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Everything posted by B&J2008

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus HELLO... I'M JEAN-MARCUS STROLE.... AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE.. hahahaha... i don't think ive ever had someone as excited to have me as their photographer... can't even tell you how nice that is to hear. i better not dissapoint I'm that excited too...I'm a Jean-Marcus bride as well!! I just didn't make a post that let everyone know just how excited I am, so ditto to everything IslandBride said!! ...oops! IslandLover not IslandBride!!
  2. Trish those bags are awesome! We're leaving for DC in the morning but going to Target as soon as we get back...keeping fingers crossed that they still have them!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Seahagamy I have just received an email from Sandra saying they no longer allow wedding receptions in the Seaside Grill. I asked to reserve Seaside Grill too and she sent me an email saying that it depends on how many people are at the resort and we have to wait til closer to my date to see if I can get it or not....that sucks! I finally decided that we wanted to reserve it and now I don't know if we get it or not. Boo!!
  4. OK ladies...I finally did it! She took it all off and I think I'm going to love it. The actual process was not bad, my lady was wonderful. She talked to me the whole time so I wouldn't get nervous and started with the side areas around the bikini line so in case I decided I couldn't go on, at least I'd have the sides done, and it wasn't even that painful. So, when I get finished, I'm thinking wow, that was it, that was nothing. Oh, no, when I wake up the next day, it was awful! I'm talking it was so red and swolen and hurt so bad. It looked like a bad razor burn. Did anyone else experience that? My lady told me its always worse the first time and each time gets better cause you have damaged the hair follicle. It has taken about 4 days to go down and still isn't all the way back to normal. I didn't mind the waxing, but if it is going to get this inflamed everytime after, I don't think it is worth it!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece I just stumbled across this thread tonight and 1st off I must say ya'll crack me up! But in all seriousness, my grandmother passed away on Valentines Day of this year from Colon cancer and had literally been constipated for her entire life. About year before she passed she had to have her intestines removed and had one of those bags attached to the outside of her stomach to collect all her BM. I have always had the attitude- what i don't know won't hurt me- especially about my health, but my perspective is changing on that and might just be joining ya'll on this. My Grandmother died from colon cancer too, so that's why I'm super scared about all of my problems. I've had them for as long as I can remember and have already had a colonoscopy in my 20's, which most people don't need until later. I'm glad we have our pooping support group..it makes it much more enjoyable!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 I understand...I took me years to even admit I had a shitting problem to my fiance, he was confused why I was in horriable pain sometimes or some days when I couldnt have sex because like we said the "pregnant belly" was kicking! Im over it now and totally comfortable talking about it. It scares me because people with consistent constipation develop many other symptoms, fatigue,depression, mood swings, etc....It's nothing im experiencing currently but who knows what Ill develop if I continue to live with this problem! I know the feeling of not wanting to have sex cause its embarrassing to have such a bloated belly. I have started to experience some of the symptoms associated with constant constipation such as mood swings, fatigue. Its not really bad but I've noticed enough for me to actually start doing something about it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Hi girls, You girls are too funny! I am dying reading this thread I did the Dr Natura thing (bought 2) and it was good. No running to the bathroom and their pictures on there are not at all what came out of me? Maybe they are the extreme? Also, I didnt lose a ton of weight either but I felt really good - I think if you are backed up or aren't a regular pooper then you might have more results this way. Anywho, if any difference it was how do you say "fluffy" HAHAHA Definately mix the powder in 100% juice, I used apple, I could barely get it down using just water (smells/tastes like liquorice) and what I found to be the BEST thing to do is buy a case of small apple juice (100% again) at like Costco or something and open it, take a sip and add the powder and shake the crap out of it to make sure it was mixed well. Dont mix it with too much liquid cause it just takes LONGER to drink!! If you wait for a few minutes between shaking and drinking it gets thicker! Don't do this!! TRUST ME!! I sent all the information to my doctor before doing it and she said it was totally safe and natural. Let me know if anyone has any poopstions Was it hard to stay with...drinking the fiber, taking the pill, and there's tea right? It just seems like a lot to do everyday. I'm not