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Everything posted by JODEY

  1. Congratulations and welcome !! It loos like we could be at Dreams the same time !! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask although I'm sure you will find everything you need to know already posted here lol !!.... Have fun planning and one little word ofadvice to start with.... Try to be patient with getting replys from the wedding coordinators, it can take time but they will reply - Happy planning !!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan & Valerie i am getting married november 21 2009. congrats to all of the 2009 brides!! jodey, looks like you are getting married the week before me. Hi there !! Yes you are right !! When do you arrive at Dreams ? We arrive on the 8th Nov fly backon 22nd....
  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your reveiw, it looks awesome !! Just out of interest how long roughly do you think it took you guys from start to finishing your meal ? How long did you end up with after the meal for dancing seeing as though we only get 3 hours ?
  4. Welcome back dmarie and CONGRATULATIONS !!! Can't wait for your reveiw and pics, so sorry you had rain but it sounds like you didn't let it spoil your moment !!
  5. I'm appserlutly gutted !! I've just spoken to the tutor of the course I want to enroll on and he tells me its been full for some time when I'd been told there were places available. How pissed am I !! If I was to start the course this year it would take me 3 yrs before I'm qualified ( I would be 28 ) I would now have to wait another year and I've got trying for a baby to think about, I don't want to leave it too late. To me 29 yrs is pushing it, I know women have children later than that and thats fab but what if it takes a long time ?..... What do you guys think I should do stay in my job untill we decide to have children in maybe 1 or 2 years time and use the maternity leave or try to get on the course next year leving trying for children untill I'm 29 ?? ..... I'm all confused !!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Early Thursday morning!!! Wow !!! Thats awesome !! I bet your really excited, I hope Dreams is everything you hoped and that your wedding is truly perfect ! We'll be thinking of you !!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I just bought a docking station as well. I put Ryan in charge of making the play lists. He just finished last night. Now it doesn't matter if they start clearing stuff out I will have my own party on the beach if need be.... I deffo think thats the way forward unless you have a huge wedding party !! My thoughts exactly ! they can't take away our own music hey ? ! When do you leave, it can't be long now ?
  8. I've just been on trip advisor and there seems to be a mixture of reveiws on Dreams Cancun. Apparently they have had major problems with their computor system that allowd them to over book 50 peopel !! All those people had to stay at different hotels close by so any one leaving soon might want to check that this is now sorted
  9. Well... I think I have part of my reception issue sorted, over the weekend I brought a BOSE docking station that will be sufficiently loud enough for partying so I now have no need to hire dreams equipment for the reception saving me about £150 I'm well chuffed !
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM Well talked to finance' this am and if Hurricane Gustav hits New orleans then we may be forced to cancel our wedding. Hell we may even be forced to move! Please say a little prayer for us all...Thanks, Jen I hope everything works out for you ! Take care, we're all thinking about you ! Report back when you can to let us know how you are !
  11. Yippeee !! New cars are awsome !! My FI just brought a Ferrari 348 and picked it up yesterday, no photos yet, its red ( of course ) with cream leather !! Its awsome. Hes a big motor head and hes finally got his dream car after lots of hard work. I'm so proud of him, I told him to do it now before we hear the pitter and patter of tiny feet LOL....
  12. Well.... I've been thinking about changing my career for a while as I don't feel very challenged in my current job, I'm no longer learning anything and seem to be stuck in a rut, basically I do administaration. I used to work with horses which I loved but unfortunatly had to move on as it don't pay well. I'm now looking into training to become an electrician. My brother has his own comany and my uncle is an electrician too. I would have to do 3 years training at college plus practical work but its in the evenings which means I can carry on working full time. Does any one know of any women electricians ? I'm a real hands on person and think I would get great satisfaction from this. Fingers crossed, I'm waiting to hear back from the college because the course starts September 15th !!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha We got married at Dreams last year (Nov) and had the reception in the Lobby Tower. We stayed until the bar ran fresh out of Tequila! LOL and then they went and got us more Tequila from another bar until that ran out and so on! The DJ had stayed past their time and so did the bar staff. No one was rushing us away nor were we asked to pay more to stay. We just kept partying until we could party no more The only thing was they asked us to make the music lower around 10:30 or so. I think it also helped that one of my BMs was running around and making everyone including the WC, DJ, waiters, bartenders drink Tequila shots with her. She managed to get EVERYONE around drunk! LOL I think if you're laid back and don't stress about it, everything will work itself out. That sound fantastic !! Just waht we would like, Did you hire Dreams equipment by the hour along with their DJ or was the DJ you used hired separatly ? Gaby the new wedding co-ordinator has actually told me that when our "time is up " the waiters will start clearing away ?? I'm not too fussed about having a DJ just something to plug our IPOD in. I suppose I will have to try and just chill a bit after all its still so far away LOL, Thanks for the advice !
  14. Oh Kat !! Thats awful !! Im so sorry, have you been to that salon before ? Keep us informed, I'm sure you will get it sorted, good luck !
  15. I've just been reading back through some of the past Dreams wedding reveiws ( Jilly's, Paula's, Brenda Star ect... ) and thay all say that they partied untill 11pm ! Does anyone know if they all had to pay the extra $10 + 10% + 15% for the additional open bar / waiter service per person ? I know this is a convirsation I have brought up before in a thread I started but I don't seem to have got very far with it. I know most of you are going to go with the flow and probably move on to one of the bars after your 3 hours of reception are up but I was just wondering how the others that have already got married there got round this music / time issue ?? Did they pay the extra or did they just end up staying with no extra cost ? Any thoughts ?.....
