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Everything posted by becks

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad that your memories of him are so wonderful.
  2. If it makes you feel any better, I'm at $70 pp. That being said, I've got all sorts of crazy special requests going on at that price. Can you make changes to the menu to keep the costs down?
  3. Wow Jenny!!!! Great dress!!!! You look amazing!!! I can't believe how well it fits for being a sample! Woo hoo! Yay for gorgeous dresses!
  4. I agree - tell her that you've become close over the last several months and she was your first thought. If it were me, I'd totally be touched! And if you're worried about her feeling like she needs to reciprocate, tell her that she doesn't and don't think twice about it.
  5. You've gotten some pretty good advice here, so I can't add much except to reinforce that FI has to take responsibility for this. He needs to be the one to set and maintain boundaries and to call T out when she oversteps them. Your job is to be sweet (to the point of nausea) to her, enforce the vision of your perfect relationship with FI around her (hold hands, smile little kisses, etc.) and to make sure that there's no idea in her mind that she bothers you in the least. Remember - she doesn't want FI. She only wants to know that she could if she changed her mind. So just make sure she knows that he's with you, he loves you and there's nothing in the world that will change it.
  6. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! And even if it doesn't happen Sunday, it will happen soon enough.
  7. Yay! Welcome home! We missed you! Now... about those pics...
  8. Congratulations on being a MRS!!!! It sounds like everything went wonderfully. But I was sort of hoping you'd push SIL into the pool. But, if that's the only disappointment, I'll live with it! Yay!!! Welcome back!!!! We missed you!!!
  9. Hi Melissa! I know this is tough, but stay positive!!! You're in my thoughts and prayers. My sis has a brain tumor that sits on her speech center - she's had it (they are guessing) pretty much since she was a toddler. She has very similar symptoms to what your cousin has - except that they impact her speech. She will just sort of "go blank", and a couple of minutes later, she's back with you and, while she's a little loopy (sort of like when you just wake up from a nap), she's perfectly fine. They call them neuro-motor seizures. She's pretty much fully functional during her seizure, except when it comes to speech - if she's cooking dinner, she continues to cook, etc. The one rule that she and her hubby have is that if she's driving she has to pull over and wait until she's all back to normal - just in case. She's been treated for her seizures (the symptoms) thru medication literally for as long as I can remember - probably since the first or second grade. And the meds are okay - they have gotten better thru the years, and while they aren't side-effect free, she manages just fine. Mostly they impact her short-term memory so that she has to write everything down so she doesn't forget things - like when to pick up her kids from their friends houses. Her tumor is malignant, but very slow growing. They didn't even really identify it as a tumor until she was just out of high school and starting college - sort of like your cousin. She had surgery about 15 years ago and they removed what they could of the tumor from her noggin. The speech center sits right in the middle of your brain, so they couldn't get all of it without doing damage. Then they treated her with radiation - I don't think they use chemo much for brain tumors because the drugs tend not to pass thru the blood/brain barrier in the head. Since then, the use the drugs to control the symptoms. They are thinking in another few years that they'll re-do the surgery just to make sure everything is as clean as it can be. But, the important thing is that sis leads a totally normal life. She graduated college, married, has 3 of the most adorable (and totally healthy) kids you'd ever meet. If in fact your cousin needs surgery, and if his brain geography is correct and the tumor is outside of his brain, they'll probably be able to take most of it with no problems. Plus, if he's been having seizures for several years, it doesn't sound like it's one of those devastatingly fast-growing tumors, which is really good news. If you want to PM me let me know - I'll be happy to put you or your cousin in touch with my sis, her docs or whomever. Big hugs!!
  10. Everything looks fantasic! You're going to have such a great time!
  11. Wow! Great hair!!! And such a cutie-patootie!
  12. Maura you need to stop now. Really. You're making the rest of us look bad! That being said, I've just confirmed our welcome cocktail hour and dinner arrangements, booked our DJ and have a trip down to finalize everything else in Mid-May. Woohoo!
  13. What a great organization! I lost two very good, young friends to breast cancer. It's a horrible, awful, rotten disease. It's great that your FI's cousin and her organization are giving people hope.
  14. Congrats on the new name! We will love you just as much with JennyK as we did with juicyJ.
  15. It's included. Just FYI, there's an extra charge for the lobster if you do surf and turf, but you get to pick from the regular menu. I'll attach it if you want to see it. Reef Grill Menu.pdf
  16. OMG that is horrifying!!!! Thank god they got the kids back to their right mommies!
  17. Wow are your babies SOOOOOO cute!!! And people are right - you are a great photograper! By the way, have you figured out plan A.3 sections 33-47 yet? Because I'm still stuck on A.2 sections 19-22.
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