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Carrie-Dreams DR

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Everything posted by Carrie-Dreams DR

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jentwo I went back and forth on this a ton....what it came down to is I really wanted the "I Do" to be the moment the marriage was official. Playa Del Carmen Mexico is different from other parts of Mexico and Punta Cana probably but here's the gist of what I need to get together for everything to be legal: - copy of birth certificate ($13 obtained from Sec. of State) - translate the birth certificate ($40 fee from a local place in Chicago) - Apostille certification from Sec. of State ($2) - then after the wedding in Mexico I'll eventually have to get marriage certificate translated back to English...(maybe another $40?) All of this shouldn't take more than 2 hours in terms of getting to the places and waiting in a line. To me that extra 2 hours and $100 was worth it. It's a personal call though...hope this helps. For me to get married in DR, it would be $50 for notarization of stat. dec. of status, then mailing our documents (birth cert, passport, and stat dec) to the Us for translation and legalization for $290 , then the $300 for the judge at the resort....I think we are doing the symbolic to save some money...
  2. what are you ladies doing? I am starting to think the best thing to do is get married here in Canada at the courthouse, and just have a sympbolic ceremony in Punta Cana...this would save us money on getting the documents prepared...does anyone know if we would still need the judge to attend the symbolic ceremony, or would the wedding coordinator just renew the vows?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DRbride we are just doing it the easy way and getting married in the court house a few days before we depart for DR. this is going to be a 'hush hush' ceremony and no one will know about it and we will then be having a renewal of vows ceremony in the DR. many couples choose to go this route to avoid all the translation of documents and the costs. i think it costs a couple hundred dollars to translate the documents. It's $290 for the documents, plus the $50 for the notarization of the stat. dec of status...we may do the symbolic ceremony too...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH My dad ordered a bunch of etched shotglasses from here a while ago...they turned out really nice! Canadian Laser Engraved, Industrial & Consumer Products this exactly what we were looking for thanks! We will be placing an order next week for the shot glasses...
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH I didn't need to get *anything* translated...not for the wedding, not even for changing my name...just FYI Don't go to the trouble unless you're absolutely required to! but you got married in Mexico right? I think in Dominican it is req'd..or at least that's what the wedding coordinator tells me....
  6. sorry, WEDO .:: Taking care of your legal documentation for your Dominican weddings
  7. anyone else using WEDO.com for the translation and legalization of your documents?
  8. oh wow, that would be great! We also went with the silver dinner menu, when are you getting married? you can send to [email protected].,.thanks that is greatly appreciated...
  9. cool, I am in Canada too, what section of Walmart did you find these?
  10. I only need to purchase 15 of these, and everywhere I see is in the US, I don't want to have to pay $60 for shipping...
  11. Julie G Thanks for the info. I think we are opting for the gazebo anyways..I don't mind the crowds, it's more my fiance that minds that...he will be standing in the gazebo anyways...
  12. Hi Jarauz, I am getting married there in April....Most of the reviews I have read have been positive...of course, you will find the few that will complain..I will definitely tell you how I like it after I get back...let me know if you want any other information.
  13. what location did you choose for your reception? And have you heard any reviews on the menu options? We are going with the Silver Dinner package, because all the others have alot of seafood, just wondering if anyone has any experiences with that? We have opted for an earlier ceremony with the coordinator, and signing with the judge later on that day at 6:00pm, what time does the reception dinner start?or is this another decision I have to make? For the ceremony, I don't know whether to choose a beach ceremony or use the gazebo, and suggestions? Sorry, I have a lot of questions... thanks
  14. When we discussed having a DW, we decided that no matter who comes, we are going there to be married, and to have a great time. Thank god, the people that matter most have booked, and even cashed in RSP's to be there. These are true friends, and the ones that matter. We can't be mad at others, for the choices we made regarding our wedding.
  15. wow, another Dreams PC bride..let me know if you want to exchange information...everyone here has been so helpful
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes to the forum Carrie! I am also a Punta Cana bride! yaaay! If you don't mind me asking, did you get a confirmed time for your ceremony yet? Congrats & Happy Planning I did get confirmation for my wedding date and time...but it took forever to get, then my mom called the resort and got a commitment over the phone, which was later confirmed by email
  17. thanks, all that info. is great...I had just emailed Grisele about the menu...thanks
  18. that would be great! Are u delaing with Grisele too? I don't seem to have any luck via email with her...
  19. Actually the soon to be mother-in-law has been to the resort when it was Sunscape, so she chose the resort...I have a hard time getting a hold of the wedding coordinator at the resort, so I am sort of doing this blindly...
  20. Hi my name is Carrie I am getting married on April 8, 2008, at the Dreams Resort, in Punta Cana...look forward to chatting with you all....
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