Quote: Originally Posted by becks Just a quick thought, and I will caveat it by pointing out that this is all wall street rumor, and it may come to nothing at all.
There is some real belief in the investment community that following the Beijing olympics in August, the price of oil will drop. The theory is that China's efforts to prepare for the inflow of people, and the use of oil, gasoline and deisel fuels to accomodate both the infrastructure build up and the tourists themselves will drop to significantly reduced levels after the end of August when the olympic visitors have returned home.
If, in fact, China's oil and gas consumption goes back down (or close) to where it was pre-build up, there is an expectation that the price of crude could drop as much as 10-15%. If that happens, jet fuel prices will decline and, presumably, airline ticket prices will to.
I"m keeping my fingers crossed for you all! I really hope that's the case Rebecca...thanks for the info.