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Everything posted by becks

  1. to the forum, and congratulations! You'll find tons of great info here. Let us know how we can help!
  2. to the forum, and congratulations! You'll find tons of great info here. Let us know how we can help!
  3. to the forum, and congratulations! You'll find tons of great info here. Let us know how we can help!
  4. Can you take one and try to steam open the envelope? I've got no idea what's really involved, but maybe that would be an option. Otherwise, honestly, I'd re-do them. People won't look and will put the RSVP in the mail, and they'll never make it to you. Plus, you know they won't put a return address on them, so they'll just end up in USPS pergatory.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Thats funny Becks....I txted her and we were txting and I said sleep b/c I know I didn't I don't think she was either. Then my hubby went to Taco bell and my stupid iphone I didn't switch over to his txts so I txted "get me a drink" and I sent it to her accidentally OOPS!!! She's probably like ...um ok? Classic! I do stuff like that all the time. She and I were exchanging notes about rum punch, so I'm sure that's what she was tinking about!
  6. Oh Michele!!! You look so AMAZING!!!! You've got a great figure and that dress is gorgeous!! Now I really wish I was going to be at the PRC for your wedding!!
  7. Hi Tami - I vote for a glass of wine. And, as much as I know you don't want to do it. Take a day off - no wedding anything. No planning, no DIYing, just leave it. You'll feel better. And in the meantime, what can I do to help? I'm good with the hang tag thing - and I've got lots of card stock, a great color laser printer and Fedex is just downstairs. I'd be happy to put them together for you if you want to point me in the right direction. I even have a 2" circle punch if you want round ones!
  8. Yay! Congratulations!!! We missed you while you were away!
  9. Morgan to the rescue - again!! Seriously, we need to have a cape and mask added to the gifts so we can award them to our heroes!
  10. We're figuring around 50. Maybe a few more, maybe a few less. I've ordered my bouquet from Angels, along with my hair flowers (little tiny single jasmine on hair pins that I can tuck here and there - so excited!!). I won't have them until late May or early June, but I'll share when I get them. But frankly, the bouquet included with the package is white roses - totally not me. And the cost for something more colorful was $100 so I figured what the heck - I'll use Angels, and the price was the same!!
  11. Wow. Just catching up with this now. Sounds to me like it's time to cut the ties. She's undermining your wedding, doing it last minute, and in advance of yours. She doesn't return your calls, and still wants you to take her engagement photos? Where I come from we don't call people like that "friends". Send her your price list. The special one - like they do with tourist menus.
  12. The problem with Dramamine is that it's an anti-histamine (like benadryl), so if an anti-histamine makes you sleepy, Dramamine is going to do exactly the same. Bonine (meclazine) gets mixed results - it's a histamine receptor blocker (pretty much the same as an antihistamine). My best friend swears by it, but if I even see the box, I'm out cold. Also, it enhances the effects of alcohol, so if you're drinking and taking bonine, you're going to be really sleepy. Check with your MD, or try the bracelets. Or, if you're not really that prone to motion sickness, just keep some bread or other starchy food around and if you get a little ooky, eat something.
  13. 1. See above for Vinegar question... I love the balsamic, but rice vinegar is so fabulous 2. What do you look for in a salad dressing? I want something familiar but unique - I love vinegrettes made with sesame oils or somthing to add a hint of difference. Also - dressings that are "overengineered" (or appear to have too much going on in the name) tend to put me off 3. How important is packaging?Let's be honest - if I don't see it; I won't buy it. But once I've tried it and love it, you could put it in an old, beat up sports bottle and I wouldn't care. 4. How much do you usually pay for a gourmet type salad dressing?Anywhere from $4-$7, but I'm in Manhattan where everything is 30% more expensive 5. anything else you can think of? Low fat/low carb is good if you can manage it without wrecking the taste.
  14. New book! Yippee!!! I sent a note to Heidi, too, just to make sure she had a chance to pick it up at the airport.
  15. So exciting!!!! Congratulations!! I love Yari's idea for telling Daddy! I think the rule of thumb is not telling anyone other than Dad until the second trimester.
  16. No favors for us - our OOT bags are going to be filled with some more substantive things - hats mugs, picture albums, pool floats, etc, plus we'll have fans at the ceremony so we figured favors would just be more stuff to lug around.
  17. Tea length and not strapless and not halter? It's going to be tough. I searched and searched for tea length. Then I tried on one that was full length and fell in love with it. Go figure. Check out these websites: Alfred Angelo : Find your dream dress : wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, prom dress, flower girl dress and more... Bridal and wedding dresses, prom gowns and bridesmaid dresses from Mori Lee Alfred Angelo's web site is down, or I'd have posted some pictures, but he has a couple with straps. I can't remember if Mori Lee does or not.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi I say pick on in the next few hrs so I can pick it up before we go to the airport!!! Oh that's right!!! Someone pick a book quick!!! Heidi - if you want, PM with your cell number and I'll text you if we get a book picked between now and your departure time!
  19. Go for it. You know you're wanting to, so why the hell not? You've got a year to let them grow if you decide you hate them before the wedding. And I think bangs would be smashing on you!
  20. Oh Alyssa - I'm SO glad to hear that you're not flying Aloha! That would just be totally unfair! How go the new plans?
  21. There was another thread on this. Abbie (works for an airline) says its absolutely a no-go. Sad, because I'd love to have them!
  22. I vote for picking a new one tomorrow! Those without a suggestion have had 2 days, it's not a long time, but on the other hand, if we've got 8-10 to choose from, it's a pretty big pool.
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