complaining though, if it works I'll do it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 I've done everything!!! Probiotics do not really do much for me, Ive been perscribed several perscriptions, which usually work for the first few weeks and then stop. Lately, I have not tried anything...However, a new doctor I have been seeing for my problems actually recommended Colonix based on my symptoms. However, IBS is often misdiagnosed and hard to narrow down...so this doctor felt it would benefit me...which it probably would have I suppose if I could have gotten down the fiber stuff. I give up! I've done everything too. It seems like something will work for a couple of weeks and then it doesn't give the same results. I do take Probiotics daily, sometimes I feel like it helps and other times (like two weeks ago when I went about 6 days w/o going at all) it doesn't. I keep taking it though, cause at least I go a little bit when I do take it. People just do not understand how bad this problem is. Pregnant belly is a perfect way to describe it and there has beeen a couple of times when I took a pregnancy test because I was convinced it was a baby rather than days worth of shit inside me!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura omg, girl you and i should be best friends. my FI asks me everyday "did you poop?" and on the days when i am feeling sick and my stomach hurts, he asks me multiple times per day, and then asks me to describe it if it wasnt normal -- because then, he tells me how to adjust my diet! LMAO. My FI poops like 3-4 times per day, but has serious gas problems any time he eats red meat. He took me to Ruth's Chris for dinner on our anniversary Tuesday night and the gas was NUCLEAR! I am telling you, I went out on the couch to escape!!!! I only poop 1 time a day usually, so i dunno how he does it 4 times! And I have the poochy problem too -- I eat really healthy for the most part and exercise regularly, but no matter how "good" i am being, i cannot for my life get rid of the pooch. I have been wanting to do this for so long, I am SOOOO glad so many of you girls are going to do it with me! HOW ABOUT THIS FOR POOP GROUP RULES: Everybody get your colonix ordered within the next week. Start it between May 7th and May 10th so we are all starting around the same time. Then we can all report back to each other how it's going. my god, i have never been so excited to shit in my whole life! I'm so excited I'm gonna shit...hopefully!! Haha! I'm gonna order this weekend. I really don't care how disgusting the drinks are or the stuff that comes out of my butt (eww, that sounded really gross), it's worth a shot to me. I'm miserable all the time and at this point I would try anything.
  10. Do you all know how freakin excited I am to be reading this! I have "pooping problems" my whole life, been to the Dr. so many times just to be told to eat more fiber! I eat more fiber than humanly possible, I take poop pills (probiotics), watch what I eat and still have horrid problems! FI and I have been wanting to order Colonix for about a month now and had decided to order this weekend. He said he would go through it with me, although the boy poops about 3 times a day...I'm lucky if I go 3 times a month. The poochy belly is the worse, although I exercise and eat good, I still have this pooch and I know its all the poop in there! This is the worse problem in history and I can't wait to start the cleansing. I'm here for poop support too! I thought we were crazy talking about poop so much, its good to hear other poeple talking like this too...altough its not good we all have this problem. FI and I always celebrate when I go to the bathroom...how sad is that? When are we starting girls? I'm ready!!!
  11. OK, so I've finally started looking for a new job. I'm in sales now and hope to get a pharmaceutical sales job soon...I think I finally have enough experience. I have one degree and I am currently working on finishing my Biology degree and thought working for pharmaceutical company would be a great job, plus they make more money than I'm making now, not that money is everything, but that's besides the point. I'm good at my sales job now, constantly exceeding sales goals and getting awards in the company, I've actually worked in a pharmacy so I have some pharmaceutical background. I finally completed my resume and thought it sounded good enough to start applying...of course after having several people proof read and give suggestions. I applied at one company tonight, a smaller company and thought I had a pretty good chance of possibly getting an interview. Guess what? Within five minutes, literally five minutes, I had an email in my inbox stating that I wasn't what they were looking for! WTF! How do they know that soon? I have lots of qualifications they are looking for and used lots of key words in my resume that are suggested. I'm so frustrated and discouraged that I am afraid to even apply anywhere else. What if I don't get another job? I am so unhappy in my current job that I can't even imagine having to stay there much longer! FI helps so much and tells me that it is just one company and that I'll find a job that is perfect for me and not to give up. But I'm so sad!! Sorry for the novel, but I just had to vent a bit!