  16. Hi Every one ! Thank you all for your words of kindness and support, unfortunatly I don't have the net @ home and just managed to get on here a few times at my broters house. Well.... its been 2 weeks now and I'm getting there although I thought I'd be more mobile by now. The swelling is still there and I'm going to have my stitches out this afternoon which I think will help. OMG ! Theres only so much day time TV you can watch lol and I'm not the most patient of people. Thanks again for all your support x
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Sorry to hi-jack but Jodey - how are you feeling?? Hi Jenn !! I'm ok thank you for asking, its been nearly 2 weeks now but my knee is still really swollen, I can't drive probably for another 2 weeks and I have my stiches out tomorrow, How are you ? x
  18. Hi there, My conversation didn't go very well at all and I ended up getting quite annoyed. I didn't get to speak to Gaby but I spoke to the other co-ordinator ( temporarily forgot her name ) I got the impression she could speak good english and understood me well but I didn't get anywhere.... All she kept saying was " If you want a longer reception you pay for it " I felt quite upset because I was trying to explain what I would like and I was asking her why we had to pay for the waiter service when there is a bar close by and she just didn't seem to have an answer. It has left me quite bitter actually and no conclusion was come to. I've had no email from her or Gaby so I've now decided to take a big step back and wait untill we are there to decide what to do but I am NOT paying extra for waiter service. I hate feeling like this because I think of myself to be quite a laid back easy going person, I'm sure it will turn out fine.......
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Samantha S Good post Jodey, I wonder if they are getting stricter on this one? Isn't there always furniture set up in the terrace anyways? I know its different for the wedding reception but I can't imagine them coming and shooing everyone away, no one has reported that yet. I anticipate our group moving on to a different bar as the night progresses but it will be really tacky to have staff shooing every one away and scraping tables around at the stroke of 9:00. I don't think they'll do that but if I were you, I would anticipate moving on at 9:30 or so. SusanK reported that some hotel guests were complaining about the noise and the staffers came and turned it down and she told them H to the No and turned it back up because she paid to have her reception go until 11:00. They might have changed their policy because of noise complaints?? Just speculation... I would keep bargaining on the stereo equipment start time but worst case, don't rent it for 3 hours, just 2 hours and have it start after dinner because it's a RIP OFF anyways. Kathi will give us the DL very soon! By the way Jodey, your new pics are SO CUTE! Thanks Samantha ! Maybe I'm being too narrow minded about the whole thing ? Maybe I should be a little more laid back..... My friends / family and I are such party goers I just can't see everyone wanting to just move to a bar after dancing for a sivilised drink ( bad spelling sorry ) Maybe there is another area for the reception where we can keep the music going a little longer ? Gaby has asked that I call her at 10am today to descuss, so we'll see.... I tried calling yesterday but just got her amswer phone, I'll let you know the outcome if I get hold of her today, I really want to leave her alone as I understand how busy they all must be but like some other girls have said Gaby dosn't seem to answer all the questions I ask on email and the ones she does answer don't make much sence, I'm hoping by speaking to her on the phone we will be able to sort it then I can leave them alone. Wish me luck LOL !! X
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I'm pretty sure paula said she paid the sound guy to stay a few hours after and even though the waiters were gone there is a bar really close that people would go to. I think after 9 we are just going to head to a bar or something. I see what you are saying but why can't I decide what time we hire the equipment from and to. Just because for example we start eating at 6pm dosn't mean to say we want the equipment from 6pm. I wanted the 3 hrs to start from 8pm when we have all finished our meal. Whats the point of starting the 3 hrs usage while we are eating. I wanted to make the most of the equipment time for dancing afterwards. Does that make sence ?? It also dosn't mean we need extra waiter service, we can fetch our own drinks from the bar. Also Gaby said that the waiters take away the set up at 9pm. Does that mean they will take our tables and chairs away Kat81 have you planned your time schedule ?
  21. I have been going backwards and forwards through email with Gaby regarding how I would like the schedule of the day to go. I know this is their job and they know what they are doing but I have a very clear vision on a few things. One of them being the reception. I have requested to hire dreams equipment for the ceremony and for 3 hours for the reception. I have requested the use of the equipment to plug in our IPOD from 8pm untill 11pm after the meal. Which I thought was reasonable. Gaby is telling me that the reception will start at 6pm and finish at 9pm meaning we will have 3 hours to eat and to party ? !! And that my 3 hours of equipment rental will be from 6pm - 9pm WTF !! That to me is far too early to finish, what do you girls think ? Do any of you know about this ? She also says that the waiters will clear away the setup at 9pm and we can not be noisey on the terrace after this time I really didn't think I would have issues with this at all.
  22. Arrr Thank you so much for all your kind words of support, it means alot ! Don't worry FI will take great care of me OR ELSE lol..... I will report back as soon as I can, thanks again ! x
  23. I've had problems with my knees ever since I can remember, my right is worse than my left, it gives way on me occasionally and is VERY pinful, it swells up and I'm in agony for days. Finaly after 20 odd years the doctors has decided to take note and after x-rays and MRI scans they have told me I have artheritis and need the position of my knee-cap re-adjusting along with some cartlge trimming and a wash out. They've told me I will be off work for around 2 weeks and cannot drive which is going to be great fun stuck in the house 24-7 ! Never mind at least something is now being done.... wish me luck !
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by ash0628 Does anyone know if you can change locations and things like that when you get down there? also after i ahev my Q&A done and contract can I relax for a while untill the wedding gets closer Yes you can change the location on arrival, I have already asked this question - no worries there and yes I would say you can relax when you've done your Q & A : - )
  25. Does anyone have the phone number including the code I would have to dial from the UK for dreams to get in touch with Gaby, I know people have had problems with this but I'm going to have a go. The number from the website is - 52 (99 848 7000 Do I need to miss any of the digits off ect .... Thanks for your help !
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