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Everything posted by B&J2008

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Brooke, the bank didn't have ones? That is insane!!! I thought so too, but I do bank with a credit union that is a smaller one instead of one of the larger national banks. Thats why I decided not to get torn up about it!! lol
  2. Are you just customizing your wedidng package instead of choosing one of theirs? The more I think about this, the crazier it seems! It makes me feel like I'm back 10 months ago, when I first started the planning process. Now I have to do it in 4 days! I know no matter what, it will turn out great, but it's still craziness. I think I really like the terrace and the private beach ceremony. Can you have dancing on the terrace too? I only have 22 people coming, what are the table options? I was using one long table at DT.
  3. Kelly sent me some of the menu options, there are lots of them. What are you all choosing? I'm overwhelmed. Is there just the one site for the reception?...it looked really nice. Where is the best location for the ceremony? I was thinking the beach, which is what is was doing at DT. I think we are just using an IPod for music. Are there any tips or anything specific I should know. Thanks so much girls! I have tons of questions, and I will try to read and find out as much as I can on my own, but like I said before, I'm so exhausted! I really appreciate all of the help!
  4. Thanks for all of the support girls! Kelly emailed me some info and I greatly appreciate it! I am just now sitting down to take a look at everything. I actually think Landy, my WC from Dreams is coming to Paradisus to handle my wedding, I'm sure with help from the WC there. I just sent them both an email asking for appointments for when we arrive to go over everything. I'm going to try my best to go through this thread as much as possible to get insight from you girls!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Oh my god Brooke...That almost grants a bridezilla moment. I've been wanting to go bridezilla on somebody's ass!! haha Trish, I loved the story from your brother. If things going wrong before the wedding means a fabulous marriage...then I'm set for life!!! (not to mention my wonderful FI will have something to do with me having a great marriage!)
  6. Congrats Yari!!! We're married ladies now....whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Congrats Yari!!! How does it feel?!! WEll, Trish, looks like we are finally at a resort!! I can't believe you leave in less than 24! I went to pick up dress today, and it isn't ready! WTF! It was supposed to be ready yesterday. He told me to come back Monday. At least it was only getting hemmed, so I'm not that worried. I also went to bank to get some $$(ones for tipping) and they didn't have any!! Somebody came in earlier for the same thing and cleaned them out. They couldn't get in vault til Monday! So they told me to come back. I swear, if one more person tells me to com back Monday, I may freakin scream. Don't they know what I've been through in the last week!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  8. Hi girls! I'm a displaced Dreams Tulum bride due to the closure. Looks like I'm going to now be a Paradisus Riviera bride! I am at a loss, have no idea where to start the research or planning, and we leave in 4 days! I've been trying to read this thread to find out a little about the resort, but truthfully, I'm exhausted! I planned my wedding for DT, and now to start over, I can't do it! I'm getting ready to go to bed, I'm so tired from the last couple of crazy, stressful days! I just wanted to say hi!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C I can't even believe you girls have to got thru this. Are they not offering you Dreams Cancun. That was our first choice when we start this whole idea. It looks really nice. We were offered Dreams Cancun too, but didn't want to stay right in Cancun. I think the Paradisus and Silversands are about 20 miles south. I think, I could be totally wrong!! It has been so stressful. I can't wait to get to any resort and have a very strong drink!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cendcar Brooke, Just heard the news...but hey. At least you were prepared for it. Poor Anna found out the day before she left. Now I am wondering if I should start making preperations...I am also bringing my neice and nephew....Poo! I feel so bad for her having to just go down and not even know. At least we do know. They now say it should be open by the 13th so I have my fingers crossed for you. Look at the Paradisus Riviera Cancun, just in case! haha I think it looks nice. I'm trying to stay positive and I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time no matter what. I just can't wait to go!!!
  11. We had two bottles of wine last night!! Well girls, looks like I'm going to def be changing resorts. They now say DT won't be open til 10/13. We aren't allowed Secrets Silversands cause we have one baby in our group and they can't make an exception cause they are adults only. Looks like we will be at Paradisus now. I'm ok with it all I guess. I had a bad morning at work. I've made myself sick with stress. I even forgot I was supposed to pick up my dress today. Hopefullly I'll remember tomorrow!
