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Everything posted by becks

  1. Excellent work - I love the slideshow!!!
  2. Outstanding!!! Now you've got $500 to spend on something cute and fabulous to wear by the pool!
  3. Not long at all. I'm looking at a ruler and guessing 1/16 of an inch, or 2 mm? Maybe a little longer.
  4. I LOVE mine!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I use the Braun Silk Epil Xelle. (Silk-épil Xelle - Epilation - Braun) Does it hurt? Hurt is a big word. It's not comfy, but it's not horrifically painful. Although if you're a shaver, it will hurt more than if you're a waxer. Bottom line, it pulls your hair out from the root, so it's not loads o'fun. And it takes longer than a wax, so while it's not as uncomfortable as a wax, the discomfort lasts a little longer. But it's great - and depending on your settings, and which head you use, you don't have to wait nearly as long as you do for a wax. I do my legs every week during the summer just to make sure they are totally smooth. I will caveat this - I do not use my epilator on my bikini line. That s**t hurts! I'd much rather go for a wax because it's over faster.
  5. Wow! Well... congratulations on you new and wonderful wedding date! I'm glad all the pieces worked! Now you just have to work on those pesky guests!
  6. Oh Maura... I wish there was an easy answer, but there's not. I think you're on the right track in demoting her without telling her. Whether it's that she just doesn't get it, or there's a bigger underlying problem, is hard to say. Either way, however, she is not meeting her responsibilities - she's not even trying. It's unfair to you, and it's unfair to your other BMs. So, demote her. Let her figure it out when (if) she gets to the wedding. Send the card to your BM, tell her how wonderful she's been, how much you appreciate her and let her know that she's your "real" MOH. Your mom's family may have a hissy, but so few of them will be there anyway, it won't make much difference. Besides, they'll probably be too busy complaining that your flowers don't match the color of the sunset or some crap like that to even notice. It's time for this to be about you and what you want. If your sis or your mom's family doesn't like it, too f'ing bad.
  7. Okay... um... Maura... you know how there are coincidences and then there are just wacky freaky things? My shower is on June 7. And my city hall wedding dress came in on Monday. It's all very spooky.
  8. You need to copy the link and just paste it into the presentation. Once it's pasted, hit return and it should become a hyperlink. If you want to change the name of the link (so what you see says "click here for video" or something), right click on the hyperlink, and change the box that says "Text to display" to read however you want. If the text doesn't automatically become a hyperlink, then highlight the text, right click and hit "add hyperlink" and repaste the web address there.
  9. Love your cake ideas! Mine are all beachy, so I don't have anything to share - but I love the ones with the ribbon!
  10. A thought - because I contemplated this for a friend of mine - get a couple of manicurists and or masseuses to come to your place and have a big PJ/Manicure/massage/girls night in. If you or one of your friends have your nails done regularly, have them check with the girls who do them. They would probably be amenable to coming and painting nails while you guys sit around in your comfees watching a bunch of romantic comedies and getting a little happy with some champagne.
  11. My goodness. The initials are the overwhelming (literally) winner! Thanks so much for all of your help!!!! I'm going to re-work them a bit so that they look a little more centered/even, but I'm so excited!!!
  12. It's really cute - I can't see the font very well, but I like the invites and the color combo. One thought, do you want your names in script or something to make them stand out a bit more?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl (note to self, return 7 foot long red and gold striped scarf you had planned on giving to rebecca in july..) I just love you Abbie!!!! By the way... when is your shower, I have a gift I need to send you.
  14. I like the flower in the water! But white might be nice, too. The rocks don't really strike me as particularly interesting somehow. I like the idea of the sea glass, though
  15. (sing it with me, ladies!) Happy wedding to Betsy! Happy wedding to Betsy! Happy wedding dear Betsy! Push your SIL in the pool! Congratulations! I'm sure it's going to be perfect! So happy for you!!!!
  16. Wow Martha! Great hair!!!! I love it and think it looks fabulous!!! I can't wait to cut mine off - probably just about like yours! I'm so jealous!!!! Fabulous... just fabulous!
  17. So, FI works in the financial industry. He has all of these lucite "tombstones" from deals that he's worked on, etc. So, I was thinking I'd put something similar together to commemorate our "merger". He could keep it on his desk at work without being all mushy. I have found a company that will do a single order - which got me very excited. It would probably say something along the lines of "...pleased to announce the merger of [us] on [wedding date], etc..." with our palm tree logo in the back. It would look something like this: So, what do you think? Cute? Stupid?
  18. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited you got it all worked out!! And the resort looks absolutely amazing!!! Your guests are going to be thrilled!!
  19. Could you tie the card onto the handles with a bit of ribbon? They are really cute!
  20. I once received a red and gold striped scarf, in a very loose knit - that was about (no joke) 7 feet long! Mind you, I was 33 or 34 at the time. Maybe if I were in college or a huge Harry Potter fan.... It went back to the store and was exchanged for a lovely handbag. I told the gift-giver that I'd left it on the underground in London, never to be seen again.
  21. I just realized... 4 MORE MONTHS UNTIL I'M A MARRIED WOMAN!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!
  22. Did he send you the outside vendor contract? I'll attach it here in case anyone needs it. But, essentially on a Friday or Saturday evening it's $65 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours for the supervision costs, plus power supply which can range from $50 to $200. I don't know anyone who has actually used him, but Stephanie (Lucy106) has booked him, and a couple of other people as well. Can't remember who off the top of my head. SwankAVSolMelia-Production Manual for Outside Vendors.pdf
  23. Oh. My. God. Maura!!!!! Can you believe it! I'm having a celebratory glass of wine tonight!!! Woo hoo. Me and Maura are gonna be Missesses in 4 months!!!!
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