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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by soontobeamrs Thanks girls. I guess the only reason I care is that they are my FI sibblings... and our wedding party.. They kindof went about it wrong and avoided my calls. My FI flew off the handle some because he was embarrassed that I found out. I guess I would expect my wedding party to stay with us and help out for the days we have stuff planned. Anyone else I prob wouldn't care either. yeah thats different now, they avoided your calls & their siblings! I hate when they do avoid calls. Hopefully everything will work out in the end. Dont let it stress you too much.
  2. I didnt sense any rudeness either and at least they sent an email to ask you how you felt about it. My FI friend flat out told us they were planning to stay elsewhere that was less money...lol.
  3. such a great review Leticia!! Thanks and congrats...everything looked great and you were beaming on your big day
  4. Welcome back!!! The pics are great, you look beautiful and all the details you put into everything I absolutely love!! I cant wait for your review and to see more pics. Congrats!
  5. I juist really wonder if I should send out RSVP cards after all! That stinks that you put so much effort into stuff and people disregard. We do have a website and several peopler RSVPd there, so I wonder if I need to send those cards bc they may think "we already RSVPd". grrrr. what to do? I feel your frustration though!
  6. oh no Yari, thx for the head's up...I thought it was such a cute idea also. can you imagine if people come to airport with foldable beach chairs?! LOL
  7. Hi ladies, I tried Alli last year when it came out and I must say that it did help me lose weight, I felt great when I lost 10-15lbs in a short period of time. I really watched what I ate bc before starting the pill I read many horror storied and I didnt want to be one those people who shitted their pants at work. If I went a little over the 15g of fat, I would feel the need to go to the bathroom and it would mainly be a lot of gas and/or oily stools (which creeped me out at first bc the oil is orange!!). I should've stayed on them a little longer but I went on a cruise and I'll be damn if I'm not going to eat what I want. LOL.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 I like that you just have to appear to be between the ages of 18-28. They don't care if you're really 15, just as long as you look legal. Way to go MTV! LOL, I caught that one too!!
  9. I went thru horrible times with my TA...she basically was insisting that I have a "wedding planner" or as you said a "point of contact" that she can deal with instead of me directly (i'm no bridezilla, I was a bit offended)...then she didnt want people to call her, instead she wanted emails and she is a bit snotty with us and some of my guests...so rude!! I'm happy you are switching agents ASAP, I should've done the same.
  10. I dont like to read people's comments on Tripadvisor bc its usually one extreme or the other and then I'll get too nervous & paranoid. I have read several bride's reviews on the Dreams Forum (Dreams Resorts & Spas - Register) but I guess they are probably a bit biased since its a Dreams site. You can also try this site that has several reviews on recent Dreams PC visitors Dreams Punta Cana Resort & Spa Reviews - Punta Cana - Debbie's Dominican Republic Travel Page - Dreams Punta Cana Resort & Spa Resort Photos. I think one of the bride's on this forum is currently at Dreams getting married (Ticia), hopefully she will come back with a great wedding review.
  11. Morgan thanks so much for sharing this plan!! I would like to use something like this for FI and I, and see how it works bc right now we are not doing anything and its not exactly working.
  12. Oh my, I'm so sorry that you are going through more stuff. Sending big hugs & prayers your way
  13. I'm loving everything!! You put so much hardwork and effort into everything, your wedding is going to be beautiful and your guests are going to enjoy everything. Cant wait to see wedding pics!
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