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Everything posted by becks

  1. I gave myself 8 months, put together a intensely detailed to do list, and I'm spending a ton of time looking for houses and other things - you can do it. My one suggestion is to not get to focused on the little stuff - and do things that will make it easy - DIY projects that take a day or two rather than a week... If it's too intricate or complicated, go a different route. And other than that, the hotel can take care of just about everything else.
  2. When you say "can't zip it" is it just like the top inch or two of the zipper, or is it all the way down? Could she zip it up as high as it goes, pin it so the zipper doesn't slip, and tuck the loose corners in? Maybe a pashmina to cover up the back?
  3. Oh, Denise! I'm so sorry you're going thru this! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it's just one of those situations others have mentioned. The doctors don't have a baseline to work with for you, so they are probably just being ultra cautious. Keep positive thoughts, do what it takes to distract yourself. Come and vent, share your fears or whatever. We're here for you, and you are in our prayers and thoughts. Big hugs!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl Becks-If you're willing to lend me yours ( I could buy it if you would like me to), that's be great. But if it will cost too much time/trouble to ship, I can just order one. The company is actually located about 3 miles from my office & with free shipping right now, that may be the easiest thing to do. I would love to have you borrow it! I'll PM you now.
  5. I still have a clear starfish that is available immediately if anyone would like it! I'm borrowing Morgan's so mine is available to play with you!
  6. Hi Steph!!! Welcome to the party! We're all having so much fun! Give us a few seconds and we'll have your whole wedding planned for you!
  7. Tammy - you are my hero! I don't know how you do it. I'd never be able to let any of the beasties leave. Elsie is a very lucky girl to have found you!
  8. I don't know what airline she's booked on, but can she fly to the connecting city the night before and then take the first flight out in the AM? I know that my family coming from Seattle is connecting either in LA (on Alaska), Phoenix (US Air) Houston (on Continental), or Dallas (American). I would think there would be late night flights to each of those that she could take.
  9. Oh Mo. I am so very very sorry to hear your news. I know how excited you were, and when I saw the thread subject I was praying that you were going to say it was a false positive. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything at all, just ask. Big hugs and lots of tissues.
  10. Yay Betsy!!! Congratulations!!! Have the most wonderful time! Be sure to push your FSIL into the pool for me!
  11. This happens to me all the time!!! There are a group of little tiny women in my office, and they are always bringing treats! Drives me insane! I tell them all the time that I have a wedding dress to fit into and I don't appreciate their attempts to sabbotage my efforts. That and I keep a photo of my dress at my desk for when I need a little inspiration!
  12. I'm interested in the orchids if twelve_piece doesn't want them.
  13. Oh No!!!! I am SO sorry! Could you have the meal catered in from an outside caterer? Is there anything we can do to help?
  14. I've had numerous moles removed over the last 15 years or so - fortunately none of them have been problematic, but then again none of them has been "clean", either. If you feel like you need color, I can't encourage you enough to use a self tanner, or go to a salon and use a spray tan. I have several very fair-skinned friends that swear by the Jergens tanning lotions. Sunscreen is your friend! My derm tells me that a 20 is the lowest anyone should wear - anything less and you're fooling yourself into thinking you're protected. Be safe my BDW buddies! We like having you around!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR YAY! Way to go BECKS! I tried to convince FI that we should skip a wedding we need to attend on the 8th of Aug and go to Mexico - somehow it didn't fly! I went back and looked at the DJ Policy Perla sent me - $65 per hour (4 hour min). It also looks like there is a charge for Power (WTF!?) So, fly down the morning of the 9th - PLENTY of time!!!! Okay, wishful thinking, but I would love to have you!!! Carlos tells me that he needs 20 Amps, so only $50. But yes, the fees do add up. I've sent a note to Elisa asking her to confirm that the Paradisus does not charge anything in addition to the $65 per hour. We'll see what she says, but even then... it's still $300 cheaper than Swank. AND, Mannia's price includes the lights - for which Swank wants to charge Kim $600. Total savings is over $900!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristin113 ? I emailed the WC and she said that on the contract, it says that food/drink prices are subject to change. I was aware of this, but all along she told me that they never go up much, and that I should just expect a slight increase from the 2007 prices. This is alot more than a slight increase, it's almost 50% more!! Do you have any of that in writing - the the prices never go up much? Use that as a negotiating tool. Tell her that you'll accept a 10% increase, but no more (or whatever %). See if she'll work with you. Also, it may be that there is one dish that's driving the change - who knows, the price of coconut may have gone thru the roof and it's the coconut shrimp that's messing everything up. So talk with her and see what's driving the price change. Maybe you swap out the coconut shrimp for the shrimp scampi and all is back within range. But ask her to work with you, either on menu or on overall pricing. I'm sure she'll do what she can. In the meantime, see if you can find a different place to have as a backup plan. Good luck! Keep us posted!
  17. DJ Update!!!! So, I received an e-mail from Carlos yesterday - he's gotten the necessary insurance to allow him to DJ at the Paradisus. $750 for 5 hours (base rate). More if you want a dancefloor or fireworks. I'm now need to figure out how much the Paradisus or Swank are going to charge me to have him there. I believe it's $65 per hour for Swank, but I'm not sure if it's also $300 for the outside vendor fee. Either way, I think I'm going that way because I've heard that Swank is fairly mediocre.
  18. I actually like D best - my thoughts being that in A and B, the top tag where the punch is may tear because its not integrated into the rest of the tag, and C is pretty, but I think you're going to hate cutting out that rippled edge.
  19. Yippee!!!! Makes you feel a bit all-powerful (or is that just me).
  20. Dum-dum-da-dum!!!! (that's me singing the wedding March) So many congratulations and best wishes to you both!!!!
  21. The dress is gorgeous!!! It will look great for your TTD!
  22. We registered for a very simple china pattern - Lenox Eternal. FI picked it out when we went to register. I'd actually walked right by it, and he picked it up and brought it over to where I was saying that he really liked it. I was totally shocked. He didn't get it until I explained that it was also my mom's china. We got a good laugh out of that one! Called my mom right from the store - she thought it was great and is now telling us that we'll inherit another 12 place settings when she's "done with it". and these accent plates:
  23. This is where you get FI to step in. You need to remember that this is your wedding, your day, your rules. But this is his family, and you shouldn't have to be the one bearing bad news. So have him explain to her that you want it small, you've invited a number of her friends, and that's it.
  24. Oh Brittney! I'm so sorry! This is not what you need before your wedding (or ever for that matter)! Chin up. You'll be in my thoughts.
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