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Everything posted by becks

  1. Hi Celina, I'm just getting caught up here... I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. I hate to say it, but I know what it's like to have a family member turn on you like that. I had an uncle that did something like that to my parents when I was in college, and with the exception of a few words following my grandfather's death, I haven't spoken with him at all. I think the same is true of all of my immediate family. I think your conclusions and the advice that most of the people are right. You need to cut her out of your life. That sort of unpredictability and negativity just aren't worth it. And suggest that she seek counseling. Do it in a way that doesn't make her feel like she was wrong to be protective of your daughter, but just that her immediate assumption that there was a situation of abuse, and her disinclination to discuss it with you like an adult, makes you think that there might be some things in her life that need to be dealt with and a professional could help.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Here's a pic finally...Becks is still fantabulous Yay Jamie - I'm glad you liked it! I totally had to sneak the Sabres tattoos into the house, and surreptitiously sneak them into the box. FI would have had a heart attack if he'd known!
  3. It got even better!!! Yari is the BESTEST secret bunny! Somehow, my secret bunny gift was separated into two packages, so when I got home from spending the weekend with the FILs, look who was waiting to welcome us back! She's soooo cute!
  4. I've got the same suggestion as previously. This is fun!!!
  5. Sarah is doing them now - check out her post here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14940 Or her website here: Sproullie Designs | Custom Photobook Design, Monograms, Invitations, etc.
  6. Seems to me that you need to just sit down with her one-on-one and explain to her that you're getting the sense that being a bridesmaid isn't something she's able to take on right now and let her know that if she wants to change her mind, you can find another role for her in the wedding. Let her be in charge of the guest book. No accusations, no reprimands. Tell her you know it's a lot of work, expense, etc., and that for a lot of people being a bridesmaid isn't always comfortable. Make it easy for her to back out, because it sounds like that's what you really want - to have her not be a bridesmaid and still maintain your friendship.
  7. Make yourself a to-do list. You can find some online (the knot, etc.), then customize it - add all the little things you want to do and start putting in realistic dates for YOUR wedding, the way you work, etc. That will help you stay on top of things. If you want to see mine, PM me with your e-mail and I'll forward a copy.
  8. But wait. Are they serious about not wearing the sheer corseted midriff dress? ...crap... I gotta go shopping....
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan nothing says "Merry Christmas" like some sex coupons made with a dirty font That is hysterical!!!
  10. It's a great idea! Particularly if the rooms have a CD player.
  11. Cover Girl Outlast. I've used it for years and years. It's inexpensive, but it works really well. Stays on all day. Wear it a few times before the wedding so you get used to it, but I swear by the stuff!
  12. Hello fellow August Brides! (And Maura, my wedding day twin!) I have (don't laugh) a 102-item to do list. Currently I've got 29 done and have the remaining 73 to go. If you want to see it, PM me and I'll e-mail you a copy. Big things that are Done!! Big things left to do: Finalize menus Finalize ceremony and reception decor (mostly flowers and chair bows) Arrange photog (to do in the next 2 days) Sort out music (iPod vs. DJ) Book hair appointments Dress fittings Arrange welcome dinner and activities for day before Arrange transfers to hotel for family Finalize design for formal invites (boarding passes) OOT bags Arrange at home reception Do something about announcements
  13. Let's see, how can you tell him this nicely... How about: "you're not only NOT at the back of the line, you're not even IN line." or "Right, sure, and while you're working on that, why don't you get some help from Santa and the Easter bunny?" or "Too bad. So sad" I could go on. Feeling a little feisty today...
  14. Those are GREAT! Your guests are going to be so touched. Excellent work Sarah!
  15. No chair bows are included. I'm thinking of bringing my own - who cares what you do with them after, they are still cheaper! Make a scrunchie for your hair, sew thiem into little bags and give all your Xmas gifts in them. I'm trying to find some that I like on e-bay.
  16. We used to get a quarter. And if there was a filling in it, we received a demand notice for $0.25. My tooth fairy didn't mess around.
  17. Can you take the veil to the store where you got your dress and see how they look? I can't imagine the store would care, especially given what you probably paid for it. That's what I did with my shoes...
  18. For what it's worth, I probably spent a total of 20 hours designing my passports totally from scratch. The printing, assembly and stapling took about one day, and I did 50 of them for about $100 including all materials, postage and tools. If you need a hand, by all means, let me know.
  19. My favorite prank dates from my college dorm days. Having had bathrobes disappear while showering, condoms placed over doorknobs, etc., several of us girls removed the partitions from the guys bathroom stalls - we left the doors - just took out the walls that separate one toilet from the other. So it looked normal until you opened the door and saw 5 other guys "attending to business". Good times. Good times... Of course, when they put them back up, they used those "only screws in" screws. Party poopers!
  20. Perla's e-mail is [email protected] If the package has most of what you want, then you're probably okay. On the other hand, if you're customizing a little bit of everything, have someone price it out with the Wish package. Melissa and I both found it to be about $1000 cheaper. In other news, having just booked our plane tickets to go down in May, FI and I arrived home last night to a wedding invitation for the same weekend. A wedding we really can't skip. So, tickets are cancelled and we're looking for a different weekend. We may end up there for your wedding after all Michelle!
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