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Everything posted by becks

  1. So, I called mom last night. Told her I felt like she was lukewarm on many of the wedding things and asked her what I could do to involve her more or if there was anything bothering her. Her answer was that everything was fine, and that she didn't need to be more involved. Then she told me some story about the dog and said she had to run. I am so calling her tomorrow morning and making her talk to me!!!!
  2. I finally stopped by B&N and got my copy. I had a "few" minutes before I absolutely had to get to bed last night and put it down after chapter 5. Oops.
  3. I'd watch the sunset on a western beach of some tropical island, then wander over to watch the sunrise from the other side.
  4. Go to file, page setup, and then select margins. Increase it a bit. My suggestion is to print on blank paper, then put a sheet of the labels in front and check the alignment in front of a lamp or something. At least that way you won't waste all your labels getting the alignment right.
  5. Sounds like things are sorted. But I really do think you should have a conversation with her and explain the havoc she created. (a) you might get a bit of a discount, and ( if nothing else, she'll learn.
  6. I'm so sorry. Honestly, as much as I miss the idea of a bridal party, I'm also glad in so many ways that I don't have one. Have a talk with her, tell her how you feel. Hopefully she'll step up. As a plan B, is there another BM that you could turn to?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Melissa Radolli Becks I love your website (and I may be copying your test your Spanish section!) Awesome job! I can't take full credit. The really silly ones came from a sheet that Ann put together a while back. Take a peek (search for spanish phrases), there are some absolutely hysterical ones in there...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by GettinhitchedDC $200 a head isn't all that bad. Do you mind if I ask what that includes? The ceremony, the cocktail hour with sound system (may still revert to DJ), dinner in one of the restaurants, and dancing after. I'm not doing much in the way of flowers - total budget there is about $500. The dinner in the restaurant got tricky - if you're getting married in low season (Aug/Sep), they will allow you to book the Capri or Mexican restaurants for a private party. We however wanted the French restaurant and that got expensive - and it's not in the $200 per, above.
  9. I'm sorry. And I think it's safe to say that we've all been there. So, take his ass with you to the stationers. Make him sit there with you until he (a) concedes that what you picked out first was better than all the others or ( you find the missing book of samples that you both love and are totally delighted with. Because, seriously, it will end up being (a) or (.
  10. So true; so true! Now, I have to go wipe the laughter tears off my face.
  11. I love my mom. I think she's great. All through my life, she's been my #1 supporter. But lately, particularly with regard to wedding stuff she's been so ho-hum and sometimes downright negative. I don't get it. But regardless, it's ticking me off! Would a bit of enthusiasm kill her?? For example, one of my best friends is going to throw me a shower. It's going to be in LA, in June. I'm flying in from NY. My mom is in Seattle, so I get that it's not totally convenient, but its a 2.5 hour flight. When my friend called to ask what a good weekend would be, my mom told her she wasn't sure she was interested in attending!!!! It's not like I'm having 4 showers or something. This is it! And yesterday, I sent my sister, sister-in-law and my mom some photos of shirts I was thinking of for my nephews and dresses for my nieces. I'm not having a bridal party, but this way, they will all feel like they are a special part because they all get matching clothes. And my mom responds that she thinks it's silly to have them match and I'm sounding like my stepmother (who dresses all the girl grandkids alike at Christmas). I mean JESUS! It's not about being all matchy-matchy, it's about making them feel like they are special and a special part of my wedding despite the fact that I don't have bridesmaids and flower girls. It just all ticks me off. Grrrrrr! Thanks for letting me vent.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nenamono Becks You have Vonage, so do we but I had no clue we get free calls to Mexico. Is it based on a certain package (I didn't sign up FI did). I have never called Perla but might start if calls are free. So exciting. Thanks for offering to help with the Timeline. I think I'm good I just discovered Microsoft Publisher and although we have had our bad times I'm really getting into it. LOL. I will let you know if I need any help though, thanks so much for the offer. Sorry, I missed this the other day. With Vonage, it does depend on the package. We have the basic, but we added the Latin America plan in January it's $15 per month or so, but that way there are no surprises. I think with the basic package it's $0.18 per minute or something - so I can call Elisa and Perla for 2 hours over the course of the month and it costs me nothing extra. By the way, I just checked - I got Elisa's voice mail last weekend, and that (because of the switchboard, etc.) took 4 minutes. In my mind, the ability to call anytime I want is totally worth it.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by neen Melissa - thanks for being honest. I wasn't even sure what I would do after photos all dressed up in a white wedding gown waiting for the reception to start. So I think we'll ultimately have to have cocktail hour from 4-5 and start the reception at 5pm. What do you guys think of really having JUST cocktails at the cocktail hour and not food since dinner is going to start at 5? Is that tacky? Its not a money thing, its a hunger point thing. And to be clear, I'd rather have nothing or a lot of cocktail food versus just a crudite platter (i just think that would look cheap). Again, thoughts I agree, you either have to have a lot of food or none. But, maybe some sort of signature drink would be fun, too, and then maybe people wouldn't be focusing on dinner. I'm sitting here brainstorming a bit. What about some pre-dinner dancing? Or enough live music to fill the time gap and keep people busy. Another thought, if you have a bunch of kids going, you could also do something like a pinata. Everyone could watch and that could easily fill 45 minutes or so.
