Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Didn't make a final decision sadly. I wish I could take the service, restaurants, and architecture of Azul Beach, the resort size and pool of Paradisus, add in a little of the rustic feel of Xpu Ha Palace, and put it on the beach of Barcelo. Ha. In my dreams, yes?
So for added drama, my future bro-in-law's gf found out she is pregnant and due 5 days before I was planning on getting married. But since I didn't send STDs yet, in theory I could move the wedding from May to Nov. But I really wanted the extra light of May, and I didn't want to wait forever as I too want a baby (and I'm 12 years older than her, so it might not be so easy). The gf doesn't want to ruin my wedding but I don't want to be rude either...
So I'm trying to decide btwn May:
Wedding at Al Cielo, guests at Grand Sunset/Riviera Princess.
Wedding at Al Cielo, guests at the new Barcelo Palace.
Weddng & guests at Paradisus.
Wedding at Al Cielo, find other lodging?
Wedding & guests at the new Azul View if it opens on time.
One of the aforementioned options, with the hope that Al Cielo's lease gets renewed.
Look into Isla Mujeres or Cozumel?
Or sometime in July or maybe September in Cabo or Los Angeles - back to the drawing board...
Did you ever decide what to do?
Your reviews were a lifesaver for me...we're heading down next month just be sure, but we've reserved a Jan '09 date at the Paradisus. Your review helped us make that decision so thanks!!!