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Everything posted by becks

  1. It is absolutely time to ditch your TA. And if you're going to do that, don't call her about your questions - send them to the WC at Dreams directly. You don't want them getting confused.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece They look amazing! I have already done my STDs and invites but now I really want to make a passport of something! Are you gonna post your template? The original (old) template is posted here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13491 I'll work on getting the new one cleaned up a bit and get it posted as well.
  3. Hi Nikki: This thread is actually a month or so old. I've actually finished them and put the last one in the mail this morning. My original template is here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13491 I'm working on one that is a little more sophisticated and will post it when it's completed.
  4. The price I received for the DJ was higher than that, I think... Yes, just found my notes. I've got $1700 for the DJ for 4 hours (which includes all equipment). I've also got $450 for the sound system for 4 hours, but I'm thinking that's for all night... So, maybe the $1250 you have is the DJ, without the sound system, because $1250+$450=$1700
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 IImagine you are the leader of a group of 100people in danger (Jack on Lost). There are only 2 ways to safety. Option #1 - 90 people are guaranteed safety, but you know you will have to sacrifice 10. Option #2 Everyone will either die or survive--it's a 50/50 shot, all or nothing. Which option do you choose? Definitely sacrifice the 10. What is the oldest, rattiest piece of clothing you own and still wear on a regular basis? (I have an old pair of cut-off jean shorts - jeans were my brother's from high school - I still wear them to clean house)
  6. HIL-AIR-REE-OUS!!! I just about wet my pants... and I wasn't even there!!! What a great story - you'll remember this FOREVER!
  7. I just finished the last one - I'll put it in the mail on the way to work tomorrow! Yippee! I'm getting married!
  8. Hi Jess: We are clearly on the same planning calendar. I've just pulled mine back up again. I've only got info on one side - except for the RSVP postcard which will have our address on the back. Mostly it's because I don't want people to miss anything if they don't look at the backs.
  9. Elisa was away the first part of last week - but they've been pretty good lately. Of course, whenever I want something in a hurry, I call. And they almost always get back to me the same day. For me, it's not too bad because I have Vonage and I can call Mexico for free - but thank heavens because it would be sooooo expensive otherwise. Back to the timelines... now that I've gotten my STDs out, I don't have a project to keep me out of trouble, so if you want me to, I'd be happy to design something for you. Just let me know what sort of thing you might be thinking of.
  10. Yippee! They countered!!! We're still miles and miles apart, but at least they didn't reject the offer out of hand! Woo hoo!
  11. Get lots of rest. And if your throat bothers you (I assume it's strep throat), get a warm mist humidifier or spend lots of time in the shower with the bathroom door closed. The moisture will help - and might keep your voice from getting raw - we don't want ANYTHING interfering with your ability to say your vows!!! And get some rest!
  12. What do you mean by timeline? Something to give to your guests? I don't, but Alyssa did a nice one for her bridesmaids.
  13. Thanks ladies! I don't yet know when we'll hear about a counter (or better, an acceptance!)Offers in NY are a bit weird in that they don't have an expiration date... so could be tomorrow... could be next week. I'm hoping for tomorrow!!!
  14. When we were there she said we could go as late as 2:00AM. By the way, they'll let you use their sound system for $400 for the night - just bring your iPod.
  15. After looking for the better part of a year, FI and I have finally found a house we like and put down an offer. We went low, and are hoping that they will now counter. So cross those fingers for me and send me some of that good-luck karma, because I LOVE this house. And if we get it, you're all invited to come visit!!
  16. Yay! Congratulations - you both are very deserving!!
  17. I'm so sorry! What a terrible day for you! Hugs and prayers...
  18. I'm still in the every-other-day freak out mode. And I think it's normal. If you think about it, none of us are in control because we aren't on site, can't double check everything, and are reliant on Perla and Elisa who don't realize that we want a response approximately 1.3 seconds after we hit a send button. So, yes, I'm totally prone to the panic, but I recognize it for what it is.
  19. So, I just took a quick look at his webpage. My 10 y/o niece takes better shots with her disposable camera than some of those... Wow. No wonder the spam...
  20. Woohoo! I got them done... FINALLY! Mostly it was about getting the hotel and date finalized. And I actually managed to get them printed and cut in one day. Now I just have to assemble the rest of them with the ribbons and magnets. Many thanks to Natasha for sharing hers - I pilfered the signature page from her, plus a couple of stamps. The rest? Well, it's amazing what you can do when you wake up at night worrying about your resort... The seal on the front is actually a magnet, attached with my new most favorite adhesive EVER: Tombo Mono removable adhesive - basically it's a very thin line of rubber cement and works like a CHARM. And I included a picture of it, too! So, we'll see just how badly FMIL reacts, but I LOVE THEM and I don't care if she doesn't think they're appropriate! Cover: Detail of the magnet: Inside:
  21. Wow Stephanie!!! You look so beautiful!! I'm so glad you found the dress you love!
  22. I love the New Basics Cookbook. A little of everything, and all of it easy and straight forward. Oh, and the corn chowder is about my favorite thing EVER!
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