  12. Coba is the smallest room and Uxmal is the medium room. They all have the same style and decor, just different sizes. Chichen Itza is the largest room. It has a stage and a grand piano on the second section. Hope this helps you guys! Thanks for posting the pics of the ballroom...it looks really pretty. The large room is too large...how is the small room in comparison? Is it a lot smaller? I was thinking of having a welcome/rehearsal dinner in one of the rooms, but the big one will swallow my group! I'm not sure how many people for sure, but as of right now we have 18 booked so far.
  13. The pictures are fabulous and you look amazing! Thanks for the hones review of the photog! The pics make me even more excited for our wedding!
  14. Welcome to the forum...where you'll find all the info you ever need to know!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari So I have been procastinating listing what I have done and haven't done thinking it will stress me out, but here you go: DONE: Location Secured Airline tix bought Ceremony Time / Details Photographer Menu Secured BM dresses in all their homes BM gifts ordered Make up trial set Facial series started Have dress, veil and tiara Invites ordered Booked Honeymoon Cake topper NEED TO DO: Book group activity Buy wedding shoes / jewlery Mail out invites on June 1st Order OOT Bags and stuff that will go in them Figure out center pieces Decide on bridal flowers Ceremony Music Groomsman Attire Groom Attire Get started on welcome package with passports to love Eyelash extensions (June) Gosh, that is all I can think of. What have you Oct. brides done or have left? OMG! I don't even have half of this done. I feel behind.
  16. I've taken Alesse for several years now. Last year, at this time, my period starting messing up after being so predictable down to the time, so I thought that was a sign i needed to switch. I have been on 4 other BC's since last year and have recently gone back to Alesse. The dose is low, so its suppoded to make you have lighter periods, which mine always only lasted about two days. I took Seasonale, which you are only supposed to have 4 periods/year, but I was a raging bitch while on that one, as well as Yaz in which I cried all the time. I then switched to Loestrin 24 in which my period was pretty much nonexistent, which I loved, but I would have PMS symptoms all through the month, they weren't bad, but it was annoying and there is not a generic for that one, so it was expensive even with insurance. So here I am, back on Alesse. I've just been back on it a month, but so far so good! Also, with the others, I felt like my sex drive was down, and my sex drive is never down! I'm back to myself now...haha
  17. I love cleaning my bathroom for some reason. I just feel so much prettier getting ready in a shiny, clean bathroom! I also actaully like doing laundry...weirdo, I know.
  18. I'm exactly 6 months and 1 day today. It has gone by so fast, since we decided where we were going. The planning process does seem slow right now, but I'm sure by the summer I will have lots of details to take care of! Can't wait!!
  19. Aren't penis cakes the best? Can't wait to see pics of it!! Looks like you all had a fabulous time!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 Seriously!!! I have not done anything wedding related in like a month...I haven't even been on here..I have had parents visiting, and other family for the past month!!!! It's coming so soon..I better get BACK on the band wagon! It is coming fast!! It seems like yesterday we had over nine months til wedding, and now its close to just 6 months away! I haven't realy done much as far as planning either. I feel very overwhelmed with things that I want to, but I don't really feel very organized...lets just say I feel very scatter brained! The reveiws help so much, I think I'm just going to make a list of ideas from things that other people have done that I like and just make sure I get planning done that way!
  21. This review is so awesome! Thanks so much for all the information...it is so helpful and I really really appreciate it! Your pics are great and you look absolutley amazing! Congratulations!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by rabbitnow SNeen and Bleek you guys are sharing a wedding day - that's soooo sweet... The prices though are crazy---I am getting married in October (the 7th) and the prices are 1/2 - we just have to risk getting hit by a hurracaine - small price to pay (NOT) But it just worked out to be the best month for us. - Do check on line anyway though. Hey Anna, we are getting married four days after you on 10/11! How long will you be there? It seems like the time is flying by. ONly a little over 6 months!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by neen karla which reception site are you using? we're heading down for a site visit in June...i'd be happy to snap pics for you and email them...i definitely think its important to have visuals so you can envision your set-up and decor elements! I love when people go for site visits, I feel like you get better and more realistic pics of the resort. Looking forward to them!!!!
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