stupid computer ate my first attempt...but i still need to vent...
i know almost everyone has been through this, but I'm just irritated by the fact that NOT ONE of my girlfriends is coming to my wedding (I invited 17 of them). I knew from the beginning that most wouldn't be able to afford it, even with a years notice, and that was fine. I also knew that the ones who really wanted to be there would try and still not be able to swing it - and that touched my heart. But there were 5 or 6 of them that said they were in from the beginning and sent me emails all the time about how excited they were, yet I've just recently gotten back their RSVPs saying they will NOT attend. No call or email in advance warning me their 180, just the RSVP. WTF
I know the economy sucks and people have their own lives and priorities, but to those 5 or 6 that were planning on coming...who had more than 12 months notice with price estimates (which have actually gone DOWN), I'm pissed. I've gotten excuses written in the RSVP like "we're going on two other vacations this year" and "we just bought a house" or simply "we just can't swing it". Fine, you're not coming. But be honest...just tell me that while you're my friend and you wish me a wonderful wedding, its just not that important to you to be there and you'd rather go on a different vacation or spend the money you saved for Mexico on a new couch and coffee tables. Because that's the truth and I just want them to know that I know that.
Oh yeah - and thanks for being so beyond tacky that you sent me a wedding check IN the RSVP card. Means alot to me to know that I'm not even important enough to rank a trip to CVS to buy a 99cent wedding card and 42 cent stamp!
Yes, I'm being a bitchy little brat, but I can't help it. I'm hurt and disappointed and mad. I know lots of you have gone through this and there's not much to say, but I just needed to vent...thank god for this forum!