just got back from our visit to the Paradisus Riviera...it's late, but tomorrow I'll post the picks I snapped of the FunJet reps and of the customs area. I also took a picture of the red light/green light system, but was immediatedly surrounded by security because its illegal to take pictures of the customs and declaration area...FI was so embarassed to be with me. They took my camera and deleted the picture I'd taken and then let us go so it wasn't a big deal, just a little startling
i definitely second the reco to set up shuttle service in advance. We just kept our heads down and headed straight for the exit and weren't hassled, but I'm sure if we weren't bolting, we would have been approached and hassled. Once outside, its very easy to locate the tour company since they all have bright shirts and signs so you can hop right onto your shuttle.
more to come tomorrow! 'night all!