  12. It actually feels really great! I love it! Im going to be so sad to take off my wedding band until the Mexican date though!!! it looks so good on my hand with my e-ring!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan I think those are the most awesome-est shoes... EVER. Where did you get those? Congrats btw.. hehe They are BCBG...dont remember the style name though, but purchased them recently. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan congrats!!! I also love the shoes I said "happy 1 month legalversary" on july 13th. Mike said, "don't even start that...our anniversary is on the 21st." I think it's just going to be a joke of ours. "legalversary"...how perfect! i may use this too! haha
  14. Congrats on the legal day!!! We just had ours today. My parents were with us, but if I had it to do again, I wouldn't tell anyone at all. I think you are making a good decision. It will still be very special on our real Mexican wedding day though. I'm so happy right now though, I'm married! I can only imagine what you are feeling! Your actual wedding day is on my birthday !
  15. Trish, OMG! I can't believe I just now saw this. Your stuff looks awesome! I didnt even do a menu! I have to do my planning thread ASAP! Your dress is freakin amazing..I love it and you look fab in it! Can't wait to see where we end up! No matter where, we still need to share that bottle of tequila just for all the sh*t we've been through last couple of days!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 CONGRATS!!!!! Are those the shoes your wearing for the actual day down in Mexico?? They look familiar! I love them! Cute pics....it's almost here!!!!! they are the shoes...you prob remember them cause i posted in our october brides thread. i love them!
  17. I hate working on music.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride YAY!!! Congrats!!! So, are you going to have two anniversaries now?? Woohoo...double presents!! LOL I won't technically have two anniversaries cause we are just counting our Mexico day as our day, but next year I'm sure I will make him feel guilty about our legal day just to get two presents!!! haha
  19. Those are some awesome pics! And those shoes are freakin hot!! You both look amazing!
  20. I just saw one! Full length porn videos! I was like WTF?!!! I'm a cracking the eff up!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by chandrathebride Brooke--congrats on making it official! We did that, too. Doesn't it feel bizarre?? Would love to see pictures! It does feel different. Good different, but I'm trying to act like it didn't even happen just cause I want all of the feelings to be on our Mexico day, where ever that may be! I posted some pics in my thread, just posted few minutes ago.
  22. Melissa I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. Fingers are crossed for that chance that she might be able to make it! Well, girls. I am married, officially anyway! I am trying not to make big deal about it cause I want to focus all celebration on the "big" day. I made a post about it...yes, there was drama with the day! No news about the resort yet. Waiting. Still have all the same stuff to do. We need to work on it tonight. I don't want to work the rest of the week! Maybe I will just go in tomorrow and not Friday. I just have too much to do and with bachelorette party on Sat. (all day) that doesn't leave much time. Kelly, I do feel different. I don't want to feel married until our actual wedding day, so I think that is what is making me feel this way. I kinda wish we didn't tell even our parents. Mine went with us, so they know. Oh well. I'm married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Well, I'm officially a married lady gals! We had our legal day today. It was perfect because I married my best friend, but with all of the drama with Dreams Tulum, why did I even think this day would go over smooth? First of all, I went in to work today because I have so much to do and I don't really have lots of extra vacay hours since I will be gone for two weeks for wedding. Of course, the last hour I was there I got super busy and didn't get out when I wanted. I had the info of the judge, the phone # and where I was supposed to go at my desk at work...what do I do?...leave it at work of course. There was no time to go back to get it. I started calling court house trying to find phone #'s of judges so I could call around to find the judge that was marrying us! I called about 5 people before I finally found our judge. So we get there and are about to go in when Jason realized he forgot to get cash to pay for it, cause they only except cash. Another thing! I was trying not to get upset, but I couldn't help it. All the stuff with the resort closing, I was on edge. So Jason ran to get cash, came back and we finally got married! It was so short, but sweet! I'm so excited, but I didn't want to make a huge deal since we are not even counting this day at all. My parents were there with us. My mom brought us cupcakes and then we went out for a casual dinner. My mom took lots of pics but I didn't get them from her before she left. My dad took a few with our camera, so I apologize they aren't that great. We are just chilling now with our wine. I'm so happy!!
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