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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore Are you thinking of switching from Dreams Punta Cana to this new resort? No, I'm not switching...I started this thread back in Feb, shortly before booking with Dreams.
  2. where in NJ do you offer classes??
  3. everything looks great Maura...cant wait to see your pics when you get back!
  4. that helps plenty ladies...thanks a bunch. I better locate my receipt as well before I call them!!! Thx again
  5. Does anyone know what OTC's return policy is? I don't know if its just me but I cant seem to find any return info on their website! TIA
  6. so sorry this had to happen to you...I hate when that happens! They really should be more careful.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by acire My FI and I are long distance, and we see each other every weekend which means A LOT of flights. One of my favorite sites is Farecast. It tracks and trends airfare and will tell you if you should buy now or wait. Thx I will check that out
  8. Hi. I'm trying to book a flight leaving 8/7 from Newark,NJ to Fort Myers, FL...and just a few days ago I seemed to be able to get a decent price ($250 round-trip) but I had to wait around for my mom to decide...I checked today and the prices went up ($333). I know its less than 14 days out but any chance that airfare may drop again or is it more likely to go up even more?? TIA
  9. wow this is so scary...I was talking to one of the ladies in one of our service centers in los angeles and she seemed so calmed about it...she's almost in her 60's and says she's been through a lot of them....she still hid under her desk though, i guess that's what she's used to. Glad everyone is okay. I cant imagine what that feels like.
  10. Mrs: Abbie BtB: My vote goes to Becks as well for the obvious--she rocks!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl I'm perfectly happy to pay for a private area and extra waitstaff -- that's only fair. What rubs me the wrong way is the extra $ for food and booze. If you have a smaller wedding party that can be accomodated in a restaurant, you still have to pick from a set menu, so I don't really see how they can use that as a reason to doublecharge for a private reception. The same goes for a bar -- paying for set-up and a bartender (or two) is reasonable. But charging us per drink too? I still think it's double dipping. I haven't had any serious conversations with them about the reception yet, so I guess we'll see what the outcome is soon enough. Did they tell you that you had to pay extra for drinks? I was never told that and I too am having a private reception...some of the girls that were wed at Dreams PC also did not have to pay for the liquor...what they do is set up a small "bar" area with different types of liquor and thats all included in the price you pay for the meal.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore So is she the WC for both resorts? I know, I'm so confused!!! I really wish I had extra money in the budget for a site visit bc this stinks!! I dont know who is who anymore.
  13. they came out great!! you guys look so good together...i like the one where the sunrays are beaming down on the both of you.
  14. happy birthday for Justin!! hope you all have a grand time. I've been MIA lately ladies...work has been killing me and I am pooped by the time I get home. I haven't done much wedding related stuff since I'm trying to get my trip ready for Florida for my friend's wedding....I need to fast these next two weeks so my dress can zip up all the way!! (GULP!!). My ticker finally changed to 3 months and 4 weeks!!! Agghhhh.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I wanted to do the mat where guests can sign but I know how some people can get after a few drinks (as someone else mentioned here) and ruin the whole thing....so lately I've been thinking of doing something like this from Martha Stewart. It comes with 108 small note cards and guests write what they like and tuck it inside the envelopes that come attached to the pages. Thanks...I actually went and bought it today at Michaels...it was only $29.99 plus I had a coupon.
  16. cool thx, I found some doctors in my area with positive feedback!!
  17. Thanks for the info...I agree I need to find a doctor who really, really listens to me and my concerns. I need to start going to several doctors until I find the right one instead of always settling for just one because I'm used to him/her.
  18. I'll stick to the rules as hard as it is but my BDW crush is (drum roll please): Rebecca "Becks"...I believe we joined around the same time and she's always been super helpful and nice. She rocks and I can't wait to meet her in person one of these days!!
  19. Okay never mind Yari, I cant buy them from you...sowee. I placed an order from OTC yesterday for those fans, I just called and they told me I couldnt adjust the quantities bc my order was being picked and packed!!
  20. I think like this at times when it comes to flying. everything will be alright. Its natural to have that "what if" feeling when it comes to flying.
  21. I purchased orchids at michaels...they are not the cheap, fabric looking kind. They feel pretty real and $13 a stem with 7 orchids on each stem. I used coupons on all the stems to get a better deal...I'm not using them for my fans but i thought I'd share.
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