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Everything posted by B&J2008

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by M&L2008 Im a nov 08 btb and just wanted to see what oct 08 brides were up to. I can't express my releif in reading that it's not just me feeling the weight of it all. The expense,time & sacrafise woooo it overwhelming. we haven't been able to take a Vacation this year...... and I really need one just trying to keep my mind on the prize.... you ladies do the same!! I really wanted another vacation too, but I would feel bad since we will be in Mexico for almost two weeks! We have been to Wisconsin (where FI is from) several times this summer, so I'm considerering that our vacations! It will be so worth the wait though once October (and Nov.! ) get here!
  2. I am so ready for it to be here too! Its wedding, wedding, wedding everyday. Until I get all the details worked out, its all I think about. Come on October!
  3. I'll take the parasols if they are not gone yet!...sending you a PM.
  4. Those are so hot!! I'm going to do mine the week of Aug 13...I can't wait! Hope they turn out as sexy as yours!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by angela1184 me again....these arent them but they are really cute! Nine West Juliarae (Pink Satin) - Dress Shoes review at Kaboodle another dainty looking pair NEW Nine West Accolia Hot Pink Sandals Shoes Sz 8 - eBay (item 260267339137 end time Jul-30-08 17:04:24 PDT) ill keep looking for the peep toe ones form before. they were a high heel though--is that okay? i wouldnt want you towering over your Hubby Both of those are really cute! I saw a pair, can't remember where, but they were around $300. Thats a little more than I need to pay for shoes! They were super cute though!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by laybar Brooke.. so i happened to check the dress out online.. your sis' dress is $32 on the dillards website.. that's even better! anyway, thought i'd let you know in case you havent' check already.. $32?? That almost half of what I paid...I'll have to check that out! Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I love them both. Just be careful if it's windy ... looks like they are both short enough to give others an eyeful if there is a breeze, lol. OOhh...I didn't think about that. Might have to think about it!
  7. I got them yesterday at Dillards and they were super cheap! My dress was $70 and my sisters BM dress was $60. I talked to her this morning and she loves it...whew! The search is finally over. We have been looking for dresses for months now. I think I'm going to get some really bright fuschia shoes to go with mine. The shoe search begins...
  8. I finally found a simple but cute dress to change into for my reception in case I am too hot in my big dress. It was also really cheap so I won't feel bad if for some reason I don't change into it. Please try not to look at me in the pic...I look horrid! I also found a cute BM dress. As of right now, I am just having my sister as my BM. I thought it was cute. Hope she likes it!! If not, back to looking! my reception dress BM dress What are your opinions ladies?
  9. These are awesome Yari! I just ordered some for my guests...thanks for the idea!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! I vote for Sunbride( aka Stephanie) for MRS. She has spent countless hours, I'm not exaggerating either, putting together a brand new thread for Dreams Tulum brides. The old one had over 100 pages and information was lost. She took time (days, I should say) to sort everything out, including a new wedding guide just released by the hotel Now, all of our resorts info is found in the first several pages. She not only did all the work but shares all the work she did for her wedding! She has sent out templates of her newsletters and maps. I can't think of a more deserving person! We, DT brides, heart Sunbride!!!! I'm definitely with you! Sunbride has done so much for al the DT girls and we really do appreciate it. Have you all seen the new DT thread...it is absolutely amazing!! My vote is definitley for Sunbride for Mrs.
  11. THis is so much better having all the info compiled on the first pages!! Thanks Sunbride for doing all of this. Here's my info!! Username: B&J2008 Names (optional, first names only): Brooke & Jason Date & Time: October 11,2008 3pm Wedding package: Ultimate Wedding extras (and cost charged): none (yet) Type of ceremony: Civil Coordinator: Landy Number of guests: 20 (so far) Ceremony location: Beach beside SG Reception location: Seaside Grille Photographer: Jean-Marcus Strole !!! Videographer: resort one Review (link): Photos (link): Video (link): Special arrangements / activities (i.e. welcome dinner, special set-up, anything that's not the norm): Welcome dinner night before wedding, trip to Tulum ruins Friday morning See my review for …. (i.e. special info people can find in your review):
  12. Those are great gifts, especially for a DW! Thanks for the ideas! I agree, maybe some spa stuff (lotions, bath salts, etc.), or cute slippers or flip flops.
  13. I'm trying to plan my reception but with the rule changes at Dreams Tulum, they won't let me confirm the place that I want to have it til one month before and only then if the resort is 70% or less booked! I need to know cause I'm shipping stuff for reception mid-August to make sure it gets down there in time. I also keep sending an email about my welcome dinner, which can be booked in the new ballrooms, but they don't answer my specific questions. I would like to tell everyone where and when the welcome dinner is, but I have no idea! Its so frustrating trying to do this over email. I think I'm going to try to actually call. I'm starting to get stressed now.
  14. This is such a good idea...I'm so doing this for welcome bags! Thanks girls!
  15. Thanks for posting these. I missed out on the last cute OOT bags at Target...I'm heading out to get these right now!!
  16. Style 59706: Bridesmaids, Prom, Special Occasion & Evening: Bari Jay and Shimmer I think I'm going to order this one but in white. I'm actually going to try it on today to make sure the size I need to order. Hopefully I think it is as cute on as it is in the pic.
  17. I ordered my starfish bouquet jewelry from the same place and it is awesome! I absolutely love it! I posted pics a couple of pages back on this post.
  18. Im starting to freak out too. The only things that I have bought are my fans and some starfish bottle stoppers for favors. I actually went shopping tonight but didn't have any luck finding anything. UGhhhhhhh!
  19. Everything looks great for not being that creative. You're like me, I don't have a creative bone in my body, so thank goodness for everyone who has shared their awesome ideas. I've "borrowed" all of my brochures and letters from BDW too!
  20. Ours just opened in Lexington, we called today to make reservations and couldn't get in until July 18th!! I can't wait...I love fondue!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride Is anybody planning to use paper lanterns for the reception? I am trying to figure out what the best way to set them up is. Landy said that I have to bring all the supplies (paper lanterns, bulbs, wires, extension cords) and they will set up. I am thinking that the battery powered LED lights are the way to go (I'm not carrying extension cords to Mexico), but what should I bring to have them stinged up? I had thought about using the paper lanterns, but you know, setting them up never even crossed my mind!!! Good question! I guess battery powered ones would be easiest. Do they have battery powered ones?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK hmm maybe making the orange more like.. terra cotta than bright orange Yeah, I didn't want to use a super bright orange, but maybe like a coral-y color. I'm buying every bride magazine available right now to get ideas!
  23. Congratulations Morgan!! Glad to hear everything was amazing, great pics and can't wait to hear the review!!
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