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Everything posted by becks

  1. Oh, Yari! I'm so glad to hear he's okay!!! Or at least he is until tomorrow!
  2. Technically, this is correct. However... (1) some individual cruise lines will require passports, regardless of the immigration policies; (2) if you miss your boat and need to take a plane to catch up to it at the next port you cannot do so without a passport; (3) If your cruise departs or arrives from outside the US and you are flying to get there or home, you must have a passport to do so. Generally, if you have time to get a passport, get one.
  3. I'm sure he's fine. He probably left his cell phone somewhere and is quietly panicking because he knows you're going to give him hell for not checking in. Keep us posted!!!
  4. I really think you ought to do your site visit in August - early August. Perhaps the weekend of the 9th...
  5. I booked my photographer. Bought my shoes, ordered the dresses for the nieces, shirts for the nephews and the dads/brothers. Bought FI's suit and ordered my bouquet Not bad, really. Now I'm just trying to find a house!
  6. Hi Tami: I'm so glad to hear things are a bit better!!! I didn't want to do my work this morning, so I played around with your hang tag idea. I know your colors are orange and blue. Here's what I came up with: They are all in the attached file - the font in the first and third is pentweaks2, which I've also attached in case you want to edit anything.
  7. My FI is an olympic class snorer. And the most bizarre thing of all is that I sleep right thru it. And I am such a light sleeper! I actually tell people that I knew I was supposed to be with him because I can sleep thru his snoring!
  8. The basic chair with the white covers are included (as many as are included in your package, which is 6 for the Wish). I don't have my notes on the price per additional basic chair but I think it's $3, and that includes the white cover. The other chairs are rentals and are brought in. For what it's worth, FI and I both sat in the basic chair and found them pretty comfy. The swatch book is HUGE. You want it, they can get it. Lots of colors, lots of fabrics.
  9. Good article. I needed it - I've GAINED three pounds since Easter!!! Ugh. So now I've got 8 to lose instead of the 5 I thought I had left. Stupid chocolate bunnies.
  10. I like the mango and the coral. But if just one, then I say the mango.
  11. I love #1!! Check to see if there's a trunk show/sale in your area anytime soon. They ususally have some fairly good discounts.
  12. Oh. That is SO. NOT. FUNNY. And that is why I'm about to send it to all of my friends!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kimkeathley I am going to try to attach the contract that SWANK sent me, but it's for 4 hours... this is just insane!! I'll keep reading to see what you find out about Mannia... I also have some other contacts out there that are checking some other DJ's... i'll let you know what I find out! I just looked at your contract - a couple of things jumped out at me. First, I think the difference between what you're being quoted and what the rest of us have heard/seen is the lighting, which amounts to about $635. Did you ask for that specifically? Also, the set up and break down fee - why is it .7 days? If a day is 8 hours, and this is just for set up and break down why, then, do they need him there for 5.6 hours? Also, before you agree to anything, call him back and ask him to explain everything on the contract to you and how you can get the costs down. Perla specifically told me it would be around $1700 for four hours. You can always tell him that he's just too expensive and you're probably not going to have any choice except to use your iPod and see if he won't come down in price.
  14. Cozumel is hit and miss on the beaches. There are a few beaches (some very, very nice) on the leeward side of the island, but anything facing open ocean is just rocks. I called the Coz Palace, too, because I just couldn't believe they'd build a high end resort with no beach, but no. Not even a few grains of sand. On the other hand, if you wanted to stay there, you might be able to do your ceremony somewhere else on the island (beachy) and then have the celebration back at the hotel. I'm sure the hotel's WC would be willing to help arrange things, or point you to someone who could.
  15. So glad to hear that he got over it. And sorry about the GD. I'm sure all will be well.
  16. Oh, Kim! I'm so sorry! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad you had a chance to talk with her and say goodbye. As always, let us know if you need anything!!!
  17. Wow! So pretty!!!! I love it! You'll have to show us photos of YOU in the dress when it's in!
  18. Turn the temp down on the water heater. The shower should be just hot enough at full heat to shower in - any more and its a whole lot of $$ you spend to keep the water hot until you need it. Packing lunches - and also buying larger sizes and dividing them up into smaller portions (rather than buying the convenience size). Also, make sure your utilities/cable/internet/cell phone are the best available packages - no point in paying for 3,000 minutes on the phone when you only use 1/2 that!
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