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Everything posted by neen

  1. hahaha...thanks, Morgan! I'll go pick some up and see how it works out. i'll post a pic later. MelissaH - that's a great idea! we're actually including business cards already with our wedding website address and the contact info for our TA and prices for Dreams Tulum - so at least that one will have the right number listed on it! I'm DIYing them since i found business card paper at Staples this weekend. I'll post a pic of them tonight too!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I agree - tell her that you've become close over the last several months and she was your first thought. If it were me, I'd totally be touched! And if you're worried about her feeling like she needs to reciprocate, tell her that she doesn't and don't think twice about it. i agree too!
  3. our 89 STDs are ivory so white-out won't work...unless they make it in ivory now...i'll have to check on that cause i'm thinking maybe they do. my mom thinks i should just leave it since most people will probably just visit the website (or our website) and the number is correctly listed there.
  4. so i just realized that I totally inverted two of the numbers in my travel agent's area code on my save the cards. of course the numbers aren't an easy fix like a 3 to an 8...because that would mean god loves me and he doesn't. the error is on the opposite side of the card (in other words, not the main page) so I figrue I have two options: - cross out the area code completely and rewrite it - start my STDs from scratch i ordered my STDs so starting from scratch sets me back about two weeks for re-ordering/shipping and maybe $150 dollars. not a big deal, but also not thrilling what would you do?
  5. i am getting married at DT in Jan 09 and the group rate they sent me for the standard hacienda rooms is $210/pp per night. What did they quote you vs. what you just received?
  6. There's a HUGE difference in price between December 08 and January 09, one because Jan is considered high season, and two, because of the annual rate increase. Even with my TA, rates are $200pp. I'll stop complaining now, just wanted to share.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake We were quoted $390 per night for January if we did a room block. This is for your basic room. Its a bit steep but we hope they have a sale. Neen, what rate were you quoted? I'd be interested to compare! This is the first I heard about not having music at El Patio! That won't work. I've just sent an email to sandra and landy, they really should tell you that before you reserve!! let me start by saying that i've been very happy (re)planning my wedding at Dreams Tulum and regardless of prices, I'm moving forward with it because I can't take picking yet another resort and starting the process all over again. That said, I'm CONVINCED the resorts in Mexico make things up as they go... SBlake and I are getting married on the SAME DAY in January. I requested a group rate/block for 25 rooms for our wedding weekend. SBlake was quoted a group rate of $390 per night and I just received our quote for $420 per night. WTF?
  8. YYYAAAAAAAAYYYY! Congratulations Heidi! You looked GORGEOUS and I'm so happy for you that everything went so well! Can't wait for more pics!!!!!
  9. hey sarah, i copied your post into the Dreams Tulum Brides Post Here thread also to see if the ladies there would be able ot help answer your questions so check there as well!
  10. This was posted in its own thread, but thought it would get better response here.... Quote: Originally Posted by Sannjn Hello Ladies!!! Ok...I'm 78 days away from getting married and starting to think more seriously (and realistically) about getting everything I need to the resort. For the event I will be bringing...Welcome Bags with goodies (including shirts made with our wedding logo & CD's), parasols & fans for the ceremony, glass sailboat favors...and possibly some other things I haven't quite figured out yet. My question... How did everyone get there stuff to the resort? ....Did you bring extra luggage? ....Did you ship it to the resort? ....Ask family and friends to carry some things? Other question for transporting options if I were to... Bringing everything with me... If you carried everything with you, did you have any problems with customs? Shipping some items... If you had things shipped to Dreams Tulum, how far in advance did you ship it? How long did it take to get there? Did you feel comfortable shipping? Did Sandra/Landy take care of it? AND...did you guys have the bellboy deliver the bags to your guests room before they arrived so it would be in their room when they walked in? I saw this as an option in the 'WEDDING GUIDE' for a $2/bag fee (tipping for bellboy). They said I just needed to give them a list of my guests and when they arrived. Did anyone do this? Any extra info would be great! Thanks for the help!!! -Sarah
  11. awesome review! and beautiful pics...you looked amazing! ps- leia i LOVE your table number idea, too funny!
  12. I missed Sunbrides newsletter...can someone tell me where to find it? OK - just kidding, I found it, I'm an idiot
  13. I'm so sorry, Mo! We'll all be thinking of you and hoping the news tomorrow is better...
  14. Happy Wedding Day Heidi & Reggie!!! Hope its all you dreamed of and more!
  15. Yea!!! Congrats! Can't wait to read your "real" review and see your pics! Welcome home!
  16. Great reviews, tons of helpful info - thanks! And congrats!!!! Now...pics, pics, pics!!!
  17. so here's another kids question...all of our nieces and nephews are staying off-site, but will be attending the wedding. do we have to purchase day/night passes for them to attend? is there a child day/night pass rate?
  18. so sorry to hear you're dealing with a frustrating situation...keep thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel - your wedding day!!! you must be getting so excited!!! don't forget to post pics of all your planning stuff, we love seeing all those things! and let us know if you need any help!
  19. sorry i don't know the answer to your question. why don't you post it on the Dreams Tulum Brides Post Here thread...if no one knows, perhaps someone heading down for a site visit soon can check into this for you (we're not going down until June so that's no help for your May wedding...sorry!)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by SBlake We were quoted $390 per night for January if we did a room block. This is for your basic room. Its a bit steep but we hope they have a sale. Neen, what rate were you quoted? I'd be interested to compare! This is the first I heard about not having music at El Patio! That won't work. I've just sent an email to sandra and landy, they really should tell you that before you reserve!! I think you're allowed to have music as long as you rent out the whole restuarant for the $750 fee. As Amy was saying, they don't allow music if there are other diners inside the restuarant because it disturbs them, but if its closed down for your event, you should be able to whatever you want in terms of music. we haven't received a group rate quote yet...I'm really hoping it comes in around $350 since we're reserving 30 rooms...$390 is pretty ridiculous IMO!
  21. you could have the cocktail hour right in the courtyard outside the chapel - i think its a lovely area (from pics i've seen)...or the beach works too! do you know if there is room for dancing at the SG? the pics i've seen so far are helpful, but don't really give you a sense of how large or small the space is...we're expecting about 100ppl so I hope there's enough room for all the tables a DJ and dance floor...or maybe we could just set up the dance floor on the sand outside and surround the area with tii torches
  22. that's amazing! the prices we're getting for air, transfer and 3 nights is close to $1000/pp...but we're in January so it might just be a result of it being high season. stupid high season! thanks for the feedback!
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