  14. Oh! Totally forgot to tell you! FI okayed the web site - yippee! I'd love your thoughts before FI's family start looking at it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by GettinhitchedDC Hi there! I am also considering the Paradisus Riviera. I looked at reviews on Tripadvisor and I heard some people say that they felt like the resort "nickel and dimed" them on everything. Are you feeling at all like that? What is the wedding coordinator like? Do you feel like she is responsive and that all your needs are being met? Thanks so much for your help! It is SOO hard finding the right place! The costs do add up. There's no way around it. But, at the end of the day, we figured $200 per head for the wedding stuff, and that's about right (not including travel and our hotel rooms). I think the WCs are great - and they have good suggestions. They don't necesarily respond as fast as we'd like - but usually within 48 hours or so, which from what I can tell is pretty much standard in the RM.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by neen ooh - good idea becks about the mexican terrace with a waiter! if we wind up having a cocktail hour, that's where we'll have it. so here's my new question. if we have the ceremony from 3:30-4pm, can we give guests the next two hours on their own before regrouping for the reception dinner at 6pm? i know that's weird, but the only reason i'm asking is because i don't want to start the reception at 5pm because that just seems too early to start dinner...and i don't want a two hour cocktail hour. thoughts I can see how a 2-hour cocktail party might not be what you want, but yeah, dinner at 5 seems a bit early-bird-special-y for me. It's not ideal to have them do their own thing, but I don't know that there are other options, either... it's not as if you can suggest a volleyball tournament or something when everyone will be dressed. Melissa - what are you thinking of doing? Your ceremony is in the 3:30 range, too, right?
  17. Ooh. Steel drums! I like that idea! I need to get hold of Elisa or Perla and get moving on the music and photog thing. With regard to your welcome dinner, Perla told me that they would be happy to block a space for us at either the Mexican or the Buffet. We were thinking that we'd also reserve the patio area (the fountain by the little gazebo) for a cocktail function and just hire a waiter for an hour to pop around the corner to the lobby bar for us. Certainly saves a bit of $$. The welcome dinner won't be as fancy, but at least we'll all be together.
  18. Your dress is gorgeous!! I'd go with the 10. Alterations will be so much more affordable, too.
  19. Morgan, as always, you surpass us all. They are beautiful!
  20. NOTE: These templates have been removed and will not be shared from this time forward... This is an information-only thread. Do not PM Becks requesting the templates or you may be suspended. Here are a few photos of my finished product:
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sm316217 These are so great! I love them! I'm working on some passport invites to my wedding shower now and I'm trying to figure out what to mail them in. Have you shopped for envelopes yet? Where are you getting yours? My passports fit perfectly (snug, but nicely) in a 4 Bar envelope (3 5/8 x 5 1/ - as they were 3 1/5 x 5. I got them at my local stationer/paper store, but you can buy them from just about anywere - envleopments.com, papersource.com, etc.
  22. Yeeesh. That does add up. We're still not sure whether we will be DJ-ing it or iPod-ing. I guess we'll figure it out closer to the date.
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