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Everything posted by becks

  1. Yay!! Congratulations Tami!!!! Have the most wonderful day! Bring us pics!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Oh I remember hearing about the prostitution scandal. Wasn't this the prostitute that he was busted with? Don't worry, Niblet has a good head on his shoulders. OMG! I just found the prostitute-ferret's PIMP!!!!!!
  3. WOW Maura!!!! I LOVE your veils!!! Which veil with which dress? I have to get a photo of mine, but it's tucked away in a closet and I can't really get to it when my beloved is around.
  4. And we don't want him to start drinking!!! And keep away from the funky cult!! (we seriously need to have one of the mods change the title of this thread - to "Ferrets on Parade" or something)
  5. LeShay is getting married one week from today. I don't know when she was planning on travelling. Anyone? Missy's right - we need to send her off the right way!
  6. Hi Amy!!!!!! You ARE getting married a week before I am. SO very exciting!! How long are you staying after? I arrive on Wednesday afternoon (the 6th). By the way ladies, I met Michele for a drink after work the other evening - it was so much fun! She is GREAT!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Yep. There are things you just can't do after a certain age and you don't get those prime years back! I'm glad I had a blast before life got too serious, plus I have kick-ass stories too I've been put to shame! I thought I'd done all kinds of risque things in my life, but you ladies make me look like a nun! And I love you all the more for it!!!! I still love the fact that now that I'm an adult (well... I play one on TV), I have the memories of all the stupid things that I never would have done if I knew the things I know now!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl BECKS!!!! I received it inthe mail yesterday. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!! I can't wait until I can pass it on to another bride. For those who need one, I'll be back home the 2nd week in September, so I can send it to someone who has an October (or later) wedding!! Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hooray!!! I'm so glad she got there safely. Take good care of her, and make sure she sends me a postcard from Mexico!!! Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR My wedding is November 27 - could it make a third journey to me? I promise to send cards to both of you! Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl you've got it! I'll PM you. I just saw this!!!! How totally fabulous that my starfish gets to go to the Paradisus!!! (I sent mine to Susan b/c I'm going to borrow Morgan's). I love the fact that she is so dilligent about sending postcards to her brides! Ah, the little things make it all worthwhile!!
  9. I'm sorry!! And it's tough because you want everyone to be as happy and excited about your plans as you are. The reality that somone might not be isn't fun. But, my guess is that she will come around and be there just as you hoped. Just remember, she's had her wedding. This one is YOURS.
  10. As long as there are options for babysitters (and most hotels are willing to arrange them), then I think it's fine, especially if its important to you.
  11. First, ignore the reviews on tripadvisor - they are consumer written meaning that anyone who wants to complain has a forum to do so. If you want a more reliable review, (a) look for someone here who has recently been married there or ( check someplace like www.frommers.com; conde nast, or another large organization that isn't there just to lambaste your hotel just because their room service took 3 minutes longer to arrive than they were promised. Now, if the price differential is really what's driving your decision, then maybe it is something to consider. There's nothing wrong with moving your hotel, especially if you haven't sent out your STDs, and no one has booked. I wish I could give you insight into either resort, but I haven't been to either. Good luck!!
  12. They are beautiful! Of course everyone is raving about them. What else could they do??
  13. I'm wearing a halter as well. Mine's lace, so I've opted for no necklace as I think it will detract from things. If I was to wear one, it would be very simple - an elegant chain with a delicate pendant of some variety. I think the length should be just long enough that the pendant is framed in the v of the halter, just below your collarbones.
  14. Awwww. Tammy you are so intensely compassionate. I'm so sorry you'll miss Elsie. But she is so much better for the time she shared with you!!
  15. OH. MY. GOD. I love this thread. And niblet and suzanne!!!
  16. Welcome back!!!! Everything looked phenomenal! Your dress was gorgeous!!! And your mom is so cute all gettin her groove on!
  17. Yeah. We're thinking about the jazz trio for the cocktail hour, but that's a mighty expensive 45 minutes. So, we're going to meet with Mannia when we're down there and see what he says. We may end up having him DJ the whole thing.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Never have I ever been white water rafting. Never have I ever punched someone in the face
  19. Oh come on! Granparents celebrate 60th anniversaries every 60 years! I'm only getting married once! (that really is the most pathetic thing I think I've ever written) I know you won't be able to make it, but it would have been sooooo great! We'll have to plan a reunion tour next after we've all done our wedding things.
  20. Wait... was that nibblet I saw leaving me chocolate and colored eggs at my house a few weeks ago?
  21. No, no! Not laughing AT... more like laughing WITH... or NEAR. He's such a cutie and sooooo handsome in his tux!
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