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Everything posted by LadyCheese

  1. what is this world coming to when we are not even safe during the daytime! its a sick world....that is just horrible!
  2. thats so funny Celina about fitting the kids in the suitcase, I can imagine how big it is. I really should start thinking about packing but I HATE packing!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Congrats on the weight and inches loss!! Any loss rules!! I love you dress and the MOH dress is adorable. Is that one of those bubble dresses? Fake nails...I have had my nails for about 6 years now. I would reccommend the white tips if you are doing a french manicure. It wont chip or anything and you can do color then take it off then still have the french look permanently there until it grows out. Thanks Stephanie....yeah its a bubble hem.
  4. well I just got back from the gym...i started on 9/10 (almost 3 wks ago)...I lost 4lbs (was wanting more but I'll take that) and I lost 1 inch from the waist. my thighs and hips, i only lost 1/4" (which suks) and 1/2" from my arms. I still have a longs way to go but at least now i'm starting to enjoy exercise (and it helps that my trainer is a cutie )
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Very nice. Those shows are really gonna be a nice touch. I love the hints of bling on the front. Can't wait to see you all glammed up with the complete look! Are you doing a veil? right now i'm thinking of a birdcage veil....kinda like this one:
  6. Last wknd I had my first fitting, which was exciting but a bit frustrating as well since my dress didnt quite fit. She couldnt finish tying the corset at the bottom bc of all the junk in my trunk (LOL)...these hips DONT lie!! Well, here is a pic of me in my dress, unfortunately the lady already started to untie me before I could take my picture but I was able to stop her in time to take one photo.....I also included a pic of the MOH in the bridesmaid dresses. Me (dont mind my dumb look) MOH (the shoes she's wearing are actually my wedding shoes; the bridesmaids will be wearing brown sandals)
  7. Hello November brides...hope you are all doing well. I've been trying to read the last 50 pages or so that I've missed since I don't have time to log on during the week anymore You guys have been so busy...me, I've been hitting the gym, its been 3 wks so far. Today I find out if I lost any weight or inches (wish me luck)...last wknd I had my first fitting, which was exciting but a bit frustrating as well since my dress didnt quite fit. She couldnt finish tying the corset at the bottom bc of all the junk in my trunk (LOL)...these hips DONT lie!! Well, here is a pic of me in my dress, unfortunately the lady already started to untie me bc she didnt hear me tell her I wanted to take a picture....I also included a pic of the MOH in the bridesmaid dresses. Enjoy. MOH (the shoes she's wearing are actually my wedding shoes; the bridesmaids will be wearing brown sandals) Me (dont mind my dumb look)
  8. Great pics & seats girl!! Looks like you had an awesome time!!
  9. you look beautiful!! the countdown begins!
  10. we have way more friends going than family.
  11. has anyone PM'd you yet for the cookie cutters? they are cute but let me consult with FI first.
  12. LadyCheese


    Hola...welcome aboard
  13. Okay, I need some help from my November peeps...I attached the invitation I'm working on right now, how does it look? two or five eyes are better than one...I always screw up the spacing...so i really need some feedback pls. TIA invite.ppt
  14. have a beautiful time out there, cant wait to see the pictures!!
  15. I have some pics also...I love San Juan and Old San Juan especially. Nice pics..Jamisoncolette!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I'm so with you on this!! And it's weird because I would think seeing the scale drop would help keep the motivation up, but I guess it makes me go "oh i can eat the cup cake" WTF?! I really want a life change. I don't just want to diet for the wedding, i want it to be part of my every day life, eating healthy and tell myself NO. I agree, I want it to be a lifestyle change also...what kills me is that I used to weight 50-60 lbs lighter before I got my pregnant with my daughter...I was in good shape. I just really let myself go after the pregnancy and never made a true effort to lose the weight. So I want to prove to myself that i can get that body back and keep it!! so frustrating.
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