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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. This is a realy good thread...! I'm sorry to hear a few of you are dealing with all this. It motivates me to go to the Dr and get some bloodwork done. Last year my bloodwork showed my thyroid levels were elevated and was referred to a endocronologist. She suggested that the birth control may be to blame for the elevated levels. She had me stop the birth control and retest and levels seemed normal. She also tested me for thyroid-specific gene and said it was negative and basically sent me on my un-merry way. Lately I've been feeling extremely exhausted and lethargic, the weight has been very, very slow to come off and I'm wondering if it could be thyroid related. My mom has been on synthroid since she was 19 yrs old. I seriously need to get tested again!
  2. I wanted to do the mat where guests can sign but I know how some people can get after a few drinks (as someone else mentioned here) and ruin the whole thing....so lately I've been thinking of doing something like this from Martha Stewart. It comes with 108 small note cards and guests write what they like and tuck it inside the envelopes that come attached to the pages.
  3. Dreams has been very unstable these past few months...I;m sure they are overwhelmed with the weddings but some consistency would be nice...One minute I was dealing with one WC then she must've left, then I was dealing Miguelina and she was good but out of nowhere she stopped responding to my emails for like 2 months, now I deal with Maria but she really doesn't answer all my questions....then she acted like I had to send the form in to book my date which freaked me out, after several emails back & forth she replies she does have my form and my date has been booked since early this year. Then the whole issue with Photosouvenir...now this with the new deposit rules. grrrrr Its frustrating...I'm sure everthing will work out for everyone, its just annoying at times.
  4. Good luck!! keep us posted...I need to get a trainer also, keep my butt into shape!
  5. Rebecca your makeup looks good...and that was so nice of FI to ask her to come out there....I hope she can make it, that would be so excitinG!
  6. So sorry to hear. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
  7. I found this just now, not a bad idea..simple but cute: - Purchase one kraft box per guest at your wedding (remember to include your attendants and yourselves!). For orders of 250 or more - try these from packagingsupplies.com. For smaller orders - try these at papermart.com. - Assemble the boxes and fill with choclates, nuts, soaps - whatever. - Use lengths of ribbon (the actual length will depend on the size of your box) to tie around your box. Tie a loose knot. - Create placecards from cardstock and a Word or Photoshop program OR purchase some from Martha Stewart Crafts at Michael's (use your 40% off coupon!). - Punch a hole in the upper lefthand corner of each placecards and attach to boxes. - Place appropriate box at each placesetting. - Enjoy! Tough-O-Meter: Can listen to your future in-laws bicker over the remote and still make it come out cute!
  8. I vote not tacky at all either. I'm doing little brown favor boxes (which i bought at michaels for pretty cheap) filled with blue jordan almonds. Our colors are blue and brown. Come to think of it, maybe I can get inspiration from what "Ethrondson" said, have their names on the little boxes and have them double as placecards and favors!! I have to think it through for a bit and see how I can do that. I may not do the starfish after all...I can see all of FI's dumb friends leaving them behind, after I paid all that money for them, etc....so I'll bring the ones I do have and use them as decorations.
  9. you look great in that dress, like cinderella, beautiful!! everything else looks great too! have fun!!
  10. that lady was absolutely nuts!!! "WE DONT FLY ECONOMY!!!!". I wanted to smack her, making us NJ brides look bad! LOL
  11. God bless her, she's a doll. i love those goofy stretched babies be doing!
  12. LadyCheese


    to the forum and happy planning!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by caguirre lls I'm trying for an Old Hollywood glamour theme...(of course cheaper version of it all) and thought of these place cards, minus the breakfast at tiffany's...I don't want to theme my tables... What do you think? I can use any other suggestions... very cute, i like the that a lot!
  14. I'm so glad you finally heard back from someone at Dreams!! Quote: Originally Posted by caitlin I have been in touch with Maria at dreams, and she has been a great help! She has been very quick with responses, and really helpful. THANK GOD! I was nervous, but feeling much better!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 We aren't doing one only because i'm trying to avoid FMIL as much as possible lol still even if i did like her not sure i'd have one - i feel guilty enough that i'm taking a day out of someone's holiday never mind more time LOL...I hear you.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Karen According to Emily Post.com "The rehearsal dinner guest list includes the wedding party, the officiant and his or her spouse or partner, parents and grandparents of the bride and groom, and also any other siblings of the couple who are not in the wedding party. The attendants’ husbands, wives, fiancé(e)s, and live-in companions should be invited, but inviting their dates is optional. At larger gatherings, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews of the bride and groom are frequently included as well. After that, any number of people may attend, including out-of-town guests, close friends, and godparents—if you want a larger group at this dinner" I didn't do a rehearsal since it was just Jay and I. My best friend did a casual "welcome dinner" for everyone coming to the wedding (20 people). I really don't see anything wrong with just having the bridal party at the rehearsal dinner as a way to thank your "inner circle" and perhaps a cocktail meet n greet for everyone else a day or two before the big day. This will probally cost nothing extra if you are at an AI and pick a low traffic bar to meet at. Thanks for the info. I dont feel so bad anymore for keeping the rehearsal dinner low-key. The majority of the guests are flying in on Thursday so we are having a welcome party for all the guests, then Friday we want to do the rehearsal dinner with th epridal party & my parents...then maybe afterwards we can meet the other guests at a bar for drinks, etc.
  17. that is so cool that you were able to meet the actual designer of your dress...he has really nice work!! Your dress looks fab!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz We invited our bridal party and their dates and the immediate family that was not in the wedding (just Mike's 3 sisters). It was about 40 people in total. We couldn't invite everyone b/c we had 85 people there. If it was a smaller group, I would have invited everyone though. I have about 50-60 coming...My TA was shocked that I was just inviting the bridal party and my parents and not the other guests. So I wasnt sure what was the right thing to do.
  19. wow 6 children...I wonder if they will have/adopt anymore?
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