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Everything posted by becks

  1. So, my five bestest girlfriends are scattered on two different continents, so I decided to e-mail them a card asking them to be my unofficial bridesmaids. (Small wedding, and if they were, then all my guests would be my attendants... hee.) So, I put together the attached and figured it was something that a few of you might find useful. I've got two fonts - PassionsConflicted and PenTweaksTwo. The first because it matched the cover nicely, and the second because I wanted the note to look a little bit handwritten. I've attached those too. It's in PowerPoint, which I know not everyone loves, but this one is easy to work with. Just type in the text box like you would in word. Here's what the front looks like (sorry it's so huge) the inside isn't saving nicely as a jpg, but it's just a nice script with pink dots outlining the text area:
  2. Here's mine - I love it! It's so light... I just need to get some decent cups sewn into it, because boy do I look saggy!
  3. Wow! Great bags! Your wedding is just a few days before mine, and I have... zippo, nada, zilch. Honestly, I'm so jealous! I want to do all the fun stuff. But we live in an 850 sq foot apartment, so I have nowhere to store this stuff before the wedding, so I'll be getting everything as close to my departure date as possible.
  4. Oh. Dear. God. That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Parents, do not let your kids watch!
  5. I LOVE #2. So beachy, and yet still very elegant!
  6. Yay! Happy birthday sorry I'm a little behind. (get it? a little behind...)
  7. Oh YAY!!! Congratulations! I just went and searched for a post from Julie so I could see the news! You must be so excited! Many, many congratulations!!!
  8. For us, it was about people's availability. Our nieces and nephews were out of school, and all the family could make it, so there you go...
  9. Another option - go to File, New, and then hit "Templates on Office Online". There are invite templates there. But columns is a good option too.
  10. It's so bad. I wear pony tails all the time. I can't believe I'm actually going to let it grow for another 5 months.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BandE2008 Is this place adult only? No - its very family friendly - they have special "family concierge" rooms designed specifically for families. You even get a walkie talkie to keep you in touch with the "family concierge" people throughout the day. All my nieces and nephews are staying in these rooms.
  12. Is your block thru the hotel? If it is, and people haven't done all their booking, I'd stronly suggest you see if a TA can find a wholesaler to work with. The block that the Paradisus offered us was about $100 more per night ($50 per person) that my TA found thru her wholesaler. We started with the basic (Wish) package and just started adding on. None of the packages was quite what we wanted, so it just made more sense.
  13. Ah Morgan, you are so very wise. I'll just have to give you some rep points!
  14. I just realized that the little scale shows on my own posts. Does that mean I can give myself rep points? Makes me a little nervous - I wouldn't want to have it take away from my rep because I wanted to give them to myself - like theiving or something...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel My points don't grow on trees that's for sure. Oddly enough my work is paying me to collect points. woohoo. Yours too? I love being paid to BDW!!! Of course, if they ever pull my computer use records, I'm doomed. But what's a girl to do!
  16. Hi Ladies: I'm working out the details of my contract currently, but it's really not that overwhelming. Mostly it talks about attrition rates for the food and beverage expenses and how to make payment for the deposit. It also includes a basic outline of the event - ceremony - cocktail hour - dinner - dancing and drinking. Frankly, it doesn't even tell me for sure what the deposit amount is. Some of the things I want cleaned up before I sign include the impact of changes to the menu, verifying use of certain facilities, and a clause about credit or refund of prepayment in the event of a hurricane/natural disaster (wedding is in August). Once I get it finalized, I'll post a copy.
  17. The pouches are actually ID badge holders (figured the size was right for key cards). They (and a whole bunch of other options) are here: Advantus Resealable badge holder, 2-5/8 x 3-3/4, vertical, prepunched, 50 per box - AVT75524 - 75524 at Wares Direct Melissa - where did you find yours?
  18. I went to Pie in the Sky back in 1994 or something and I still remember how good their cakes were!
  19. Hi Ladies! So, I'm thinking that one thing I'd really like to include in our OOT bags is some sort of pouch that will hold a room key and a bit of money for tips, all on a wrist strap. I have two options for pouches: One has a zip seal and is solid on one side, and is a little bigger than my other option. It costs $20 for 50 of them. The other is clear on both sides and doesn't seal, but I can get them from my office at no cost. Ultimately, it's $20 so no biggie. I figure I will line the pouch with a piece of paper printed with our logo so people can hide the contents (plus, more logo - yay!). Here is a photo of the one that seals: And this is the other: I found the wrist straps at OTC ($3/23) So, which would you prefer - the clear one that doesn't seal that will have the logo on both sides, or the one that seals with the logo just on one side?
  20. Generally, I think you'll find that if you have a #10 for the one you mail to them, and a #9 for the response card, you'll be in good shape. The #9 will fit in the #10.
  21. Oh yay!!!! I'm so glad you got your original time back!!!
  22. I'd go back to Italy. It was so fantastic! If you were a superhero, what would your name be?
  23. When you say "ever", do you mean "ever not"? Because I've pretty much been ready to strangle the WC, or the TA or someone (anyone?) for the last 6 weeks or so. Try this little ditty: We're getting married in August, in Mexico. And they want to serve us SOUP at dinner. Not gaspacho mind you, but an actual steaming hot bowl of soup. And when I asked if they could switch it to a salad, I got the whole "well, we don't normally do that..." Eventually she came around but JEEZ!
  24. I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this! Have you tried talking with her to see if you can convince her to come?
  25. I think they'll go great with the dress. Personally, I think a perfect match looks a little too cutesy anyway, so a very slight difference won't be noticed by anyone. And I love them!!
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