Punta Cana Resort & Spa". You ladies dont know how I feel right now, like a butt-load has been taken off my shoulders!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon this is the photo that the WC sent me for the beach set up. I believe that the bar is included in the set up - and the lighting with tiki torches. No extra charge to set up on the beach. Which is weird to me since they charge you $300 for a ceremony on the beach and that is a lot less work! that is weird...oh well. we'll see. i would like to have a "welcome Party" on the beach.
  15. WOW, your pics are amazing...you looked beautiful, I LOVE your dress!!! The BMs dresses are also nice, your hubby's tie the way it complemented your dress....some of my fav pics are the TTD ones..esp since your BMs joined in on the fun and you guys had a Charlie's Angels moment, LOL, nice!!
  16. thx for the support...I will be emailing the manager today so i can get confirmation in writing and he needs to inform the WC bc she swears they are not allowed on property. I dont know if its a miscommunication or just another attemp to keep future brides from using PS. let see...
  17. I'm looking fwd to doing a TTD session, havent quite convinced FI yet but I'm sure I can convince him (I hope)!
  18. Dag, thats a tough situation in your in Savannah but seriously if you know that NOT getting the "it" dress will cause regret and all other types of feelings then maybe you should get it...bc then you wont be able to get the dress of your mind anyway and looking back you may think you should've just splurged on it bc it makes all the difference in the world to you & your wedding day. Good luck.
  19. that is so freakin sweet, I would've been crying too!!!!!
  20. you will soon be hooked to BDW!! Its the best!! Happy Planning
  21. oh no, that suks!!! my car was broken into last year and all they took was some change...but they left a huge mess in the car. It is creepy to think some stranger was in there!! Glad you are safe and that it was a company car!
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