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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. yay Rebecca, that must feel great that they are on their merry way!! Nice job, I love them!
  2. amazing! your dress is beautiful, love the train. and that blue runner looks great also!
  3. wow Celina, I am so sorry you are going through this right now. I just dont know how you all must be feeling. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!
  4. 1. USA (of course) 2. Puerto Rico 3. Canada 4. Jamaica 5. Bahamas 6. US Virgin Islands 7. British VI (Tortola) 8. Mexico 9. Belize
  5. I love Platinum Weddings....they aired an episode in my hometown which is funny bc I dont live anywhere ritzy or anything but the guy that was getting married is owner of The Brownstone, a hall for weddings/parties...and they showed my church as well where they had the ceremony. The reception was of course at his own place but they had to rent tents to put on the outside bc they had over 400-500 guests. It was nuts what they spent also.
  6. oh no, thats not good news...but you have a couple wks, you can definitely do it!! South beach works for me, once I lost 14lbs in 2wks just by cutting out all the white stuff. good luck, we're rooting for u.
  7. nice pics! i love the one on pg 5 where you guys are walking on the beach, your looking straight ahead and Sarah is looking back & smiling.
  8. i'm so sorry. I hope his other friend will be able to attend.
  9. oh no, that stinks!! the same thing happened to me last year and i felt completely violated. so sorry you had to go through this!
  10. I havent been into either, I really need to get motivated again and stay motivated. I just feel like Ive been watching, for the most part, what i eat but i still dont lose anything significant. i need to exercise more consistently, if that doesnt help then i dont know what gives!
  11. I cant believe that wasnt a real resort! wow! thats Hollywood for ya, lol
  12. Rebecca you look fantastic!! the dress is gorgeous, love the lace and the details!! woohoo!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I'm really surprised i didn't breakdown and eat the taco dip. I only stayed for about 2 hrs, i think if i would of stayed any longer i would of just started pigging out. I guess i'm starting to learn my limits and i just try to keep telling myself in my head "what's more important eating this ...taco dip... or looking beautiful on my wedding day and in my bikini." Good job Daniele for sticking to your diet, nice!! I only lost one measley pound this week...grrrr!!
  14. great review! you looked great and the parrot idea was awesome. it sucks that the airlines gave you such a hard time, some people are just miserable f*cks (excuse my french). Cant wait to see more pics
  15. I rcvd my starfish yesterday!! I order a few knobby ones for the guys bouts and I order the white pencil starfish for the placecards....they reek, I have to air them out this wknd and pray the smell goes away!! I hope to order my invitation paper this wknd so i can get started on the also. Ive held off on OOT stuff bc I dont know how many other people are going to book...I wish i knew already so i can get some stuff out the way. bummer!
  16. oh my, how fast that went!!! Have a beautiful wedding day...I cant wait to see pics and read your review!!
  17. Celina, I'm so sorry to hear about daughter's hair, poor baby...I hope my daughter never attemps something like that bc I wouldnt know what to do!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I registered at Kohls this weekend so i'm finally done with registering. So glad that's over it was kinda stressful. I also got the gm and fi's linen pants. We got them at K&G for $25 a pair. We decided to hire the photosouvenir company for our pics. i just sent them over my paperwork a couple of hrs ago. Thanks Jessica, i wouldn't even know they existed if it wasn't for you. How was everyone's weekend? congrats on booking Photosouvenir!!
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