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Everything posted by becks

  1. I loved making mine - I love the way they came out, I love the fact that I did them and knew that they would be unique in the world. I think you'll find that it will be more special to have made them yourself than to have purchased something. Chin up. Be proud of your creativity! And tell your FMIL to go pound sand!
  2. Wow Tami!!! Everything looks so wonderful! I'm so excited for you, I know your wedding will be perfect!
  3. becks


    Hi Trevor! Welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of great ideas here. And I'm doing my wedding at the Paradisus, which is right next door to the Excellence, so you should add that to your list, too. The WCs there are GREAT!
  4. Woo hoo! Look at all of us making progress!!! (and having showers all on the same day... which so very cool and... weird... all at the same time!)
  5. Maura - sheer genius!!! Love the Matron of Honor role for your BF!!!! Excellent!!!!
  6. Those are very cute. The silk flowers... not so much... but what a great idea!
  7. what a great deal!!!! I love that they are all different!
  8. That's so exciting!!! And how fun is it that there will be other BDW brides around while you're there!
  9. If he loves to travel, what about one of those nice travel document wallets? FI has one and won't travel without it. He loves his! If you want something more personal/substantial, you could fill it with coupons for things for the future - like dinner in Paris, a back massage in Phuket, a ski lift ticket in St. Mortiz, things like that... Here are a couple: This one is very affordable: Winn Travel Accessory - Business Collection Passport Travel Organizer 6480 - Luggage Online And this one is about the highest end you can find: ZIP TRAVEL ORGANIZER - Buy online at Hartmann.com
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Well at least you nipped it in the bud, can you talk to my gmom now for me? hehe Just PM me her phone number. I'll take care of it. Anyone else? Got someone who wants to bring a male relative to your all-girls shower? A bunch of random passers by who want to attend? Just send me their contact info, and I'll make a few calls... oh yeah!
  11. Start? I finished! My question is when do we get to discuss? And then when do we get to pick another? (I'm clearly in voracious reader mode.)
  12. I LOOOVE purging my closets and drawers! I don't know why, but at least once a year I have to have a good purge - anything that I haven't worn for a year - poof! - it's gone!
  13. Yay!!! Congratulations on the new digs!!! Can't wait for the pics! And the invite to the housewarming!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura that is so beautiful rebecca, i have tears in my eyes. i feel like such a sap! Oh, you're not alone. Try READING the damn thing in front of a group of people. EVERYONE was sniffling and I'm trying to get thru it without my voice cracking! I didn't make it, by the way.
  15. I agree with Alyssa - if you decide to discuss it with her, TELL her; don't ask. Otherwise the drama will run on forever. I'm still a fan of letting her find out when and if she gets to Mexico.
  16. I did a reading at a wedding once that I thought was really special. It was from "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams: "What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?" "Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real." "Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit. "Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt." "Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?" "It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
  17. Has anyone heard from Perla or Elisa in the last week or so? I've got at least 2 e-mails outstanding - they aren't that important, so I haven't called, but usually they get back within a week or so.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by calyx6 Pulling the skin taunt helps a bit. I should have mentioned this as well - the tauter you can pull your skin the better, because part of the pain comes from the tugging - and if your skin is pulled tight, the tugging is reduced. But, I'm glad to hear it got better. Personally I think the worst part is the expectation of the pain, and once you recognize it, it's not so bad. Although I still don't like doing the area just behind my ankle bone on the outside, somehow that's the most sensitive.
  19. Wow Heidi!!! Great review! I'm so happy that (food aside) it seems like everything was fantastic! Congratulations on becoming a Mrs!!!!!
  20. Okay, it's all undercontrol, but it's just so incredible (in the literal, nu-uh! no way! sense), that I simply have to share!!! I figured you could all use a good eye-rolling and head shaking giggle on a Friday morning. So one of my BFFs is throwing me a shower in LA (used to live there), and my beloved friends, mom, sis, and stepmom are coming in from all over the country to attend. We also invited two cousins from my mom's side (one of whom I love and one who I only vaguely remember) because they are in central California - they aren't invited to the wedding, but my mom thought it was important to invite them. Plus, she wanted some of her contemporaries there. Now, I get a phone call from the hostess - apparently everyone is all excited that me, my mom and my sis will all be in the area. My mom's cousin (the one I think I might remember) wants to bring her two daughters (my age), and my cousin wants to bring (brace yourselves...) my uncle. To. My. Shower. I don't even know the names of the daughters, and what the hell is my cousin thinking wanting to bring my uncle!!!! I just have no idea what these people are thinking!!! Who invites extras to a shower being thrown by someone they don't even know?!?!?! But, it's all under control - I called my mom and told her to reign in her family. That there was NO WAY my uncle was attending my (hello!) bridal shower, and that I really wasn't comfortable asking my dear friend to host two extra people that I'VE NEVER MET! So, she's going to arrange a family dinner one night, and the shower will go on without men and strangers. Anyone know what it costs to buy a clue these days? Sheesh!!!
  21. Yari - way to be a wonderful, supportive friend. I know a couple of people who have gotten into snits because their BMs got pregnant. Kicked them out of the wedding party, etc. To me, it's a time to celebrate!!!! And yes, it's really too bad she won't be able to make it to the wedding, but it's so exciting!!! If I can make a suggestion, you can do what one of my friends did when a BM got preggers and couldn't travel cross-country for the wedding. Get a picture of the sonogram or the "bump" and have a snap shot taken of you in your gown holding the photo. It's a sweet momento for your friend to know that the baby was virtually there.
  22. Ms Heeeeeetheeeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!! We want pics! You can't just tell us you bought them and NOT post pics!!!! TEASE!
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