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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. OMG, is everyone out on the Raffia fans...Koyal Wholesale is on b/o, then yesterday I saw them on OTC and was looking for a coupon, now today it shows they are out of stock!! Asianideas.com is accepting back-orders. I guess I'm going to take a chance and b/o them since I still have a few mths. Any other places I can look?
  2. Does anyone have any coupon codes for Oriental Trading Co? TIA
  3. stunning photos!! love the pic of you guys in the subway where he's shooting through the glass/door..and the one where you guys are kissing and the yellow cabs are zooming by. beautiful!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Thanks guys.. I am by no means a crafty type person but I'm happy with how they turned out! Now on to the scrapbooking for my BM's.. heh. That will be harder The invites came out really nice...I saw them on the other thread. Nice job!!
  5. Damn Danielle....that sucks the big one!! I know how you feel bc I didnt back-up none of my files and my PC just died...luckily a coworker was able to retrieve everything from the hard drive and put it on an external hardrive for me. I wish you could've had the same luck....anything I can do to help, pls let me know.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE I am so irritated for you! I hate procrastinators. I am a planner at heart. My mother raised me to always think ahead and do what you can today because you don't want a huge pile of stuff at the last minute. Just try to take it in stride! I hope it all works out for you! Thx Celina..I'm sure everything will work out in the end. I feel bad for her though bc now she regrets having her wedding at this resort...her mom and family tried to advise her to look at other places but she was so set on having her wedding there and now she realizes what an inconvenience it is not only for her but for her guests (the place is 3 hours from her house)....So I spoke to her and told her not to stress about it right now, its too late..so just enjoy these next few weeks. We'll see...I'll come back with butt-load of pictures for you all
  7. Rebecca, WOW!! I cant believe your wedding is in a few weeks, first of all...Secondly, everything looks amazing...you have put so much time and effort into everything, I just love it all...andyour guests will too!!!
  8. hmmm, I havent thought about these "cups", dont even know exactly what that is...dont mean to sound ignorant. I need to start thinking about this actually, since the girls do need some support Besides that I plan to wear spanx underneath.
  9. It scary that something like this still happens!! Its just unexcusable!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. well if you were going, you'd have to get a hotel room, rent a car, and fly there anyway....sooooooooooooooo, you were already in this w/o being a bridesmaid! breathe - remember she's always been like this, so it's nothing new, and you're learning what else you shouldn't do for your own wedding. where is the wedding, btw? yup, I definitely wouldn't leave my guests guessing where they should stay esp not any of my BMs. oh well.
  11. the wedding is in Naples, Fl...I thought I could fly there direct and skip renting a car (at the very least) but there are no flights to that airport on the day I'm leaving...so I'll be flying to Fort Myers...Now I found a hotel thats only 35 mins away from her resort. So its looking a little better.
  12. thx Yari...she's never been organized and is a major procastinator but I really thought she would be different for her own wedding! Guess not.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust Those are beautiful! Etsy is my new favorite site (other than this one of course!!). I ordered some passport covers for my BMs and I felt the same way. It was so personal, so quick and such wonderful quality. I will have to look up your etsy person to order my hair flower. Thanks for sharing! any pics of your passport covers
  14. Okay so just venting here....my bestfriend is getting married in 4 weeks; she just recently asked me to be in her wedding and I relunctantly agreed (financial reasons only)...but I figured since I have to fly to attend her wedding and stay at a hotel, might as well be in her wedding; after all we've been friends since 5th grade. She didnt ask me sooner bc she thought I would be too overwhelmed with planning my own wedding and all but then she realized that she couldn't look at her wedding pictures and not see me in them (ok, that was sweet and so I agreed to be a BM)....but now as the wedding gets closer, no one else from the bridal party (like a MOH) has contacted me in regards to accomodations (as she previously had stated, no one has contacted anyone period)...she didnt sent out any info on nearby hotels that she'd recommend in that area and the one she's getting married at is over $250 per night which is not feasible for me right now. I'm online searching for a place to stay with my daughter and no flights from NJ go to the airport thats near her resort. the closestairport is an hour away, not too far but now I have to rent a car as well and take a small road trip with my daughter (who is the flower girl by the way)...boy oh boy, what did i get myself into! I havent even rcvd an invitation (she bought them late and is trying to get them out!). Okay...I vented!!
  15. gorgeous!! I love it...thanks for sharing! I bookmarked the site for when I'm ready to order.
  16. It is frustrating and I cant believe they haven't replied to any of Caitlin's emails!! Its ludacris. I hope you get an answer soon. Keep us posted.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari That is so cute! Jessica you are really finding all sorts of great stuff on the Martha Stewart website. Thanks to the new Martha Stewart Weddings magazine I just bought yesterday, I discovered new stuff on her site...its full of so many wonderful ideas and projects.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha So, no one is including their mothers in the sand ceremony? We intend to. we're including our 5 year old daughter in the sand ceremony...we'll incorporate 3 different color sands.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Crystal&David Thank You ladycheese for posting the sand scripts!!!!!!!! your welcome
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