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Everything posted by B&J2008

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chandrathebride Hi Girls-- I just got this email from Lizette regarding places you can have an outside reception with music and not have to pay the $750 private event fee--I know ERnurse and I were really wanting to know and maybe others, too. (When she says mexican restaurant terrace I am assuming she means El Patio.) Hi Lizette! If I have either the Ultimate or Dreams of Love Package, where can I have an outside reception and not be charged the $750 private event fee and still have music? The beach and the pool? Thank you! Sincerely, Chandra Padover Reply Dear Chandra Yes you can have the dinner by the Beach and or at the pool terrace, or Mexican restaurant terrace. Kind regards. Lizet Calvillo Weddings Assistant OK, they really need to get their facts straight cause I just got an email today where I specifiaclly asked if I could have music if I am having my reception at El Patio terrace and she said the only place I can have music is at beach or pool terrace...ughhhhh! I also asked about having a bonfire and welcom dinner on the beach on night before wedding and she told me that I would have to pay the private event fee, I'm assuming she meant the $750? She never said anything about $50 for the bonfire and so much per person. I'm getting so mad and frustrated with them I could scream!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Once I booked ours it really set in how close we really are. I know! You all will never believe what I'm gong to do!...buy a different wedding dress! I kept having second thoughts about mine, and although it is absolutely gorgeous, it just isn't really what I had in mind. I wanted strapless, simple but elegant. I went to the place where I bought mine and found one that I love. They can't let me bring it back for store credit cause I had it made shorter than usual so I could walk barefoot, but they are going to let me have it for cheaper than they are asking...it was only $299 any way but said I could have it for $199. I guess I will try to sell my dress on the forum or on eBay. The dress fits perfect and I can get the one in the store, so the only alteration will be to hem it cause it is too long even with heels. I can't believe I'm getting a new dress a month & 1/2 before the wedding!!!
  3. I called and scheduled our "legal" day today! Oct. 1st at 3:30...yay!!
  4. That is so sweet! It sounds like an amazing experience and I can't wait to watch it in November!
  5. Your guests are going to love everything! You did such a great job with all of the details!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by cendcar Hey gals! Funny that the iPod discussion came out. I have been thinking of ditching the DJ idea and just using an iPod. I have about 35 people coming and the Dreams DJ is $150 and hour. If all he does is play the music (their DJ does not MC or make announcements), it makes sense to save the money, get an iPod going, and have a friend or relative MC the night. What do you think? Does it sound good or should I keep the DJ? Brooke, your wedding is right before mine! Good luck and I hope you have a great time....almost there! Carina I'm definitely going for just the iPod instead of a DJ. Ive heard that they don't do much and I'm ok with just having our iPod, I'd rather have music we pick and if I pick it and have the DJ play it, I will have done the hardest part! Good luck on your wedding Carina! Mine is two months from today!
  7. Thanks for responses ladies. That was my thinking in doing it about a week before and not making a big deal about it, so when we have the ceremony in MX it will be more like we are getting legally married there, since we will have only been married a couple of days.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by neen hey ladies...during my meeting with Landy she told me to put together a song list for the DJ to play at my reception. sounds easy, but actually I'm finding it kind of difficult. so...looking for some help. i want to play nice, mellow, slow music from 6:30-8pm during dinner, then need a cake cutting song, and then dance music. was thinking we'd try to play the wedding songs of our guests during the dinner hour, so that will require some research on my part, but would love suggestions for the rest of the list/night. can anyone get me started? TIA!!! I know what you mean, I started my music list too, and it is soooo hard. I realized that a lot of the songs I was adding are songs I like but are not what I was really looking for in music for dinner and reception. I googled beach wedding playlists and am going through all of those for ideas. I really like your idea of playing the guests wedding songs and maybe have each guest suggest a song they like as well.
  9. 2 months from today...YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots to do in the next two weeks. I'm shipping everything the week of Aug 24th, so I should (key word being should) be able to post my planning thread shortly after that. Question for you guys...Why are you making legal day about a month before the wedding? Is it for legal stuff, preference, or other reason? I was going to do it the week before but thought I would ask why you all chose to do it sooner.
  10. Thanks for all the info Neen. You answered so many questions that I still have and my wedding is just two months away. You Rock!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Cerda HI Girsl, I don't have a ticker but since my wedding is the same date as yours I use your sticker to guide me LOL. Also Yari's. Ny wedding is at Dreams Cancun. Unfortunately I don't know how to post the pictures. I will get some help and post my dress, shoes, decorations and FI suit. Everything is so beautiful. I can wait for October.!!! You can upload them to Photobucket and just copy and paste the codes for the pics in your post, I think its the IMG codes?, girls am I right? Its easy to sign up for. We love pics around here! Can 't wait to see some!
  12. They look really good without any mascara at all!
  13. They look awesome! Is that how they look all the time, without mascara?! I'm sure you can put mascara on them, right? I love them.
  14. I got my hair colored today! I really like it, its been dark for a while and I went lighter this time. I so needed a change, I love it. I'm going back for a touch up couple of weeks before wedding and I think I'm going to have a few blonder streaks put in it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I got my eyelash extensions done today and I love them!!! Can you post pics of them? That is so fun. How long did it take...how did they do it? Will they last til the wedding? Sorry for all the questions!
  16. I'm shipping my stuff in mid Aug so I'll post all of my stuff sometime around then. Its only a couple of weeks away...OMG! I still have so much to get. I'm such a procrastinator though and I work much better under pressure. Not worried, not worried at all...BTW, that was sarcasm!
  17. Those are awesome! We def don't need 250 for the wedding, but we thought we could use them at the AHR too. What a great idea, thanks!
  18. Our tickers are so close to saying "1 month X weeks"!!!!! Oh no...I have too much to do!
  19. Thats so exciting Yari! Can't wait to see pics. I love your dress and those shoes are soooooooo cute!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Iknow. Im craving a vacation, but we will be in Mexico for over two weeks, so I cant complain to much. But I did demand the FI take me camping for my B-day in August, or else I wouldnt marry him haha we actually went camping for one of our "vacations" in WI. it was so much fun!
  21. I've had them for my bday several times and they are worth every single calorie!! I say splurge!
  22. This site is awesome, I'm in heaven! Thanks for posting
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