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Everything posted by becks

  1. wow. Great dress!!! The shop will be able to help with the whole cup thing.
  2. It could be the BC. On the other hand, I think it's pretty common that women get comfortable and their sex drives drop a bit. I've got a good 14 years on you and I've found that almost universally, once you get really, really comfy with someone, that edge isn't as strong. Frankly, as long as the idea of sex isn't off-putting (ie., you dread it) you're fine. If you're really concerned talk to your Dr about it. She can change your BC, take you off of hormone BC (read: switch to condoms). [bTW, I went off the pill and switched to condoms and nearly killed FI with my renewed interest.] If in point of fact you're turned off by the idea, there may be some imbalance that can easily be corrected with a change in BC or other hormone replacement, but your Dr can tell you for sure.
  3. Have a wonderful time! Take lots and lots of pics, because you know we'll be here waiting for them! Congrats!!!!
  4. becks


    and congratulations! You'll find tons of great information here! I'm getting married at the Paradisus Riviera Cancun, so I'd encourage you to put it on your list of possibilities.
  5. becks

    new bride!

    and congratulations! You'll find all kinds of great information here! I'm getting married at the Paradisus, and like Missy, I'm a wee bit biased toward it. You should DEFINITELY marry there! =)
  6. and congratulations! You'll find all kinds of great information here!
  7. becks


    and congratulations! You'll find all kinds of great information here! I'm getting married at the Paradisus Riviera Cancun and highly recommend it!
  8. and congratulations! You'll find all kinds of great information here!
  9. becks

    newbie here

    and congratulaitions! I'm sure you'll find all kinds of information here!
  10. Hi Danielle: Stopped by Jam on my way to the post office. The product is made by Janco Line, item number SL530. By the way, it is slightly too large for a #10 envelope (the envelope flap won't fold on the fold line - the folder sticks out a tiny bit too much). The are really cute, and also come in fushia and turquoise. If you buy 100 they are $1.75 each.
  11. If Lindsay doesn't work out, send me a PM and I'll give you the name of our TA - she's in Toronto. Don't ask me why we're using a TA in Canada....
  12. Thank goodness for Joe! Even if you really do want them, you don't want to be cutting them yourself... they always end up WAY too short!
  13. Wow. Just... wow. You look amazing!!! I can't believe it's already here!!! I'm sure your wedding will be fabulous! And I'm secretly hoping FSIL trips on the runner and does a face plant in the sand!
  14. When do we get a new book? I just finished the book Yari sent for secret bunny and I'm so excited for another BDWBC book!
  15. So exciting!!! When do you leave? Is there anything we can do? By the way, my TA is a STAR - she convinced the Paradisus to comp us rooms in the Royal Service since that's where we're staying for the wedding! Woo hoo!
  16. Any news? I'd be freaking out. I know FI's coat and pants are in the closet, because I put them in there myself, but I am so going to check them again when I get home!!!
  17. Yay Kate's back!!! I hope you get really great news on the job. Your hotel looks really nice! Now we just have to find that ring!!
  18. Yay!!! I'm so glad you had fun! Your pics are great!
  19. Betsy - they look GREAT!!! I love the program on it! How many did you make, and how much room did they take up? I'm going to need about 50 and am afraid I'll need an entire suitcase for them all.
  20. I love it up! So elegant! Plus, if it's hot and humid, you'll be so much more comfortable.
  21. I like #3 best - and with it being reversible you'll be able to carry it again. Of course, I love the sari fabric, too. I'm no help at all!!!
  22. Excellent choice - I love that song! and no one will ever say it was cliche!
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